HF Secret Santa 2012: SEND GIFT (Deadline: December 7th)

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No but seriously, did you get that thing I sent you?

I did! I got it on Christmas Eve, posted that I'd post a picture of it later, and then completely forgot thinking that I'd already posted it.

It's a high quality print of the legend of zelda overview map!

It's cool, nerdy, and something I would never think to get for myself, which makes it an awesome gift. Thank you!
I would love to know where that map was purchased if need be send it to me in PM! I must have it!
You know, I find this kinda funny, because I thought from my anonymous santa's posting style that he might have been you.

... no offense to my secret santa though, I'm sure you're much cooler than him.
You know, I find this kinda funny, because I thought from my anonymous santa's posting style that he might have been you.

... no offense to my secret santa though, I'm sure you're much cooler than him.

I got it at www.nesmaps.com

It was a debate between the legend of Zelda one and the super metroid, but I felt this was a safer bet. I need to email the guy again to let him know rav-po got it in time. There was a problem with the printers and I don't think it was even shipped until like the 20th.
Well we had two snags this year due to international shipping and PO box issues, but they are in process and we will hear from Gilgamesh and Jay when they receive their gifts soon.

This concludes the 2012 secret Santa!

Thank you everyone who participated, look forward to the 2013 secret Santa starting next October!
And no I don't really have a place to hang up any paintings. Not even my own. It'sa kinda depressing. But I've got the one you sent me propped up on top of my bookshelf against the wall so it's ALMOST hanging. :cry:
LittleSin sent me a scarf, some Stark Game of Thrones badges, and a painting of the Sims logo! The scarf makes me look like a hipster so I put on my fake glasses too!

Thanks Holly!
What's this?

My Secret Santa gift has arrived, and without spoiling too much, it was worth the wait!

Opening the box my hopes are unnerved...

Sucker eh? From the Doomweasels? Now I'm worried!

Sticker fun hm? Much just be a matter of phrase right?


REAL STICKERS! I'm making me a snowman! (Doubly cool since we don't get snow around here!)

Now for the -spread-

No pun intended ;)
Two awesome Blu-Rays from my -wishlist- collection, a slightly heavy mystery tin, and two awesome bottles.

Real Canadian Maple Spread and Syrup!

Cannot wait to make some waffles in the morning!

Now the secret of the tin!

Candy! I'm so happy... but wait... there's something on them...

Holy shit! They're Halforum M&Ms! Now that's going above and beyond the call of Secret Santa duty!

So freakin amazing!

So it's obviously no secret who they're from, thank you Emrys and to the doomweasels for these awesome awesome gifts!
I doubt shipping them to Belgium's going to be a good move.

Hmmm, I could put those HF M&Ms in my one-of-a-kind HF mug....
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