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I was going to say that I feel like written letters are lost to society. I was going to complain that no one appreciates the pleasure of handwriting a page or two and mailing it to a friend, waiting with quiet excitement in the back of their head for it to arrive, and then the reciprocal joy of getting that response: the envelope being torn open and read and enjoyed... Physical evidence that someone cares about you and spent their time on something real.

But then I realised I know all that because I send and receive letters all the time, so clearly it's not lost, and what do I have to complain about?
PM me your deets, son

We'll be all kinds of pen pally up in this bitch.

Same goes for anyone else that wants to be pen pals. Send me your shit and I will send you some shit.


if i were going to send a letter id probably type it up and print it before sending. It wouldn't be all that much more significant than email sadly.
But don't you see the joy in running a pen along paper? It's lovely. But even in light of typing, should you wish to exchange letters, the offer stands even if typed (though mine will be in gloriously done by hand!)


I hate writing by hand actually. The whole time I am usually thinking I wish I could type this...
I like sending letters but never have anything to say. If anyone wants a few pages of gibberish and my various musings I'd be happy to waste your time.


Staff member
I'm just really bad at mailing letters out. I love getting mail from my friends in London. I mail back so little that it makes me feel guilty. Damnit... I'm going to write them a letter right the hell now! Thank you, Chad Sexington, for the inspiration.


Personal addresses you say?

Yeees, I'll do this.. "Pen Pal" thing.
You... you might get my work address. Just as a... professional courtesy, shall we say? *chuckles*

Also, be advised that my handwriting is both a) abominable and b) slow and tedious to write, so y'all bear with me! *wry smile*


Staff member
Yep. :) And you know the one you sent me online-- "The Botherations of James Winchester III?" That's still my background! :D


That reminds me I do like sending cards. Not sure why I like cards more than letters.
I have chad's letter done and I'll have you know I drew zero penises.

So I mean yeah, it's not like I put my heart and soul into this. Kinda phoned it in.


Staff member
I used to be pen pals... and I also used to write letters to my long-distance girlfriend before that went belly up. It was fun.

Nowadays... Yeah, I miss having letters. I kinda hate e-mail because it creates the expectation of instant response. And I hate doing things in a rush.

Might get in on this action later... if I'm starting to feel better. Or if I have something interesting to say. Nowadays most discussions I have revolve around the c-word and its side effects, and I've got plenty enough of that.
I'd prefer to hear about Finland and the locales near Tampere... *ducks*

Seriously, I had a kind of Finnophile thing going a while back, and I'm always down to hear about foreign countries from folks who live there. It's interesting from both a personal and a sociological standpoint.
If anyone wants to hear about the flatness of Saskatchewan, various stories of when I lived in the South, or receive pressed moose or zombie doomweasels, I'll exchange addresses with you.
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