Harry Potter 6: Half-Blood Prince (film) (SPOILERS AHOY!)

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Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Tinwhistler said:
When I personally got fed up with that crap, I waited til one of those douchebags went to the bathroom, followed him in, and kicked the shit out of him.

I imagine I'd do much the same to someone spoiling my film/book with a megaphone. Call internet tough guy all you like. (shrug)
Holy fuck, you are a sociopath.
Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Cuyval Dar said:
@Espy Why would you throw the $6 movie theatre sodas at someone? Seems like a waste.
I never said anything about throwing it. I said "flying". Flying cokes are a rare breed of coke, but generally go after douchebags.
Oh and:
Cuyval Dar said:
just the lifeless idiots who wait in line for hours/days.
Oh... so if I wait in line for a few hours I'M a lifeless idiot as opposed to someone who has to go get a megaphone to try and ruin my reading experience? Am I the only one finding this hilarious? :slywink:
Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Charlie Dont Surf said:
Tinwhistler said:
When I personally got fed up with that crap, I waited til one of those douchebags went to the bathroom, followed him in, and kicked the shit out of him.

I imagine I'd do much the same to someone spoiling my film/book with a megaphone. Call internet tough guy all you like. (shrug)
Holy fuck, you are a sociopath.
Guess you've never lived in small-town Texas :rofl:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dissocial_ ... y_disorder
1. Callous unconcern for the feelings of others and lack of the capacity for empathy.
2. Gross and persistent attitude of irresponsibility and disregard for social norms, rules, and obligations.

3. Incapacity to maintain enduring relationships, though having no difficulty in establishing them.
4. Very low tolerance to frustration and a low threshold for discharge of aggression, including violence.
5. Incapacity to experience guilt and to profit from experience, particularly punishment.
6. Marked proneness to blame others or to offer plausible rationalizations for the behavior bringing the subject into conflict.
7. Persistent irritability.
I'll mark in blue the symptom I possibly display with my posting (extenuating circumstances aside), and in red the symptoms possibly displayed by the OP(extenuating circumstances aside).



Staff member
Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Dang, Tin. The most I've ever retaliated on someone was ruining a guy's white sweater with a handful of tomatos when he called me fat.
Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Scrapping's pretty much a way of life in most small towns around here. Consequently, we don't often get internet douchebags outside of bookstores with megaphones, ruining books for people :)
Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Tinwhistler said:
Scrapping's pretty much a way of life in most small towns around here. Consequently, we don't often get internet douchebags outside of bookstores with megaphones, ruining books for people :)
The only douchebags that stand outside bookstores here are the ones claiming Harry Potter glorifies Satan and you'll burn in hell for reading them.


Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Cuyval Dar said:
Cajungal said:
[quote="Cuyval Dar":xa5rhn31]
Espy said:
My wife has no idea what happens. I've told her to be careful with people she talks to. She's gonna freak out when she sees it.

And yeah, internet tough guy blahblahblah if some a** came into the theater and tried to spoil the movie I don't know if it's worth getting in a fight on but they should watch out for accidental flying cokes. :aaahhh:
No, not IN the theatre, just the lifeless idiots who wait in line for hours/days.
What about the people who have nothing better to do with their time but go out of their way to spoil things for other people? Are they targeted by anyone?
The aforementioned internet tough guys.[/quote:xa5rhn31]

It's not considered a tough guy bluff if you're not bluffing. Incidentally, do you live near Philly? Come over to the premier of HP6 next week. The Pearl Theatre at Avenue North 1600 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA. I'll be there before the 9:15 show. Bring your megaphone and you'll be using it to amplify your farts. Be sure to bring your idiot 4chan pals too.
Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Chazwozel said:
It's not considered a tough guy bluff if you're not bluffing. Incidentally, do you live near Philly? Come over to the premier of HP6 next week. The Pearl Theatre at Avenue North 1600 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA. I'll be there before the 9:15 show. Bring your megaphone and you'll be using it to amplify your farts. Be sure to bring your idiot 4chan pals too.

Steven Soderburgin

Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Edrondol said:
I think the biggest surprise about this post is not that she avoided all the information, but that Charlie has a girlfriend in the first place.

Tinwhistler said:
Remember when the little hand-held laser pointers became affordable and popular? For a while, you couldn't go into a movie without some douchebag putting a red dot all over the screen (tee hee!). When I personally got fed up with that crap, I waited til one of those douchebags went to the bathroom, followed him in, and kicked the shit out of him.

