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How is your Health? The State of Being Thread



I know I've mentioned it in another thread, but my lung issues have been getting worse, it seems. Not as bad as when my lung popped that one time, but in a general sense of "I always feel kind of shitty" even when I've not been exerting myself. I got to wondering how everyone else is doing in terms of physical well being.




I am overweight, and as a result I have the associated issues of blood pressure, blood sugar, slight knee problems, self esteem etc. I also have other mental issues. Though generally speaking I'm all right. Occasional calcific tendinitis in the shoulder, but it goes away.

I just turned 30 though, so the health problems are only going to increase from now on.




I've had a migraine every day since December. I think I'm going to donate this head to Shego and see about getting a new one.




-Low activity level, so poor muscle tone (not out of place in a tech, though).
-Depression (sucks)
-GERD (highly annoying, but manageable with OTC meds)
-Vision deteriorating (it was extra-good before, so now I'm probably 20/30 or something)
-Plantar Fasciitis (did too much walking last Summer, never recovered since I can't rest my feet for a few days and I can't afford the splints)

Except for the depression, it's all a rather low level of misery, more like an inconvenience, which is why I don't make too much of it.





- Um, finally got my Thyroid back under control after having about 3-4 months of pure day in day out horrendousness. Seriously, the symptoms of a bad thyroid are more than you can count on fingers and toes together on maybe 2 people. Ugh. Thankfully got my blood levels normal again.

- Fought a bad 4 days worth of food poisoning about a week ago. Feeling better now too.

Guess I can't complain? I mean even weight wise I just want to lose about 10 vanity lbs. I'm about 5secs from posting "White People Problems Lady".




I had a physical recently. Other than some minor joint problems attributed to a genetic bone disease, and the fact that I'm fat, I got a clean bill of health. Blood pressure, cholesterol, heart, lungs, prostate (thanks doc, not even a call afterwards?) and various internal whatever levels all came back good. It's actually inspired me to start eating healthier and exercising more in hopes of keeping things that way.*

*Of course, I've made that decision before in the past.




I love hearing guys whine about Prostate exams. I've been having my invasive exams since I was 15? 16?




My health is crap.

It's less crap than it used to be, but all the crap it takes to keep improving it makes up the difference.

Details: Pain, pain, depression, anxiety, pain, muscle cramps, nausea, aphasia, exhaustion, difficulty breathing, assorted digestive problems, pain, skin problems, dizziness, temporary paralysis, pain, muscle weakness, nightmares, low body temperature, pain, brittle nails, dim vision and did I mention pain? It all goes on and on and on, and I have no idea when it will stop.

Not gonna bother listing all the things the doctor has me doing to try and fix all this. Pills, diet, oxygen machine, tests, etc. Going to be seeing a neurologist soon, see if anything was missed in that area.




Turns out I'm not diabetic. Blood pressure is trending down. Have edema in both legs; need to start wearing compression socks or something like that. Also need to lose quite a lot of weight, and am starting to see a nutritionalist about that.

Am ignoring the mental problems still.




My teeth are killing me right now. Two of them are in desperate need of repair, but funds are low and insurance is non-existent. Fortunately aspirin keeps the worst flare-ups to a dull ache.

The weather is putting the squeeze to me. 60s and 70s in the day and low 30s at night has me feeling like one of those stress dolls. Crushing weight on the chest and my head feeling like it's about to pop. At least I'm not really feeling the need to pop a nitro pill as often as that would sound.

And my elbow. I don't think there's been any cartilage in there since junior high. Sounds like a cement mixer when I rotate my right arm.

Other than that, I'm fine :p


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Mediocre, but no spectacular illnesses going on.




Wow, how severe is your aphasia?
It's not as bad as it used to be. For a while I couldn't get through two sentences without forgetting a word. Now it's mostly when I'm extra tired that I have trouble remembering words. It's frustrating having a conversation when you can't remember basic words like "lunch" or "soup".

Early on in my illness (back in my teens) I lost the ability to read for I don't know how long. I could read individual words, but I couldn't understand sentences. That scared the crap out of me, and I just gave up on even trying for a while. I'm really glad that hasn't come back.




After a bout of depression, which resulted in my takign poor care of myself, I have finally:
- Got back into a healthy weight range (after being under weight)
- Started excercising again (I lost some muscle during the depression, had trouble doing things I usually found easy)
- Actuall getting some sleep
- My blood has started clotting faster than it usually does so thats a plus (I cut myself all the time at work, normally bleed slowly for hours on end. Nothing major just a pain in the ass)
- Knee hasn't started playing up since the weather started to get cold yet (fingers crossed)

All in all I'm going from kinda crappy to excellent. Just have a few anxiety and self confidence issues to sort out and I'm fine :)




I think the biggest medical issue I've ever had was getting my wisdom teeth remove. Paragon of health. Wait, no, I forgot about that popped disk back in college. That sucked monkey balls. The MRI showed that I actually had a second one that I never noticed. My doctor told me to take it easy with the weight lifting.

