Rant VIII: The Reckoning

I’m terrified every time I hear that someone has “found Jesus” and boarded the 3:16.
What I expect is that they will accept that His sacrifice washed them clean of sin and all that, and that now they can live out the rest of their years without the crushing guilt of their prior transgressions.
But what I too often see are people who apparently think that His sacrifice also absolves them of all future transgressions, and so they just stop caring about morality and personal responsibility because the Good Book says Jesus’ death guarantees everyone a place at the LORD’s table, no matter what they say/do. It’s like they believe they have Jesus chained up in their attic like some kind of Dorian Gray of iniquities, and so they then go forth into the world and sin with impunity because they know all the responsibility/consequences of doing so will be visited upon His shoulders rather than theirs.
Now I don’t know about you, but if Jesus was nice enough to assume all of humanity’s suffering when He died, I don’t feel like it would be fair to reward Him by heaping MORE atop His perforated head. If anything, for the rest of my life I would feel it to be my duty to REDUCE the amount of additional suffering sent His way.

EDIT: Oh good, I was hoping @Dirona would see this. :)

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Staff member
I’m terrified every time I hear that someone has “found Jesus” and boarded the 3:16.
What I expect is that they will accept that His sacrifice washed them clean of sin and all that, and that now they can live out the rest of their years without the crushing guilt of their prior transgressions.
But what I too often see are people who apparently think that His sacrifice also absolves them of all future transgressions, and so they just stop caring about morality and personal responsibility because the Good Book says Jesus’ death guarantees everyone a place at the LORD’s table, no matter what they say/do. It’s like they believe they have Jesus chained up in their attic like some kind of Dorian Gray of iniquities, and so they then go forth into the world and sin with impunity because they know all the responsibility/consequences of doing so will be visited upon His shoulders rather than theirs.
Now I don’t know about you, but if Jesus was nice enough to assume all of humanity’s suffering when He died, I don’t feel like it would be fair to reward Him by heaping MORE atop His perforated head. If anything, for the rest of my life I would feel it to be my duty to REDUCE the amount of additional suffering sent His way.

EDIT: Oh good, I was hoping @Dirona would see this. :)

Just as bad are those who believe that their "born again" status makes them perfect and incapable of sin, thus whatever they do or believe from that point on must be correct, refusing to even acknowledge the possibility that what they're doing harms others.
My internet is slow as hell, and I don’t know if it’s because I’m being throttled or if it’s just an isp issue. I’m affraid to call it in because I’m about 300gb above my allotted usage for the month and don’t want to draw attention...
To be fair, all those rants about your husband hurting your bears were never really all that anonymous to begin with.
One of my bears needs surgery and will have the same scar that my 40 year old bear and I have.

That’s not the rant. I’m just too exhausted to discuss my rant now.
:facepalm::cry: I spent hours yesterday making and canning marinara sauce, then realized an hour after I finished that I forgot to add the citric acid before the canning phase so...
:facepalm::cry: I spent hours yesterday making and canning marinara sauce, then realized an hour after I finished that I forgot to add the citric acid before the canning phase so...
Am I correct in assuming the citric acid is what prevents it from going bad?
I am so angry today that I would like to flip this table over and rampage through the house. Things worse than that have already take place (I should wear that fucking impact helmet around the house, I swear). I'm sitting in the middle of a fucking war between the federal government and the citizenry of my state. Now that things are getting serious, all of the liberals who were all about Black Lives Mattering all summer long suddenly have somewhere else to be. Or, they didn't give a rats ass about buildings being lit on fire in the poor neighborhoods of the city, but since they shot a firework and lit some trash in the lobby of the mayor's condo building last weekend, this is just unbelievably dangerous and the movement needs to stop and think about how someone's life could have been endangered. Shut the fuck up you condescending white bitch. We added three fucking names to the list this week alone. Deon Kay, shot in DC yesterday. Dijon Kizzee, Shot in the back in LA Tuesday. Miguel Vega, shot in the back in Chicago Monday. Last night there were two underage girls that unidentified officers dragged into a motel6 in Albuquerque to "interrogate" without legal reps present. They called two ambulances and we never saw the girls again. People are still dying in the fucking streets every day and now that someone actually made Ted uncomfortable enough to move out of his penthouse condo you want to back out?! Get fucked sideways with a rusty truncheon you traitorous back stabbing fleabags!

