[Contest] Super Bowl Squares!


Staff member
The explosion was about 10 blocks away. I was at work and knew nothing about it until about 15 minutes ago when the news came on.


Staff member
Amazingly, the squares were filled within 24 hours of my opening it up and sending out the link. This is a new record. I think it pays to wait until after the teams were set, which I've never done in the past.

So they are locked & the numbers have been drawn. Yes, the computer did them randomly and no, I can't help it if I'm lucky.


Staff member
God damn it. Every fucking year this app goes nuts. Why do I even bother with it?[DOUBLEPOST=1391390182,1391390133][/DOUBLEPOST]I did save all the emails, though, so I'll be able to say who had the right squares. It's just going to be a pain in the ass.