And I'm really surprised my knees have kept up as well as they have. I played tackle in middle school through high school, and goalie in college. No knee problems ever (crosses fingers).




Yeesh. Wow, I feel bad about complaining when I do. I'm pretty good. I exercise everyday (5K run, 100 push-ups, curls to failure, biking when I can), and am in generally really good health. I have crappy eyesight. I was also born with a malformed flap at the top of my stomach, so I've had GERD my whole life. The greatest thing that ever happened was everyone else getting it, too, because the OTC stuff works fine, and now you can get it everywhere. But that's a discomfort more than anything else.




Terribly minor complaint: talking on the phone for 6-8 hours a day is really bugging my throat.




My main problems stem from my weight. I'm working to get it down but it seems like all I do is gain or stay in place, never lose.




My working overnights on the weekend followed by a full time school schedule is really starting to get to me. I'm finding that I sleep longer and longer monday after classes, and have started getting pretty bad headaches. I'm sure the stress isn't helping with that either.



I've lost 90 pounds in the last 14 months, so I'm doing a lot better than I have in a long time. Overall, I'd like to sleep more. 3-4 hours a night ain't cutting it.




My exercise stamina is awful, but otherwise I'm healthy enough. I should start running again or something.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen who is Quiet

Bad. Made a mistake with diet and I've been having stomach cramps for the past little while. Finally getting that under control. Worried because some of the other problems caused by it haven't started to improve yet. Going to give it a couple of days and then give my doctor a call if it still hasn't gotten completely under control.

Did you know that if you get colonoscopies twice in one year, you get treated like a regular by the nurses?




I am cancer free, but I am still feeling the effects of being cooped up for so long. I have not started working out yet, so my stamina is basically gone.




I am doing pretty well health wise. Granted my blood pressure is probably a little higher than it should be for my age and I occasionally have back issues (such as sciatica) but for the most part I am doing fairly well. I am not overweight but and in hopes of keeping it that way (if not improving it) I recently joined a gym for my overall health and I have also been trying to eat healthier since I tend to feel better when I don't eat as much junk food.




I guess I'll find out Thursday. I have a mondo checkup planned to go over every inch of my body to see what's what.




I guess I'll find out Thursday. I have a mondo checkup planned to go over every inch of my body to see what's what.
Maybe they'll find the remote!




Find my keys and we'll drive out! HEYO!




Overweight and stressed. Physical health fine, mental health in danger.



Physically I am the same as always. Allergies making me miserable. Mentally thought I am really losing it. Stupid school stress it'll be over soon.




Ohh, I wish I could hug everyone. I didn't realize just how much everyone goes through...I hope virtual hugs will suffice.

And yes...I just hugged everyone in this thread...even if you don't want one from me. Ha!

My health: I think I'm doing well, I've had all of this extra energy lately so I've been exercising twice a day - just a light run in the early afternoon and interval training in the evening. And mentally, I'm probably the happiest I have ever been, life is good and lovely. I mean, I guess..I'm still blind (yes, I really am legally blind without corrective lenses..), but I've been this way for years, so it doesn't bother me. I'm happy that I can be in good spirits and be there if anyone needs some bolstering up. =^^=



Lungs are a tiny bit better right now. I still hear plenty of wheezing in them, but I have capacity back without feeling like something is lodged in them. Hopefully work goes alright and I don't get the constriction again.

I need to get my regular inhaler again. I've forced myself to go through this past year without it and it just isn't working. :(




I'm a little out of shape but not that heavy. I may have arthritis though, I drank a lot of soda in Elementary and it runs in my family. My joints crack more than old styrofoam.




I'm realizing my post sounds self pitying. Weight should be one of the easiest things to change but for me it's like fighting the god damn hydra.

My sister and her friends have convinced me to start the Couch to 5K plan. I went with them the past two nights...the first night I nearly died. The second night was actually a tiny bit better...but they still left me in their dust.

My husband has reminded me I am losing a itny bit of weight since igave up chocolate (for discussed ethical reasons) and started to learn how to cook at home even more.

SO maybe it's not all that bad?




