[Question] Survey time!

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Coke or Pepsi?

Angelina Jolie or Jennifer Aniston?
Pepsi. While I actually like the taste of Coke better than Pepsi, I like the other Pepsi brand selections better than I do Coke's.

Angelina. Aniston plays way too many whiny bitch roles.
I really don't care. I'm not particularly fond of either, but I'll drink them if I need to. I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between them.

Aniston. Angelinas lips scare me.
Coke or Pepsi?

Angelina Jolie or Jennifer Aniston?
Coke, any day of the week.

Jolie or Anniston? That's hard to say, depending on circumstance. Which is a better actress? I've put them at about equal, though perhaps with a slight edge to Jolie.

Now, if it's the classic boff/date question, I'd date Anniston, she seems like a really kind, interesting person that would be fun to get to know better. But if it's just uncaring sex, definitely Jolie. She looks like a freak, and would do things that would leave you crying in the corner, never to speak of again.
I love Pepsi but it gives me intestinal distress. So I have to drink Coke if I want a cola.

And definitely Jennifer Anniston. She may not be the best actress and has played some mediocre roles, but she seems like she would be nice if we ever met.
I prefer Pepsi but my wife prefers Coke, so it's coke.

Jolie is nice to look at but I think I prefer the girl-next-door thing Anniston has going on.


Staff member
Grocery Store Generic Equivalent for 40% the price.

Second answer depends a lot on exactly what the question is. Marry? Schtoink? Hang out with? Have to listen to for extended periods of time?
I think Coke Zero tastes better than Pepsi Max, I'll probably also take regular coke over pepsi, but I like Pepsi's other brands better.

Also, Jolie.
Why not both?

*mixes Coke and Pepsi, drinks it*

*has Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston both turn him down*
Pepsi and Jolie.
-It's really an unfair comparison since there is no "Coke Throwback."
-Say what you will about either, I admire and respect Jolie's ability to Not Care What Anyone Else Thinks more than I am moved by Aniston's wealth or noteriety.

"bangability" was not a factor in this contest. Who would really want a play-by-play of how you compare to Brad Pitt all night? Just friends, thanks.

Oh damn, I forgot about Throwback. Did they ever do a Throwback rootbeer? I'd love to have some real sugar root beer. Though, I suppose I can get that from several of the small craft soda companies.
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