[PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta)

Yeah. Haven't won it yet.
I assume it's supposed to teach teamwork to the usually narcissistic playerbase.
Here's some teamwork for you, Blizzard...include at least one "Silence" card. PROBLEM SOLVED.

I'm only bitter because one of my quests right now is "win 5 brawls" which pretty much means I'll have to wait until next week before I can fulfill it since the majority of the people I've been paired with are NOT team players.

I imagine it will get better. I've managed to win four times now, mostly because Hearthstone is the only game I fiddle with on my phone.
I played a couple more before I finally found someone who helped me win.
He still wasn't clear on how the game operates (healing something already at max health DOES NOT activate a lightwarden, genius!), but he did manage to play Milhouse while I was holding +3 atk/double atk/double atk so that was nice.

I've only played the new brawl 3 or 4 times, but I won every one.
Maybe I'm just too awesome.
Maybe you were paired with people who knew how the game worked.
As the days wear on, I assume the strategies will be disseminated, and more people will know what to expect, but those first few hours were painful.
Also, you don't win your pack if you "challenge" a friend to this duel, the other guy has to be a stranger, but if you want you can just concede as soon as you start and you'll still get your pack.



Staff member
I won my first brawl, despite being paired with an idiot. I played Millhouse, and he proceeded to play all his spells then play Lorewalker Cho. ARGH!
I feel you. I had the win 3 games with priest quest, 15 tavern brawls later I finally had my fourth time getting to play as a priest and the guy didn't really seem to get that it was cooperative until I healed him directly over myself. It was that way for a couple of games where it didn't click until I would buff or heal their minion. It's hard to do that early though because you don't want to waste your mana and valuable buffs on a minion that may get assassinated before it gets the chance to attack.
I feel you. I had the win 3 games with priest quest, 15 tavern brawls later I finally had my fourth time getting to play as a priest and the guy didn't really seem to get that it was cooperative until I healed him directly over myself. It was that way for a couple of games where it didn't click until I would buff or heal their minion. It's hard to do that early though because you don't want to waste your mana and valuable buffs on a minion that may get assassinated before it gets the chance to attack.
Actually, in the case of assassination, it's better to buff the other player's minions, as Mechazod will cast assassinate against your side of the board before flipping back to your partner's turn.


Staff member
Actually, in the case of assassination, it's better to buff the other player's minions, as Mechazod will cast assassinate against your side of the board before flipping back to your partner's turn.
If Mechazod uses Assasinate, it's always against the highest attack minion, regardless of which side of the board it's on (in case of a tie, I think it's in order of play.)
If Mechazod uses Assasinate, it's always against the highest attack minion, regardless of which side of the board it's on (in case of a tie, I think it's in order of play.)
I've noticed that, though I can't say it's a guarantee, since I've seen him go against that rule exactly once.

I wish I'd been able to capture the video of my last battle, though, with me playing as Paladin.
-Opponent has minions on the board
-I have a single Silver Hand Recruit (1/1) (well, and Mechazod 10/48).
-Opponent plays Milhouse and ends turn.
-Mechazod does Double Zap (hitting us each for 10 and bringing us both to single-digit health) and switches over to opponent's side.
-My turn begins.
-I play Blessing of Might on my recruit (4/1)
-Another Blessing of Might (7/1)
-Blessing of Kings (11/5)
-Seal of Champions (14/5)
-Blessed Champion (28/5)
-Blessed Champion (56/5)
SMACK-O! We win!
I've never been so happy to see Milhouse as I was right then.

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I like the brawl.
If the random thing assigns you Nefarian, you win!
...seriously, every time I've drawn Nefarian, the other guy has conceded prior to the end of turn 1, one time before I even got to choose my cards.

I like the brawl.
If the random thing assigns you Nefarian, you win!
...seriously, every time I've drawn Nefarian, the other guy has conceded prior to the end of turn 1, one time before I even got to choose my cards.

They might be thinking of old Nefarian.

Nefarian has been nerfed in this rematch, and it's much more equal now. It usually comes down to rng.
Yeah Rag has been the winner in most of my matches. Nef needs to get his early aggression otherwise he just kind of stalls out at the end and has to get some good spells to finish rag off. So yeah what ravenpoe said, rng