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Path of Exil: Atlas of Worlds




So the last league just finished today and a new one will be started in a week or so. I just got back after a few years away and I have to say I thoroughly enjoy the game now. They've added a lot of stuff and frankly made the game more accessible in some ways. Drops are a bit more common and improving gear has gotten easier. To compensate for that they've made the endgame far more difficult, so there's a trade off there that I like quite a bit.

Anyways. Curious if anyone is playing or is interested in playing in the new league.




I still can't stand the currency system. I fucking LOOOOOOVE the skill tree progression, but the currency system...ugh.




Just think of it this way. There are 3 pieces of currency that matter: Alchemy, Chaos, and Exalt.

1 exalt = 20 chaos

1 chaos = 20 alch

These numbers aren't exact (or even that close) but it should give you a rough idea of value. There's a lot of other currency out there that you can use for various purposes, and buy/sell, but these are the main currency for trading. And unless you're really far into the game (or just dgaf) don't use these the generate/modify items.




Path of Exile still stands as one of the best free to play models to ever be in gaming. It's a quality game that proves that if you make a good game, and treat your players like valued players rather than cash machines to lean on, they will happily give you money.

My only complaint is that every time it becomes popular, people refer to it as PoE, and I feel like everyone's talking about me.




I spent $20 on it to get more tabs. Pretty worth it, thought I.




I tried to get Terrik and Dei to play it with me last year, and it just turned out to be too easy. Even with Terrik Terriking it up constantly.

That was disappointing.

But imagine my shock when Serious Sam also turned out to be too easy \:confused:/




I tried to get Terrik and Dei to play it with me last year, and it just turned out to be too easy. Even with Terrik Terriking it up constantly.

That was disappointing.

But imagine my shock when Serious Sam also turned out to be too easy \:confused:/
I'm just that good.




"Too easy"? Seriously? How were you guys playing? I've only ever gone into maps once I think.




"Too easy"? Seriously? How were you guys playing? I've only ever gone into maps once I think.
I don't remember the settings. Seriously, it was like a year ago. I don't think it was set to the easiest setting or anything, but we were blowing through everything like explosive diarrhea through 1-ply TP.

The first time I played, I died more than once to Brutus. With the three of us, we just roflstomped him like he was a trashmob. Marveil? Bam, done - no strategy, just stompage. Everybody got bored and went to bed before we even got to Vaal. That would have been the real test, for me. I had to get help from higher levels to get past Vaal Oversoul. If we breezed through Vaal... I dunno what we would have done. But it couldn't hold our interest even that far.




Ahh ok, so you were playing softcore and never went to cruel/merciless. That explains it. The first 2 acts on normal are pretty much a gimme. You can sleep your way through those. The real game starts later. Act 4 is when it starts getting tough, and the higher difficulties are where the real game happens. Not to mention the extreme difference of hardcore vs softcore. I never found SC to be particularly interesting.

The game and the league concept are really interesting at a fundamental level. It's not about making a single character and getting him to the end. The saying amongst experienced players is that you aren't playing your character, you're playing your stash. You build up gear and currency with each character and when they die you start again but this time stronger and you go deeper and harder.

ARPGs have the potential to become incredibly stale. This concept of reset, alongside the reset of the leagues, keeps things interesting.




It's just FTP Diablo, and I found both boring. >.> I hate games whose main goal is farming forever.




I really enjoyed it. It was similar enough to Diablo that I could jump right in, yet different enough that I couldn't just rest on my Diablo/Darkstone/Torchlight/etc knowledge to get through it.
And that tech tree...talk about option paralysis.
It's just too bad I don't have the time to devote to it, or I'd be in it still.





Launched today. Same day as Narcos season 2 comes out. Having a complicated day.




Ok so check this. POE 3.0 launches in a few months.

Currently path of exiles is a 4 act game. They recently said that they would be adding 2 more acts and eliminate "Cruel" difficulty (the middle NG+ difficulty). This was going to be groundbreaking in how much it changed the game.

But they lied. They released the trailer and they aren't adding 2 acts.

They're adding 6

That's right. In a few months POE will now be a 10 act game. No extra difficulty levels anymore either.

This was pretty huge when announced. I am super amped. You guys should start playing again when it comes out.




May do. I've really been having a hard time finding a game to hold my interest, lately.




I posted the trailer in the news thread, in case anyone wants to see it.





After years of Diablo III, then Titan Quest Anniversary Edition, and now working on Grim Dawn,....I think I'm getting a little ARPG'd out for a while. Maybe later :p




Hey! Hey, guys! Did you know that if you hit escape in PoE and walk away the game doesn't actually pause? Did ya know that? I know that.

Now. Guess my hardcore character wanted to be in standard league.




Yep. Surprise!





Good news is that this league ends in a few weeks so consider it a trial character.




Might have to reinstall. My character's been languishing quite some time now.
Give me something to do before the next season of Diabl other than Overwatc.