So far my health has been pretty good. I have a bit of a belly but the doctor told me my weight is right around where I would want it for my height. I had one scare nearly a year ago where I went swimming, over-exerted myself in the deep end and nearly passed out (thankfully, only when I actually got out of the pool, would have been much worst if it happened in the water). I got a checkup and they said it was likely a mix of heat stroke combined with the fact I never really exercise, so my body was not ready to handle prolonged swimming like that. Scared the shit out of my wife though, because she was walking with me when my eyes suddenly went black and I tumbled over into the hillside to lay down and control my breathing. I will spare people the details of what happened when my sight returned.

Ever since then I have the occassional dizzy spell, usually really quick and not all that distracting. I asked the doctor about it, and he told me it's likely just a lingering effect from the swimming event that can go on for another year or two. I was skeptical but the dizzy spells are growing farther and farther apart, so now I only get one a week rather then before, when it was like twice a day.

Just in case though I have been working out more, half an hour on the elliptical every day after work.




I'm in generally good shape except that both of my kids (3 year old and 5 month old) have the chicken pox right now and dealing with the two of them while trying to take care of business and spend time with my wife has the two of us at our wits end.

So yeah... stressed out to the max (though still small potatoes compared to a lot of people here).




5K is the perfect distance, in my opinion. I have a friend who runs 14 miles every day. The time chunk that requires is ridiculous. I'd get bored. 5K gives you a good blend of speed and endurance, too.




5K is the perfect distance, in my opinion. I have a friend who runs 14 miles every day. The time chunk that requires is ridiculous. I'd get bored. 5K gives you a good blend of speed and endurance, too.
I'm trying to keep up my motivation..hard to do so. It seems the closer we get to Jets third birthday the more of a little butt he is. Won't stay in his big bed, ripped the shit out of crib mattress, harassing the cat, etc.

It makes me extra tired all the time. :(




I'm going through the same stuff LittleSin. My older son doesn't listen, is hyper and destructive as hell and constantly torments his little brother (who's only 5 months old). Dealing with him leaves me totally drained and after we finally get him to bed in the evenings that treadmill isn't looking so exciting anymore.




Well, I hope you keep with it! I think in the long run it will definately help your energy level. I've always thought it was weird that after I've exercised regularly for a while then skip a day or two, I'm so much more tired those two days than the days I worked out.

You can do it! Keep at it!! =^^=



Silence is golden,
duct tape is silver...

jumper cables are copper.




My health issues have been discussed previously, but for a quick summary, we'll just go with overweight, but dropping. Down to 248 from 265 without really even trying. I was working out religiously twice a week until December, when wedding related appointments and stress derailed me, then attempted to get back to it in January when health issues derailed me and kept me sidelined until now. Was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in early January, and the meds the doctor put me on made me so sick every time I ate something that I never had the energy to work out. Finally convinced him to let me manage the illness, for now, with diet and exercise - and that's going much better. Aside from that, my eyesight is horrible, but improving as my blood pressure goes down as I ween myself off of my cigarette habit. I was around 3/4 pack a day and am down to 1/4, with the eventual goal being quitting entirely. Also, the anti-depressants work much better when I'm not constantly sick, so I have much less concern in that department as well. So really, none of the health issues I have can be blamed on anyone but myself, and I'm working on correcting all of them, so hopefully in a year or so I'll be much healthier.




I put on some weight when my wife was pregnant and I haven't lost it yet. I'm not overweight yet but I am uncomfortably out of shape. The asthma puts a damper on exercise, but not enough that I can't do it.

The worst for me is the eosiniphilic esophagitis, which causes me to be unable to swallow food periodically, in which case I have to gag it back up. It's like an asthma attack in my esophagus and does not appear to be food allergy linked. It has been bugging me a lot lately, since it is amplified by stress.




Ohh, I wish I could hug everyone. I didn't realize just how much everyone goes through...I hope virtual hugs will suffice.
My... my throat... it's healed!





Kidneys are pretty good right now - still making positive progress.




I'm trying to keep up my motivation..hard to do so. It seems the closer we get to Jets third birthday the more of a little butt he is. Won't stay in his big bed, ripped the shit out of crib mattress, harassing the cat, etc.

It makes me extra tired all the time. :(

Oddly enough, routine exercise actually gives you more energy to deal with ankle biters.

My nephew and my newborn daughter made me super tired before I started running.

Now I can juggle those monkeys plus another one on top of nagging wife and work.

I'm telling ya, 5:00 am wake up time + a solid 1-2k run in the morning is the best thing anyone can do. Hell, I'd recommend brisk walking for like 5k/ an hour.

Of course, I had to sacrifice A LOT of my night time activities in order to get to bed around 10:30 to 11.

* Let Jet harass the cat. He'll either learn his lesson, or the cat will learn to run away. If my dog's not in the mood for the kids, he gives him his "fuck off" look and hangs out in the den.




