[PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta)

As per usual, the brawl started up about the same time I had to punch in for work.
Can't wait to get home and give it a go, though.

Haha that is great.

It seems like I only play against warlock. This one game there was not a present on his side of the board since turn 2 as he always killed his own. Soulfire, Shadowbolt, void terror, power overwhelming he wasted to get those gifts. That just meant that instead of 4 damage to a gift, I just had to keep hitting him in the face and kill him.
Know what card has been absolutely key for me this brawl?
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...and here's why:

-Playing Mage.
-Opponent kills Crate on my side of the field.
-Have "Duplicate" secret in play.
-Get 2x0-mana Crate cards in my hand.
-Opponent plays scary creature to go with other scary creatures.
-My turn, get fresh Crate.
-Play 2x0-mana Crates (there are now 4 on the board)
-Play 3-mana Twisting Nether from previous Gift (harvesting 4 Crates in the process and killing all the scary things)
-Play Sorcerer's Apprentice (All my Gifts are now free!)
-Play 4 free Gifts in a row.
-"Your opponent left."

Nope, what's ridiculous is when the person I am playing gets decimate followed by slime cloud three turns in a row. I have almost never lost to cards, but bullshit hero power order? Oh yea.
Nope, what's ridiculous is when the person I am playing gets decimate followed by slime cloud three turns in a row. I have almost never lost to cards, but bullshit hero power order? Oh yea.
...you know you can use your power more than once per turn, right?

What's hilarious is all these astral communion druids that you see. They lose all their cards so they can hero power a bunch but I've been playing saboteur so they can only play one hero power a turn or I just use my board clear and let them get stuck with one of the 3(?) hero powers that they need an enemy minion to use. so its like ok let me get to the same amount of mana as you and have way more cards and initiative that I choose. I think a savage roar druid would be much better then what I've seen every other game.

@Dei yeah it sucks when it feels like you've lost just because of the absurd hero powers they get. Like when you have summmon 1/1s and they have the poison cloud keeping you from trying to use your hero power for an answer, or same with pile on and the crush or web wrap one. They really dictate the early game. Late game as long as they don't get too many great hero powers in a row it's been my cards that have won it for me. Pump ups and big minions with decent removal has won me most games. Giants work wonders if you have them or if not I've been using frostwolf warloard as a makeshift giant.
Pump ups and big minions with decent removal has won me most games. Giants work wonders if you have them or if not I've been using frostwolf warloard as a makeshift giant.
Patrons are surprisingly useful, too. Especially when paired with Mukla's/Stormwind Champion.



Staff member
It seems to me that this week's Tavern Brawl is ridiculously unbalanced. Deathrattle and Battlecry seem to be much better than Murloc, although I'm not sure how Freeze Mage will do (and I don't have any Doomsayers to test it with.)
I've won 4 matches with the spell armor one on my mage, and wrecked someone with a paladin murloc buff.
Won my second game.
My opponent left.
He must not have liked his hand.
It's a shame, really. I was going to pull a turn 1 Echoing Ooze with the battlecry buff in place.

Has anyone noticed if the buff is an aura? That is, if I play Soul of the Forest on a bunch of "normal" minions, do they suddenly get +1/+1 because they've gained the "Deathrattle" aspect?

Has anyone noticed if the buff is an aura? That is, if I play Soul of the Forest on a bunch of "normal" minions, do they suddenly get +1/+1 because they've gained the "Deathrattle" aspect?

I think it's an aura, because the rogue raptors get it, even though they are technically battlecry minions.
I think it's an aura, because the rogue raptors get it, even though they are technically battlecry minions.
They're battlecry minions, but they acquire a deathrattle while entering the play field and before that play completes.
What I'm curious about is minions that are granted a deathrattle after they have completed their summon (and the only way I could think of that would be Shaman or Druid).
I'm just not home right now to test it, wondered if anyone had tried.

Won my first game thanks to some fortunate card playing, even though I misplayed one card due to trying to play on my phone for the first time.

This brawl is so easy, I literally slapped this deck together by going "durr good battlecry/deathrattle hurr". I own practically no cards, so I'm pretty happy to have gone 5-1. I keep beating decks that look like they're trying to exploit legendary effects. It's kinda hard to beat a turn 3 7/7 warlord.
