How is your Health? The State of Being Thread

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I can't speak for all men, but certain old adages about spring always seem to be true about me. A stiff breeze is all it takes right now, I'm just sayin'. And due to crazy living arrangements, my wife is 4 hours away...
Due to a health problem I have been having and the treatment needed I have been forced to abstain from sex for the past 25 days.

I have two days left.

Then that time of the month will hit.

I hate everything.
Sigh. The root canal is done, yet still not done. Last thing before it's considered "complete" is a post and crown. Another visit and another $250. :(

Only thing that really hurts right now is my gums from all the violence done around it during the procedure. Time for bed.


Staff member
Got some...promising news. The numbers on my kidneys seem to have stabilized (at least for now) and it's been long enough that I'm going to start tapering off the dosages of some of the meds I've been taking. This is the big test to see if it's remission, so it's pretty nerve-wracking. It's also a bit of a relief - one of the the drugs gives me some serious freaky-ass nightmares.


Staff member
Like a freaky-ass nightmare about a Doom Weasel - Grim Reaper Hybrid?

Good to hear the good news.
Nah - more like giant floating talking rat that sounds like Gollum stalking you in your room - semi-waking dream - and you can only see a vague silhouette moving around. Or relative, eyes gone, in a violent frenzy. THAT's what I've been dealing with in terms of dreams for about the last year - averaging one psycho-fright night a week.
I caught something pretty nasty at work, hit the sack around six (pm) yesterday, got up around eight (am) today.

Probably should go see the doc.
Always have headaches and jawaches. Got myself to a jaw surgeon, who found nothing terribly wrong with me. I can open my mouth too wide, dislocating both jaws every time I yawn. So....Don't open my mouth too much and I should be fine.
I've tried keeping my mouth more closed lately, and now I've been rewarded with an inflammation of the muscles in my left jaw. Every bite, yawn, every word said, hurts like...well, a bad toothache, but a bit higher-up.
Also, wearing glasses now (because of the forementioned constant headaches), and my skin can't handle glasses 24/7, so a rash on my nose it is.
Weightwise, I'm somwhere around 76 kgs now, coming from 84. Not that I mind having lost some weight, but I sort of need to gain muscles and possibly lose a little fat, not just get ganglier and skinny with no apparent muscles and a potbelly.

All in all though, my health's far from terrible, just constant little crap.
I'm getting a cold, nasal drip all over the place. I was going to cancel the dental appointment this afternoon, but the receptionist said I'd be charged for "lost chair time" for canceling less than 24 hours prior. So I went. :p

And... it went quite well actually. With my head tilted back, I wasn't dripping, and I wasn't feeling all stuffed up and uncomfortable. Dentist put a post in to stabilize the tooth, and filled it in. Numbness is wearing off, and it feels okay.
I got diagnosed with aplastic anemia back in august, been travelling backwards and forwards to the hospital for checkups, bloodtests and the occasional transfusion on a weekly basis, which is a pain in the arse, since its an hour by tube. They've put me on immunosuppresant medication, which is helping though. time between transfusions is getting longer, one week at a time. still, annoying as fuck. especially as I get tired the nearer I am to a transfusion. and i had to cancel my place on a course i was dead set on starting three weeks before it started. been a shitty nine months really.
So I've developed a pretty nasty case of shoulder bursitis in my right shoulder. It feels like someone shoved a spiked ball bearing between the ball and socket of my shoulder joint, and any movement plunges the sharp spikes into my flesh and bones. So now I can't move my right shoulder using any of the nearby muscles. If I want to type with both hands, for example, I need to lift my right hand to the keyboard with my left. Makes me look like a huge dork.

It's also impssible to sleep with shoulder pain like this, because due to the angle, it hurts like hell when I lie down, no matter how I position myself. So now I'm in pain and sleep deprived.

Based on what the doctor said and what I've been reading online, this thing could take months to clear up, and surgery might be necessary in extreme cases. So damn, this really sucks. You don't appreciate how many actions are done with your right hand until you can't do them any more.
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