Been forcing myself to eat healthier and go to the gym more often. Most of the issues I was having with my heart seemed to subside.

My knee has been hurting though? Nothing big.

Mainly, can't complain too much. I just hate that I'm that douche at a restaurant who gets a side salad or veggies instead of fries.




Silence is golden,
duct tape is silver...

jumper cables are copper.
Cough syrup is purple.




He stayed in bed until 3:30 am! @_@

This is an improvement!




I'm still having headaches. Fortunately, they haven't been as bad.
I'm going to try cutting my hair off and see if that takes care of the pain.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen who is Quiet

Probably won't have to call the doctor.

Lesson learned: butter can go fuck itself.




I'm still having headaches. Fortunately, they haven't been as bad.
I'm going to try cutting my hair off and see if that takes care of the pain.
Yes, it will, if you cut just below the jawline. With an axe.




Is it unhealthy to only crap once a day? I am seriously worried about this.




Is it unhealthy to only crap once a day? I am seriously worried about this.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen who is Quiet

1-2 is normal.
5+ is when you should get worried.




Oh thank the grand will of the macrocosm! I thought I was eating wrong or something. ALSO-for anyone with acne on the boards. Apple vinegar on the face. It stings like hell, but trust me it works.




Yes, it will, if you cut just below the jawline. With an axe.

Though it will clear up my headaches, allergies, and asthma in one fell swoop.




Currently: depression-related insomnia. I would very much like to tell my brain to stop being a whiney bitch and go the fuck to sleep.

-posted from my shitty iPod that makes me type everything twice to fix the autocorrect




Went to the doctor yesterday and I'm pleased to report...it's not skin cancer. I've gained 10 pounds and hit 200 for the first time in my life, but I can lose the weight. Going back next week to do the whole "lab" thing as I ate breakfast like a moron yesterday.

But other than that, blood pressure is good, EEK shows perfectly normal. I'm all good, baby! (Until I do the labs and find out I have more cholesterol than blood cells...)




Had shoulder surgery on Wednesday and I am out of my sling today, I am already doing pendulum movements and I begin physical therapy next week. Without any nicotine or caffeine (right before the surgery) my resting heart rate got down to 48 before any drugs had been given. I think I am going to heal up quickly :D




My dad's arm has been in a cast for a couple weeks. He get's it off this week I think. He's got old bones so I worry about him.




I still hang out around the 200 pound mark, I'm down to 190 again but the Vegas trip didn't do me any favours. Other than the stress ulcer I'm developing, I'm in pretty good condition right now.




I was at 240 a year and a half ago and managed to drop to 220 fairly quickly after starting dieting and exercise, but have been struggling to stay below 220 since. I got lazy for a period and started falling back into old habits but have started going to the gym and jogging again. My overall goal is to get down to 180. It just feels good to be back at a 36 pants size, 40's were starting to feel tight for a while.




We deliver!



I still float around 90-100 depending on the time of year. :oops:




90-100 sinks, 250 floats.



I know I should eat more, but I just don't have the appetite. On the other hand, I haven't had to use the 8 year old inhaler since that one time.







Is that Notch?!? (-heh-)


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Same weight I've been for the last 8 years, same height, good condition. Need to get to bed earlier, but otherwise, I'm fantastic!




I've stayed within the 180-190 range for quite a while. Doing pretty good.




Around 200, but it ain't fat, baby.




At 190 I'm pretty much completely trim for my height. At 200, I start to notice the belly flub adding up. I'm genetically white in that way that no matter what kind of shape I seem to be in, defined muscles just won't ever happen.




150, maybe.




140, and trying so hard to add some more on. Rib cage aint sexy yo!




Stuck in the 230s. I know it's absolutely no good for me, but at the very least I've stayed about the same while getting almost no exercise beyond my work duties.

I can't use night shift as an excuse, because a decade ago I was also working overnights and running as many 5 and 10Ks I could cram into my schedule.




Been hovering around 150. Trying to get down to about 140. This is the worst plateau I have ever faced. Not feeling unhealthy. I'm full of energy; I'm just not a fan of the leftover paunch.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

As I said, my general health is mediocre. But my weight? right now, it's excessive.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

After some unit conversions, I can explain I'm 6 feet tall and weight 209 pounds. I should be around 182.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen who is Quiet

158. Have lost 7 pounds in the past week-and-a-half. A lot of my normal diet causes pain, so I haven't been eating much these past couple of days.

Definitely calling doctor tomorrow.




Good luck, Allen.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen who is Quiet

Oh, and kefir is magic.



I prefer Zamfir..


Allen who is Quiet

Allen who is Quiet

That didn't help my stomach at all.

