[Rant] My gf was very mature for her age...

A senior high teacher commits statutory rape with one of his students.
That's bad.
He was 54, she was 14.
Getting worse...
Once the charges were brought, she committed suicide.
How much worse can it get, though, this is terrible!
He was sentenced to 31 days of jail, one already served, so he's spending only one month in prison for this.
Wait, what?
The judge ruled that the victim was, "older than her chronological age."


Since when did Icarus become a judge?
Bullshit! Ugh, this kind of things really rub me the wrong way.
I was also classified by people as "mature for my age" and that doesn't mean you stop being a child, it just means you've got dealt with a lot of shit you've had to overcome or learn from at a very young age.
Fucking judge.
Honestly I don't even see how maturity applies. He was both way older than her AND in a position of authority over her. The only way I would ever have a chance of thinking of maturity would be if the two people were teenagers.
A senior high teacher commits statutory rape with one of his students.
That's bad.
He was 54, she was 14.
Getting worse...
Once the charges were brought, she committed suicide.
How much worse can it get, though, this is terrible!
He was sentenced to 31 days of jail, one already served, so he's spending only one month in prison for this.
Wait, what?
The judge ruled that the victim was, "older than her chronological age."


Since when did Icarus become a judge?

I was thinking about posting about that judge last night. He's a real piece of work. Here he is letting someone off of their THIRTEENTH FUCKING DUI with a warning.


That girl was under that fucking asshole's care. That fucking piece of monstrous shit. That God awful judge.


She was so much older than her chronological age and so mature that her response to this entire thing was to FUCKING KILL HERSELF.

I am struggling for words I am so angry.


Judge Icarus Baugh said:
“Obviously, a 14-year-old can’t consent. I think that people have in mind that this was some violent, forcible, horrible rape,” Baugh said. “It was horrible enough as it is just given her age, but it wasn’t this forcible beat-up rape.”

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I bet that judge is one of the people who believes that the female body will just shut that down too. :p
THANK YOU for linking to the Icarus thread. I just had the most amazing 5 minutes of my life re-reading that. Wow. Truly a great moment in forum history.
I found it hard to believe nobody had picked up on by the time I did. We drove that guy off. No regrets.
I just remember being really weirded out by it and not really knowing how to react. Then you came along and shit GOT REAL. :p
It's a travesty how little we punish sexual offenders. I've known of a few admitted sex offenders who didn't serve any jail time for statutory rape. It's horrible.
I saw this story earlier on some news site, but didn't click the link - I figured it would just piss me off.

I gotta read that again.
I didn't even realize that I posted in that thread. That seems eons ago.

Ha - chaz!
chaz said:
What did you do? While all your friends were out playing beer pong, you were at a Hanna Montana sleep over?
Man, that thread. Poor Iaculus, came in with a popcorn-munching emoticon and was misidentified as Icarus not long after. I have a feeling Dave was the first to notice because it was a text blob and we were all so focused on Polanski.

Hard to believe that was four years ago.

OP: this is fucked up.
Wow, so many old familiar names and avatars and sigs in that old thread.

And hey, as long as we're judging people by their mental ages anyway, it's pretty clear this judge has the mental capacity of a four year old, and should be treated as such. Remove him from judgehood, and let him spend his days with a box of crayons and some paper.
Yeah...I'm the first to say statutory rape isn't always and necessarily as bad as rape and what have you - and "more mature than her chronological age" can make sense and I can understand a judge giving a 31 day sentence...if it's a 17 year old boy and a 15 year old girl or some such, who just happen to be on the wrong side of the law for a few weeks in a relationship. This? This is a guy who needs forceful castration. And a judge who needs to be tried for making a farce out of justice.
My wife is seven years younger than me (pretty accurately actually since her birthday is a day before mine). But when she asks if we would have gotten together when she was 14 instead of when she was 24 I give her a very weird look and tell her "No.". But I think that George Clooney said it best in From Dusk Till Dawn. "I may be a bastard, but I'm not a fucking bastard."
It sickens me how light sentences for sex offenders are. Ruin someone's whole life and you only have to serve 2 years?
Seriously? 2 Years? I mean, yeah, it's better than 30 days but still... the guy all but killed this little girl.
I was going to say... he should have had a mandatory minimum there, like other part 1 crimes...

As for the judge... Montana's very conservative, but not THAT conservative... I could see the MT supreme court looking at his credentials and deciding whether or not he should be defrocked...
I was going to say... he should have had a mandatory minimum there, like other part 1 crimes...

As for the judge... Montana's very conservative, but not THAT conservative... I could see the MT supreme court looking at his credentials and deciding whether or not he should be defrocked...
He's up for re-election next year too. Hopefully if he makes it that long people will remember this mess and vote him out.
I'm sure two years isn't enough to make the family of that little girl feel better. Well... them and most of the population who have a heart.
You know, I hear there's this thing, it's called a "recall petition"...

EDIT: And Google informs me that's not how Montana does things, sadly.

Montana judges may be removed in one of two ways:
  • Judges may be impeached by a two-thirds vote of the house of representatives and convicted by a two-thirds vote of the senate.