[Music] Mystery Solved

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Staff member
And so, one of the greatest mysteries of our time is finally solved: Ice Cube’s “good day” took place on the 20th of January, 1992.

How did Murk Avenue‘s Donovan Strain arrive at that particular date? Using details gleaned from the song’s lyrics, Strain was able to conclude the following:
The ONLY day where:
Yo MTV Raps was on air
It was a clear and smogless day
Beepers were commercially sold
Lakers beat the SuperSonics
and Ice Cube had no events to attend was…
JANUARY 20 1992​
So there you have it. Twenty years and one week ago today was what shall henceforth be known as the first annual National Good Day Day.

Unfortunately the mystery remains as on January 20th 1992 mama cooked a breakfast with hog. Looks like he needs to go back to the drawing board.


Staff member

Follow Up of the Day: After Murk Avenue’s Donovan Strain determined that January 20, 1992 was Ice Cube’s “Good Day,” everybody lost their sh*t, collectively.

But what does the man himself have to say about Strain’s conclusion? “Nice try.”

That’s what Cube told Vulture through a publicist. Could he be hinting that Strain’s figure is incorrect? The possibility has been debated since the blog post was unleashed.

Strain bases a significant portion of his inference on the commercial availability of beepers, but conveniently neglects to confirm sightings of the Goodyear blimp (and whether or not it read “Ice Cube’s a pimp”). An exhaustive critique of Strain’s research suggests Ice Cube’s “Good Day” actually took place on November 30th, 1988.

Still no accounting for the Goodyear blimp, though, or the lack of homicides in South Central L.A., so the mythological “Good Day” may still be as elusive as ever.
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