What a load of shit.



*rubs allen who is quiet's belly*

(i almost mistyped that as bally... nice save self)




About 235 right now, down from 250 a little bit ago (it's amazing what cutting out soda from one's intake can do), and the P90X routine that I've been (trying to follow) following for the last 3 weeks has put a bit of firmness on... Trying to get down to 205. 195 would be better...

I have a shoulder injury from falling through a ceiling a while back that gets aggravated with exercise, sometimes, so I try not to overdo it. And a hip that clicks now and then, which I attribute to being a dumbass in the Corps.

Aside from that? I appear to be very fortunate. Reasonably good health, decent energy (usually augmented by enough caffeine to jump-start a dead mule), and no major physical concerns... for now.




Losing weight over here, but I had a terrible coughing fit on Thursday after running for two miles. Now when I cough I taste blood.





That'll happen. Your body adjusts, but your lungs WILL make their displeasure known...




The weekends are killing me. I work out all week and eat healthy. The second Friday comes along? LATE NIGHT MCCHICKENS.

At least I get them plain.




Hey, at least you're not making them McGangBangs....










McShits too. Though for me, it'd be the McGasAttack.




ElJuski used to do that! I didn't know it was called a McGangBang.

But yeah.









stack McChicken, with McFillet O Fish, with a cheezburger...

I don't know if I am hungry or sick now.








I love it when people are "revolted" by McDonalds food to sound like they have healthy eating habits.



I love it when people are "revolted" by McDonalds food to sound like they have healthy eating habits.
A chicken sandwich lodged inside a double bacon cheese burger sounds gross. Sorry if everyone doesn't share your taste in food. The double down sounds just as gross to me, btw.

Too much is too much for some of us.




I will not deny going to McDonalds. I go more than I used to, but less than I used to used to.




The Double Down is a sandwich made of awesome and sexy. And now I want one. And have no money.



Ugh.. it's just too much crap. I don't mind the Famous Bowls once in a great while, but that "sandwich" is just too much.:puke:




A chicken sandwich lodged inside a double bacon cheese burger sounds gross. Sorry if everyone doesn't share your taste in food. The double down sounds just as gross to me, btw.

Too much is too much for some of us.
Ah and then comes the denial. "You just have crappy taste in food".






Hmm. Gotta go with Sera on this. McDonalds is tasty, but enough is enough.



Gotta go with Sera on this.




Didn't think I disagreed with you anymore than I disagree with everyone else.




I have, for the second time in my life, hit my highest weight evar of 160. I don't mind the weight itself (it's still within guidelines), I just mind the belly fat and lack of athleticity. I know a lot of folks are going to say I gots no reason to complain, but I'm at that point in my life where I could be looking back 20 years from now and say, "...and that's when I just gave in and rolled downhill to where I am today." And I don't want to do that. So...I'm teetering, but haven't fallen yet, but am also not sure I'll get mad enough at myself to work at building sufficient long-term healthy habits.





I thought the shock was from you disliking something fade....

Also damn you americans, We only had the Famous bowl and Double down for a few weeks each down under. A few weeks of bliss!
(double bliss for those rare few days when both promotions ran at the same time. 1 of each for lunch. My god was that awesome)



The famous bowls are just A KFC version of shepherd's pie (albeit a ridiculously fat-saturated version.)




Two cavities, two fillings. I give up on trying to maintain this shit hole of a mouth.



Had to use the 8 year old inhaler again. It works, which is nice, but it leaves me feeling very jittery and almost anxious.




That's because that's a crackpipe.




Good: I don't need the nitro pills very often, so they just turn to dust in the bottle in my pocket.

Bad: when I do need one, they've all turned to dust in the bottle in my pocket.

Fortunately, the good has far outpaced the bad.




Snort the nitro dust. Flic your bic. Dance hard techno.




Ate a bunch of junk over the weekend. But am actually seeing some improvement in the gym!

Also, haven't smoked cigarettes or marijuana for a couple months. Drinking just needs to take a step down.




I live about 4-5 blocks away from my grocery store, so I walk there whenever I don't have a lot to carry and it's not too dark. Last week I ran all the way there!! I could always run for a long time on a treadmill, but not outside. That was a proud moment. However my final months of progress have been so slow that it's hard to tell if I'm doing enough to lose or simply maintain. It is really hard to eat much les than I do now with my job. I don't stop between 7 and 5. Hell, I eat my lunch standing at my lab table setting up lessons.




Shin splints, both legs. No running for a week or so, I guess. Biking for now. Problem is that biking never feels like a real workout. I did about 20 miles tonight, and yeah I sweated and huffed a little, but it was nowhere near the good endorphin pumping torture of a 5k run. (Yes, that's copied from FB, bite me.)




