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New Posting Box - Mobile Issue




Long story short. Everytime I post since the new post box was introduced, I get an error message asking for a valid post. I basically have to post twice to get anything to work. I'm working off an iPad via Safari. I'm crossing my fingers it won't error me out of a new thread.




same here. It's also not posted anything but the quote for me, and won't let me edit posts.




Chrome on Android here, very little works. Tells me my post is invalid, posts blank boxes, won't allow me to quote.




Mentioned it in another thread, but will put the symptoms here again since this seems to be the place.
-If you are on mobile and you try to quote a post in a reply, the quote will not show up while you are composing the reply, but when you hit the "post reply" button, your post will only contain the quoted text and none of your entered text will be present.
-If you are on mobile and try to reply without any quoted text, you will have trouble posting.





Hmmm. The only thing I did was add the gifv BBCode yesterday. Let me turn off the BCodes and see if that does anything.[DOUBLEPOST=1463328882,1463328683][/DOUBLEPOST]I disabled a couple of BBCode addons that I updated - not loaded - yesterday. Or Friday. Whenever. It may break some images for a bit until we can find ot who the culprit is. Please test and let me know. I'm going grocery shopping so I'll check things out when I get back.




I've had the problem where no quote shows up in a reply, on an iPad in Safari. Occasionally I've been able to get it to work by cancelling the post and trying to do the reply again. Usually takes a 3-4 attempts. Haven't been able to get that to work for a while, though. I have not tried posting if I couldn't get it to work, so I haven't gotten any errors. I just moved to the laptop or desktop to do a reply post.




Hmmm. The only thing I did was add the gifv BBCode yesterday. Let me turn off the BCodes and see if that does anything.[DOUBLEPOST=1463328882,1463328683][/DOUBLEPOST]I disabled a couple of BBCode addons that I updated - not loaded - yesterday. Or Friday. Whenever. It may break some images for a bit until we can find ot who the culprit is. Please test and let me know. I'm going grocery shopping so I'll check things out when I get back.
This is a test of a reply on safari on an iPhone, latest ios.

This is me editing the message. Seems to work better, and I notice that the rich text buttons in the reply box have gone back to matching the theme. They were grey like old windows forms when I first started seeing this bug. No idea if that might help track down the addon.




Waited for the double post time to pass...[DOUBLEPOST=1463331074,1463331043][/DOUBLEPOST]No error.




Now no gfycat or youtube embeds are working for me, and they were last night. Hrm,..[DOUBLEPOST=1463332547,1463332107][/DOUBLEPOST]Ok, I turned the s9e media pack back on, that seems to have fixed the youtube embeds. Is that what you turned off, @Dave?




Hmmm. The only thing I did was add the gifv BBCode yesterday. Let me turn off the BCodes and see if that does anything.[DOUBLEPOST=1463328882,1463328683][/DOUBLEPOST]I disabled a couple of BBCode addons that I updated - not loaded - yesterday. Or Friday. Whenever. It may break some images for a bit until we can find ot who the culprit is. Please test and let me know. I'm going grocery shopping so I'll check things out when I get back.
Testing. It quoted the post just fine.




Testing gifv/webm functionality -

OH THANK GOD we can just link webm's now and they WORK. You don't even have to rename the gifv a webm any more, though it still works either way.




Now no gfycat or youtube embeds are working for me, and they were last night. Hrm,..[DOUBLEPOST=1463332547,1463332107][/DOUBLEPOST]Ok, I turned the s9e media pack back on, that seems to have fixed the youtube embeds. Is that what you turned off, @Dave?
Yes. Seems the BBCode/Button Manager was the culprit.[DOUBLEPOST=1463336233][/DOUBLEPOST]But that removed our spoiler button.[DOUBLEPOST=1463336264][/DOUBLEPOST]
The BBCode still works, but the button is no longer there.




Well, that's inconvenient. And bewildering.




The BBCode/Button Manager I got because it made adding buttons to the menu easy. I get the s9 because it does BBCodes better. And there's no way to turn off the BBCode Manager BBCodes. In the past they've worked well together, but I updated both of them and they no longer do.




Lemme try (Tapatalk on iPad) for a straight post...

EDIT: No issue here.




I'll see if there's another way of doing buttons.




Testing without quotes on Safari.

Edit: No errors! It worked!




Posts are more important than the spoiler button so for now it stays gone. And when looking for a different button manager everything defaults back to the one we have.




The quote problem is back on the iPad. I hit reply and no quote showed up in the text box.




The quote problem is back on the iPad. I hit reply and no quote showed up in the text box.
Working for me.




I've noticed the new imgur media tag is a lot more verbose than previously, and it's broken some (but not all) of the old albums - in particular, the ones where there's the same ID tag for an individual picture and an album.

The old imgur tag went something like this:
If you took an album at http://imgur.com/a/VJ7DZ
the board would convert it to [MEDIA=imgur]VJ7DZ[/media]
But this assumes that there is only one entry in imgur with that media ID, when in fact, sometimes that ID is taken up by both an album (which apparently get their own database and IDs) and a single picture.
The new way the board converts the link would make it say [MEDIA=imgur]id=a%2FVJ7DZ;type=album[/MEDIA], which includes the "a/" in the ID tag, and a new type argument to further identify it as an album and not an individual picture.

As a consequence, some albums posted prior to the update to the media plugins might now show a single unrelated picture instead of the albums previously shown.

They can be repaired, if the post author cares to do so, by converting the media tag to:

[MEDIA=imgur]id=a%2F***IDHERE***; type=album[/media]
Or simply just editing the post and putting the album link in again, which will be converted the new way.
