New Picture Thread



I'm honestly satisfied with watching the story of Dragonball Z by only watching the Abridged series.

Yes, I realize that stance is basically the anime-related equivalent of only getting your news from the Daily Show, but I'm enjoying the hell out of it so far.


Staff member
Re VGcats comic: I contend that both the Japanese and American versions of One Piece are irritating.
I wonder how the Dragon Ball Z Kai episodes are faring? I heard from a friend they aer really good but i haven't checked them for myself yet.
When I heard how much story they were cutting (not just battle content) I was turned off to Kai. Might give them a chance later I suppose.
I stopped watching DBZ sometime in the middle of the Frieza saga. There was a whole episode that was LITERALLY, without exaggeration, JUST Goku powering up one giant attack, intercut with Krillin, Vegeta, and Frieza remarking at how powerful he was.

At the start of the following episode, he missed, and I stopped watching.

I have always been mildly interested in going back and watching the Japanese version
The Frieza saga took the most hits to content cuts due to massive amounts of "ultra violence" that they couldn't air for american children such as the Namekian's being slaughtered en masse by Frieza and his henchmen. There are literally scenes of grandchildren being slaughtered in front of the elders at one point. So 5+mins of footage are taken out of alot of the episodes and replaced with powering up.

Only the final parts of the Buu saga had as much censoring/removals.
Oh I know, I even knew this back then. I remember seeing a Japanese clip where Vegeta punched his fist right through one of Frieza's henchman's gut, and was shocked at how much blood there was.


Staff member
Sorry, just a pet peeve of mine.. the idiom you were looking for was "en masse," not "in mass."
Irregardless, they're message could of been different than the one your trying to send.
Added at: 16:43
Also, that is a HUGE mouth.