[NHL] Stay classy, Boston Bruins fans

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No surprise here. Most Bruins fans are dipshits. The culture of being a Bruins fans actually embraces being a douchbag.


Tim Thomas blows off Barack Obama.

Washington eliminates the Bruins.



Staff member
lol holy shit

EDIT: I hope these classless assholes get their shit ripped from being plastered all over the internet like a bunch of jackasses.
Press got hold of one guy posting death threats before the dude deleted his twitter account. Too late, asshole. You're already outed.
Being racist doesn't have anything to do with being a fan of the Bruins, or any team for that matter. Two different things. These assholes would be racists regardless of the Bruins organization. You're kidding yourself if you think there aren't racists in your NHL organization of choice as well. Sadly, it's everywhere.


Staff member
Well, yeah. I think it's more of a testament to sports culture that people think they can get away with some really ignorant bullshit because they're cranky team A beat team B. Although, really, that's not just a sports fan thing; people just like getting overly upset over bullshit all the time.

Still think these assholes should be sent through the internet ringer for being such fucks, though.
Oh I agree, completely. Just, "Stay classy, Bruins Fans". This racist crap happens everywhere. If it was Toronto* it wouldn't be any different. LA, Philly, New York, same thing, hell, there are even fans of teams like the Habs, or Calgary, who would probably take to this kind of idiotic behaviour despite black players of their own.

Also the Bruins organization has already put up a statement on their website. Short and sweet:

Statement from the Boston Bruins
Thursday, 04.26.2012 / 1:29 PM / News
Statement from the Boston Bruins:
"The Bruins are very disappointed by the racist comments that were made following the game last night. These classless, ignorant views are in no way a reflection of anyone associated with the Bruins organization."​
*Honestly, I can't help but speculate that the main reason Kadri keeps getting sent back to the Marlies despite outperforming half the players on the Leafs is cause he's brown. I really hope for his sake he gets traded to an organization willing to keep him in the NHL.


Staff member
I've never been to Boston, but I hear that the town itself is still really, really segregated and racist from several people I know that grew up or went to school there (just as an aside to the discussion). Seems like this is somewhat of a testament to that, too.

Although again, yeah, sport culture at large.
Notice the profile pics of most of those posters: young male age 13-18. These are the same guys that hang out on xbox live.
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