I don't feel satisfied after a bike ride, either. Get well soon!




Shin splints are a classic overuse injury, I suggest taking some time off and icing the affected area. New shoes are usually needed, especially a dedicated pair of running shoes. A good guide to get you back into running can be found here http://www.heidelbergrunningclub.org/Docs/wtrp.pdf




The famous bowls are just A KFC version of shepherd's pie (albeit a ridiculously fat-saturated version.)
That reminds me, I had the shepherd's pie at the Stone of Accord in Missoula, MT during last year's MisCon. Fucking delicious.



We made some last week.
And by some I mean a lot.
And by a lot I mean everybody kept asking for some, yet it still lasted a few days.

On the health subject, I may be getting my insomnia back, possibly. I haven't been sleeping more than about 3-5 hours a night lately, if that.




Eh, I'm ok, I need to lose some more weight though to be in the shape I want to be in. My wife is ready to freaking pop right now though. Poor thing, she's at the stage where everything just aches right now and she's less concerned with labor than with getting that baby OUT.



Does she got the baby waddle going on?

That always amuses me



Throwing up and other stuff at work. Hope they finish up with their training stuff soon so I can go home.




Does she got the baby waddle going on?

That always amuses me
Ha! You know, she doesn't. She's actually worried about that because she thinks it might mean she will need a c-section... but you know, we will deal with whatever comes our way. It's been a really good pregnancy, and she's been really happy with how she's carried the baby, from behind you can't even tell she's pregnant. We still have a few weeks though so duck waddle may very well come.




Throwing up and other stuff at work. Hope they finish up with their training stuff soon so I can go home.

I'm sorry Sera.



I've seen the waddle thing pretty much only when the time has come. It's kind of a sign.



Home now. Using phone to send this though. I reeaaly don't want to sit up.






Gonna try to call off today...




I've seen the waddle thing pretty much only when the time has come. It's kind of a sign.
Oddly enough she will feel better when this happens. Our due date is May 7th but I suspect that we are actually a little further out from that so her duck waddling may come soon! Muahahahahaha!



Tried to make soup... why did I try to make soup? More importantly, why did I try to eat it?:puke:




Tried to make soup... why did I try to make soup? More importantly, why did I try to eat it?:puke:
How long have you been having stomach problems?



Yesterday, just before going in to work. I had to leave early and call off today.




Blech. I usually just drink a bunch of sprite and watch through an Arrested Development season in those cases. Good luck, Ms. Relm.



Going the ice cube route to remain hydrated. Not a fan of arrested development, but I've been watching dr who.




Sherlock is great too! Written by the same guy who wrote for seasons five and six. And on Netflix.




I ran 8 miles this afternoon.





I've been sick and haven't left the house since Tuesday. Making me feel rather slothful :(



I ate a cracker. Good sign.




I ran 8 miles this afternoon.

Yeah, but they were Canadian miles, which aren't worth as much.




Quit thinking in the past, our miles are pretty much equal now.

Huh, I'll be damned, our mile is one (if I'm going to continue using this analogy) yard longer.




Yeah? Well your penises are still smaller.








Yeah? Well your penises are still smaller.






Awwww, there's so much red in Asia.




My headaches have gone away and I didn't have to cut my hair (thanks for the advice though, fade).
Plus spring, or what passes for spring in Canada, is almost here and I'm almost ready to go out and expose my corpse-white flesh to the sun.
Almost but not quite. I've got this game to finish first.




Allergies are driving me crazy. Going to make a doctor appointment and try to get the prescription-strength stuff to avoid me clawing my eyes out and becoming a snotty mess.



Sherlock is great
Just got through the first season and watched the first episode of season 2. I could not possibly agree more. Absolutely amazing.

Also, allergies suck.




Still getting over the sore of my bruises. Got a sore throat from being stuck in the cold while wet as well. Nothing too bad but it aches to do alot of things at the moment.



I'm sorry you're still sore, but you made me think of a bad joke...

"Girls are like noodles. They're only straight until they get wet."

(Edited: Regardless of how true it may be at times.:unibrow:)




That was my "tagline" for the longest time. Though I used "Spagetti".




I knew a chemistry major once who said "Women are like titanium. They're strong, flexible, and get them hot enough and they'll combine with anything."



Emergency rooms. Not fun. So tired.



I ate a cracker. Good sign.



Had a breathing treatment, x-rays, they gave me 3 different prescriptions, was there most of the night.




So holding out on the busted tooth due to lack of funds to visit the dentist? Now it's abscessed and needs a root canal. $150 to clean it out and put a temporary filling in, and then $750 for the root canal.

