[Gaming] It's official... Borderlands 2 Sept 18!!

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Fuuhuuuuuck Yeah!!!

I would link to the trailer released yesterday too, but the one on youtube is flagged & I'm too lazy to register. So for now if you wanna see it, go to the official website here:


Haven't been this excited about a game release since Crackdown 2 a couple of years ago, and let's be honest, that was a bit of a letdown.


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Never finished that game. I always get to the same part in the game and it hangs on my system.
I loved Borderlands. I was on my 2nd playthru when my pc crapped out and I lost ALL my saved games I had at that point. I was a sad Sad SAD Panda for awhile


I can't stand that game. The higher level you get, the less it becomes a fast-paced exciting shooter and the more it becomes a repetitive grind-fest.

I never did beat it though. Perhaps I stopped at the wrong point.
These stories of system failures make ME a sad panda as well. I think my 360 is trying to crap out on me. I've been having too many freezeups while playing Skyrim lately. Usually while the game is loading after a fast-travel or opening a door etc :(

And HEY! Another Lexingtonian!!
You're to lazy to register, I'm to lazy to look for Borderlands 2 threads...
Posted the youtube video into the Misc. thread.

And I'm also to lazy to move it over here....sorry guys.
These stories of system failures make ME a sad panda as well. I think my 360 is trying to crap out on me. I've been having too many freezeups while playing Skyrim lately. Usually while the game is loading after a fast-travel or opening a door etc :(

And HEY! Another Lexingtonian!!
Yeah I've started backing up my 'My documents' folder weekly now, I lost years of stuff when that happened, I'm trying to play thru ME1 and 2 again but the mini game crap with the rovers and the satelites just sap my will to play now. not to mention a lot of other games


Staff member
Borderlands is only one of a handful of games I keep in my rotation, which really says something. Pretty stoked for this one, come September.
Borderlands is only one of a handful of games I keep in my rotation, which really says something. Pretty stoked for this one, come September.
It says that you only like a handful of games.

I dug Borderlands. I really dug a couple of the DLCs (the ones that weren't called Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot, which sucked....really bad). I hope the sequel is good.


Staff member
Borderlands was boss, I look forward to 2. Moxxi's was worth it if only for the bankspace. General Knoxx's DLC though... that was the bee's knees for sure.


Staff member
What the hell is Borderlands, show me the error of my ways
It's a really fun game where you play a person who shoots guns that sometimes make a bunch of single-voiced masked boogie-men desert people burn or melt or explode. And you can do it with a bunch of your friends and it's really fun.
Played this Co-Op with my brother. We played through it twice each using the 4 different characters in seperate play throughs. It was amazing.

I rarely purchase a game over $20, this will be an exception. We'll both be getting it on release day.
I loved Borderlands. Still keep telling myself I need to go back and play it again, since I have yet to do any of the DLC.
The DLC was amazing. I loved em. Even Moxxi's (I have her theme music on my playlist, it was freakin great). Basically I loved the vanilla BL so much that I was willing to play anything to extend that fun as much as I could.

Dr. Zed was pure fun though,.


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I just hope this time they actually put in an assault rifle or shotgun worth using. I mean, I loved my inferno SMG and sniper rifle, but those weren't why I rolled soldier...


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I just hope this time they actually put in an assault rifle or shotgun worth using. I mean, I loved my inferno SMG and sniper rifle, but those weren't why I rolled soldier...
Say whaaat? I had a shotgun that did like a zillion damage. Gimped the whole game.


Staff member
Say whaaat? I had a shotgun that did like a zillion damage. Gimped the whole game.
A shotgun. Singular. I had a successive line of Maliwan SMGs and sniper rifles that kept me in constant ownage from levels 10 on up. Comparatively, the selection of shotguns and especially assault rifles was as much a wasteland as Pandora itself.
A shotgun. Singular. I had a successive line of Maliwan SMGs and sniper rifles that kept me in constant ownage from levels 10 on up. Comparatively, the selection of shotguns and especially assault rifles was as much a wasteland as Pandora itself.
Really? Because I kinda owned the game with my soldier using a series of successive ARs. I know the Ajax's Spear in General Knox was especially good. It's really only painful early on.

I'll probably pick this up for PC eventually, though right now my focus is on getting a new motherboard/processor combo. Really need to get a Quad core, or at least better than my single core.
Grrr... I still wish I could get my best friend to play Boarderlands. He hates FPS's so he was totally put off by it, no matter how much I espoused the RPG elements.


Staff member
Really? Because I kinda owned the game with my soldier using a series of successive ARs. I know the Ajax's Spear in General Knox was especially good. It's really only painful early on.

I'll probably pick this up for PC eventually, though right now my focus is on getting a new motherboard/processor combo. Really need to get a Quad core, or at least better than my single core.
With my soldier, I tried every single AR and shotgun I picked up that was blue or better, and none could compare in damage output to the Hellfire or Inferno.
I think you really need to spec for it. I know that with my Ajax's Spear I was able to destroy every boss except for Crawmerax in less than a minute, by aiming in the general direction of the head and just unloading into them. But then again, by that point my build was giving me hundreds of extra rounds and an insanely high fire rate.

I think the issue with ARs is that ARs that have elements on them kinda... suck. They are ether too weak, don't have enough ammo, or have zero accuracy. Soldiers also don't get very many perks to enhance the effect of elemental weapons. This is why I only ever picked up the ARs that didn't have elements on them.

That being said, I usually carried around elemental weapons: an orange Maliwan revolver and a SMG or Machine Pistol. The extra ammo that being a soldier can give you was great at turning those ultra strong, low ammo pistols into something reasonable (I think I went from 2 shots to 5-6), while the firing speed upgrades made my electrical SMGs and Machine pistols great for stripping shields off of guys.
I love Borderlands, can't wait for 2. Also I had a shotgun with a scope that ended up the most powerful gun for me, right until the last area where I snagged some crazy overpowered SMG that worked wonders on the last boss.
I was Malachai all the way, and tryed to stay as pure sniper as possible. I was for shit in close quarters, but one shotting almost everything at range.
I was Malachai all the way, and tryed to stay as pure sniper as possible. I was for shit in close quarters, but one shotting almost everything at range.
Initially that's who I had hoped to play, and my brother was going to co-op the berzerker with me, but he didn't get into the game as much as I did. Plus a well-placed Sentry Gun with the shield kind of unbalanced things as a shotgun Soldier.
I particularly loved the skill that lets your sniper shots almost completely ignore shields. I also had a marked penchant for using fire ammo. Something about those bandits running around on fire that always made me laugh.
Added at: 23:59
I'm kind of hoping that the ninja is a mostly melee class.
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