Portland just fundraised over $30k for body armor for BIPOC families because Kyle Rittenhouse's lawyer declared that his client shot the first shot of the second American Revolution! We have assholes coming to Portland from Texas to kill black people in revenge for the Patriot Prayer chud's death last weekend. Somebody get fucking angry and get in the god damn streets!
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I am so angry today that I would like to flip this table over and rampage through the house. Things worse than that have already take place (I should wear that fucking impact helmet around the house, I swear). I'm sitting in the middle of a fucking war between the federal government and the citizenry of my state. Now that things are getting serious, all of the liberals who were all about Black Lives Mattering all summer long suddenly have somewhere else to be. Or, they didn't give a rats ass about buildings being lit on fire in the poor neighborhoods of the city, but since they shot a firework and lit some trash in the lobby of the mayor's condo building last weekend, this is just unbelievably dangerous and the movement needs to stop and think about how someone's life could have been endangered. Shut the fuck up you condescending white bitch. We added three fucking names to the list this week alone. Deon Kay, shot in DC yesterday. Dijon Kissey, Shot in the back in LA Tuesday. Miguel Vega, shot in the back in Chicago Monday. Last night there were two underage girls that unidentified officers dragged into a motel6 in Albuquerque to "interrogate" without legal reps present. They called two ambulances and we never saw the girls again. People are still dying in the fucking streets every day and now that someone actually made Ted uncomfortable enough to move out of his penthouse condo you want to back out?! Get fucked sideways with a rusty truncheon you traitorous back stabbing fleabags!

Portland just fundraised over $30k for body armor for BIPOC families because Kyle Rittenhouse's lawyer declared that his client shot the first shot of the second American Revolution! We have assholes coming to Portland from Texas to kill black people in revenge for the Patriot Prayer chud's death last weekend. Somebody get fucking angry and get in the god damn streets!
Also, I've been shadowbanned from Twitter for the next 12 hours for calling someone a pedo for saying he wanted to fuck kids, and reporting him. So now I'm going to go let music soothe the savage beast.
Portland just fundraised over $30k for body armor for BIPOC families because **** ***********'s lawyer declared that his client shot the first shot of the second American Revolution! We have assholes coming to Portland from Texas to kill black people in revenge for the Patriot Prayer chud's death last weekend. Somebody get fucking angry and get in the god damn streets!
I have to be twice as good at my job (or more), be able to do it in two languages, have far more responsibilities and have been doing it for far longer to been seen as half as good as a unilingual man. His team gets all the language training dollars even though they fail their tests and we have all the key work.

It gets super old.

And he’s rude. So rude.
In an allergic way? My babies have long hair and lots of it. My fur babies that is.

Omg I will never forget the look on my aunt’s face when I used that term in front of her. She made it clear she thought I was ridiculous.

Which I am. I own it.

I know I've said it before. but Pud looks just like our Keth did. To the point where I have to look twice every time you post a pic.


The last two days have been fucking awful, and I'd officially like to get off this planet now. While listening in to fire radio chatter last night, I had the extreme misfortune of listening to a mutual acquaintance's death. His chest was crushed by tree debris while attempting to clear brush from the Riverside fire and life flight couldn't fly in the smoke, and the choppers that could are all over in afghanistan instead. And because life flight is a private company who'll lose their insurance, the firefighters couldn't even beg them to send a chopper half-way out for a falling brother, HM1 "M" became a fallen brother. Today I've been accused of both trying to harm the movement in Portland by backing someone who intentionally misled people based on the style of poster they used to get attention for the fact that people were planning to march on ICE without backup because of that whole forced sterilization thing (and yes, it has been going on pretty much since our country's inception. LA County was still sterilizing their latina prison population en masse up until 2013), and accused of sexually threatening someone (by inviting them to perform an act on my person if they disagreed with me). And then I found out one of my newest "friends" is an anti-vaxxer. A hardcore antivaxxer who started going off on an antivax rant at me, so they had to be blocked because I'm not fucking dealing with this shit right now. And now here I am, floating, helpless and hopeless, yet again. While my government occupies my state, and the FBI puts people on wanted lists for de-arresting themselves.

This magnificent dog has been by my wife's side for the last 10 years. Without her, I don't think my wife would have made it through all the crap she's had to deal with.

A little bit ago we thought she was having some normal hip/joint pain. After x-rays from the other day we now know she has Hemangiosarcoma and only a few days left with us.

I only got to know her for the past 4 years and I don't know what we will do without her.