But at least I'm no longer curled up in a ball in bed begging the pain to go away and popping aspirin like candy. The root canal is scheduled for next week. And it looks like I'll have to work that night too boot. :(




The root canal that I got (from a military dentist, too! ) was actually not too bad. Yeah, it was long, and all things considered, I'd rather have been playing X-Box, but it wasn't so bad.

Part of that might have been as a result of being on an almost first-name basis with all the docs at the dental clinic, though. *rueful smile* I really did NOT take care of my teeth for the longest time...




I've said it before, but the stress and lack of proper sleep from working and going to school full time is really taking it out of me. I can't wait for the next 2 weeks to be over.


General Specific

General Specific

I'm generally ok, I just wish the plants would stop trying to have sex with me. :(




What, do you live in the forest from Evil Dead?




Cue Allen who is Quiet with a .gif in 3...2....1...




On an unrelated note, how do you tag people, anyway?


Allen who is Quiet

Allen who is Quiet




On an unrelated note, how do you tag people, anyway?
Use the "@" symbol in front of someone's name.







Thursday I went to the doctor to go over my lab results and xrays from my routine checkup. Please note that it's been 6 years since I've been to the doctor at all, I eat a lot of red meat - like almost every day - and I don't exercise. I also drink a lot of soda. So I just knew that the doctor was going to tell me that I needed to eat better and that she was going to prescribe me medication to lower cholesterol or blood pressure.

Imagine my surprise when everything was baseline. Everything. She was amazed and said, "You could afford to lose a few pounds but other than that you are the paragon of health. We could use you as an example of how a 46 year old white guy should be."

So not only is it not skin cancer (it's benign), but I'm in GREAT physical health. This alone has helped with my stress levels. So you fuckers ain't getting rid of me yet!




Thursday I went to the doctor to go over my lab results and xrays from my routine checkup. Please note that it's been 6 years since I've been to the doctor at all, I eat a lot of red meat - like almost every day - and I don't exercise. I also drink a lot of soda. So I just knew that the doctor was going to tell me that I needed to eat better and that she was going to prescribe me medication to lower cholesterol or blood pressure.

Imagine my surprise when everything was baseline. Everything. She was amazed and said, "You could afford to lose a few pounds but other than that you are the paragon of health. We could use you as an example of how a 46 year old white guy should be."

So not only is it not skin cancer (it's benign), but I'm in GREAT physical health. This alone has helped with my stress levels. So you fuckers ain't getting rid of me yet!
That's the bomb eh?

I was expecting to be in trouble in my last physical with high blood pressure or high cholesterol based on my God awful diet but ended up with a pretty clean bill of health.




My cholesterol goes up about 5-10 pts every year. Still don't know why. My diet is amazing, it's probably the physical activity that's lacking.





Lesson learned, no matter how good a specific pizza place's pizzas are, do not trust them if they also make a selection of Chinese foods. My stomach is churning with rage over the garlic ribs and wontons I've eaten tonight.



Wanton wontons feel like one ton.




I had a root canal about 6 years ago. The pain going in was unbearable. The procedure started and when it was over it was like "what, you're done?" Felt instantly better.

The dental clinic I will have the procedure done at has all the latest toys, so my biggest worry is financial. No worries at all about the work.




Thursday I went to the doctor to go over my lab results and xrays from my routine checkup. Please note that it's been 6 years since I've been to the doctor at all, I eat a lot of red meat - like almost every day - and I don't exercise. I also drink a lot of soda. So I just knew that the doctor was going to tell me that I needed to eat better and that she was going to prescribe me medication to lower cholesterol or blood pressure.

Imagine my surprise when everything was baseline. Everything. She was amazed and said, "You could afford to lose a few pounds but other than that you are the paragon of health. We could use you as an example of how a 46 year old white guy should be."

So not only is it not skin cancer (it's benign), but I'm in GREAT physical health. This alone has helped with my stress levels. So you fuckers ain't getting rid of me yet!
Bleh. I eat right, and exercise every freakin' day, and I still have borderline cholesterol levels. Genetics will get you end the end, I guess.




Not to mention mental state. It counts for a lot, you know.





In the chair now waiting for sedation to kick in. Go me. :p




I can't speak for all men, but certain old adages about spring always seem to be true about me. A stiff breeze is all it takes right now, I'm just sayin'. And due to crazy living arrangements, my wife is 4 hours away...







See when mommies and daddies love each other very much...




Due to a health problem I have been having and the treatment needed I have been forced to abstain from sex for the past 25 days.

I have two days left.

Then that time of the month will hit.

I hate everything.



I don't get it...




He's pussy when it comes to blood.



