[News] Kid designs groundbreaking technology...using Legos.


Staff member

13 year-old kid designs a prototype braille printer using Legos. Now he has an actual prototype and has secured funding from Intel. His unit will cost about 1/5 what current printers cost and future versions will be even cheaper using 3D printers.

At the age of 13 I was looking at bra models in the Sears catalog. This kid is amazing.


Staff member
13... 13.... what was I doing when I was 13...?

Oh yeah, I got in-school suspension because a friend got busted carrying porn I'd given him, and didn't have the presence to mind to lie about where he got it.

Also I smashed a lamp on a kid I didn't like.

Also I built my own computer, but that's not as amusing a story nor as impressive as designing a new technology product like this kid did.
At age 13 I'd discovered masturbation for the first time, though my technique was rather unconventional and may have led to future erectile dysfunction problems.

Oh, and uh, good for this kid. His discovery's probably better than mine, in every possible way.
At age 13 I'd discovered masturbation for the first time, though my technique was rather unconventional and may have led to future erectile dysfunction problems.

Oh, and uh, good for this kid. His discovery's probably better than mine, in every possible way.

How rare for me to not only agree with a post, but also find it curious, horrifying, wanting to know more, but also feeling like its TMI.


Staff member
Well see, it was during the glorious late 80's, and the euphemism "beating one's meat" was popular. A young, happy bhamv, suddenly beset by puberty, took the words at face value, and proceeded to pound his turgid member to a bloody--yet satisfying--pulp.

To this day, he can only become aroused if someone punches him in the junk.
Well see, it was during the glorious late 80's, and the euphemism "beating one's meat" was popular. A young, happy bhamv, suddenly beset by puberty, took the words at face value, and proceeded to pound his turgid member to a bloody--yet satisfying--pulp.

To this day, he can only become aroused if someone punches him in the junk.

I...I think I got that image out of my head.