You made me laugh.




Sigh. The root canal is done, yet still not done. Last thing before it's considered "complete" is a post and crown. Another visit and another $250. :(

Only thing that really hurts right now is my gums from all the violence done around it during the procedure. Time for bed.




Temporary filling has already fallen out. Fell out while eating a sausage and egg biscuit. DAMMIT!




DarkAudit If you haven't yet managed, I've seen temporary tooth covers in the pharmacy section of the local grocery store.




Overweight, cholesterol is high, and I have problems with anxiety. Wheee!




Got some...promising news. The numbers on my kidneys seem to have stabilized (at least for now) and it's been long enough that I'm going to start tapering off the dosages of some of the meds I've been taking. This is the big test to see if it's remission, so it's pretty nerve-wracking. It's also a bit of a relief - one of the the drugs gives me some serious freaky-ass nightmares.




Like a freaky-ass nightmare about a Doom Weasel - Grim Reaper Hybrid?

Good to hear the good news.




Like a freaky-ass nightmare about a Doom Weasel - Grim Reaper Hybrid?

Good to hear the good news.
Nah - more like giant floating talking rat that sounds like Gollum stalking you in your room - semi-waking dream - and you can only see a vague silhouette moving around. Or relative, eyes gone, in a violent frenzy. THAT's what I've been dealing with in terms of dreams for about the last year - averaging one psycho-fright night a week.




I caught something pretty nasty at work, hit the sack around six (pm) yesterday, got up around eight (am) today.

Probably should go see the doc.


Thread Necromancer

Thread Necromancer

My head hurts like hell and I can't find the hung over thread to post in.




Always have headaches and jawaches. Got myself to a jaw surgeon, who found nothing terribly wrong with me. I can open my mouth too wide, dislocating both jaws every time I yawn. So....Don't open my mouth too much and I should be fine.
I've tried keeping my mouth more closed lately, and now I've been rewarded with an inflammation of the muscles in my left jaw. Every bite, yawn, every word said, hurts like...well, a bad toothache, but a bit higher-up.
Also, wearing glasses now (because of the forementioned constant headaches), and my skin can't handle glasses 24/7, so a rash on my nose it is.
Weightwise, I'm somwhere around 76 kgs now, coming from 84. Not that I mind having lost some weight, but I sort of need to gain muscles and possibly lose a little fat, not just get ganglier and skinny with no apparent muscles and a potbelly.

All in all though, my health's far from terrible, just constant little crap.




I'm getting a cold, nasal drip all over the place. I was going to cancel the dental appointment this afternoon, but the receptionist said I'd be charged for "lost chair time" for canceling less than 24 hours prior. So I went. :p

And... it went quite well actually. With my head tilted back, I wasn't dripping, and I wasn't feeling all stuffed up and uncomfortable. Dentist put a post in to stabilize the tooth, and filled it in. Numbness is wearing off, and it feels okay.




Like a freaky-ass nightmare about a Doom Weasel - Grim Reaper Hybrid?
You've had this dream before? You must share it with me.




The diagnosis came back.

It is lupus.




You've had this dream before? You must share it with me.
Na, I've not had a doom weasel in 30 years. But I was referring to Zapit's comic with the weasel grim reaper.




The diagnosis came back.

It is lupus.
Dammit, Krisken is wrong again.




Dammit, Krisken is wrong again.
I was thinking the EXACT SAME THING.




I got diagnosed with aplastic anemia back in august, been travelling backwards and forwards to the hospital for checkups, bloodtests and the occasional transfusion on a weekly basis, which is a pain in the arse, since its an hour by tube. They've put me on immunosuppresant medication, which is helping though. time between transfusions is getting longer, one week at a time. still, annoying as fuck. especially as I get tired the nearer I am to a transfusion. and i had to cancel my place on a course i was dead set on starting three weeks before it started. been a shitty nine months really.




Dude, that sucks. :-/




So I've developed a pretty nasty case of shoulder bursitis in my right shoulder. It feels like someone shoved a spiked ball bearing between the ball and socket of my shoulder joint, and any movement plunges the sharp spikes into my flesh and bones. So now I can't move my right shoulder using any of the nearby muscles. If I want to type with both hands, for example, I need to lift my right hand to the keyboard with my left. Makes me look like a huge dork.

It's also impssible to sleep with shoulder pain like this, because due to the angle, it hurts like hell when I lie down, no matter how I position myself. So now I'm in pain and sleep deprived.

Based on what the doctor said and what I've been reading online, this thing could take months to clear up, and surgery might be necessary in extreme cases. So damn, this really sucks. You don't appreciate how many actions are done with your right hand until you can't do them any more.