I imagine I'd do much the same to someone spoiling my film/book with a megaphone. Call internet tough guy all you like. (shrug)
What the fuck is wrong with you?

I can understand being frustrated and annoyed with something like that, but fuck, tell a manager or something.
Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

It's extra annoying that they chose to ruin the book for children.
I can see thinking that you're all tough and ruining things for an adult nerd. I still loathe the idea and think that it comes out of a misguided bit of self righteousness, but I understand it. Ruining something like that for children, however, makes me want to physically harm someone. And I'm NOT violent by nature.
Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

AshburnerX said:
I'd mark 5 and 7 on that list too, if I were you Tin...
Nah, I'm not generally irritable, and I've been known to feel guilty about my actions, when it's warranted. Not all displays of aggression warrant guilt, though.
Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Tinwhistler said:
AshburnerX said:
I'd mark 5 and 7 on that list too, if I were you Tin...
Nah, I'm not generally irritable, and I've been known to feel guilty about my actions, when it's warranted. Not all displays of aggression warrant guilt, though.
I think what most people are trying to get across is that you SHOULD feel guilty for beating the crap out of someone for annoying you.
Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Here's to hoping there's more violence in the movie than the bathroom!

(seriously, why are you guys fixated on tin's revenge? For all we know "beat him up in the bathroom" is some sort of euphemism in his locale.... :tongue: )


Le Quack

Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Snape kills Dumbledore?

sorry ed =[

I'm actually really looking forward to this movie; it is my favorite book in the series. I just got done rereading it last night and I had to pick up the 7th one.

Philosopher B.

Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Steve said:
Tinwhistler said:
Scrapping's pretty much a way of life in most small towns around here. Consequently, we don't often get internet douchebags outside of bookstores with megaphones, ruining books for people :)
The only douchebags that stand outside bookstores here are the ones claiming Harry Potter glorifies Satan and you'll burn in hell for reading them.
I'd probably just laugh at those kind of people.

Personally, I stayed (mostly) offline every time I read a new Harry Potter book so it wouldn't be spoiled, but then I can read super-fast when I want to so they never took too long to finish, though 'I-love-subplots' Rowling sure tried to slow me down. :Leyla:

And damn y'all, standing outside of places and yelling spoilers is some cold shit. Not as cold as beating on people though. :bush:
Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (SPOILERS AHOY!)

I have nothing to worry about, the toughest guys are too busy bragging on the internet.

Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Le Quack said:
Snape kills Dumbledore?

sorry ed =[
No worries, Quack. Spoilers are in the thread title. If they got it ruined this time it's their fault.
Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Cuyval Dar said:
[quote="Charlie Dont Surf":1inbu2ct]My girlfriend has no idea what happens in the book. She either avoided it somehow all those years ago or is trolling me IRL. She's seeing all the movies when they came out, and after they're all done, she's gonna go back and read all the books. I've told her to be careful the next couple weeks as far as reading much stuff online about it :whistling:
I really do not understand people like that. How can they go without reading a book like LOTR or HP, and then see the movies. You lose so much of the context.[/quote:1inbu2ct]

I read about someone (might have been Michael Crichton, can't remember now) who insisted on seeing movie versions of books first before reading the books. His reason was that if you watch the movie second, it's never how you imagine it in your head when you read the book previously, and that lessens the experience.

Mr. Lawface

Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

bhamv2 said:
Cuyval Dar said:
[quote="Charlie Dont Surf":1j36ye4s]My girlfriend has no idea what happens in the book. She either avoided it somehow all those years ago or is trolling me IRL. She's seeing all the movies when they came out, and after they're all done, she's gonna go back and read all the books. I've told her to be careful the next couple weeks as far as reading much stuff online about it :whistling:
I really do not understand people like that. How can they go without reading a book like LOTR or HP, and then see the movies. You lose so much of the context.
I read about someone (might have been Michael Crichton, can't remember now) who insisted on seeing movie versions of books first before reading the books. His reason was that if you watch the movie second, it's never how you imagine it in your head when you read the book previously, and that lessens the experience.[/quote:1j36ye4s]
The way I see it, seeing a movie version first lessens the book reading experience because I now know what is going to happen. The book is the experience I want lessened least out of the two, so I read the book first.
Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Tinwhistler said:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dissocial_ ... y_disorder
1. Callous unconcern for the feelings of others and lack of the capacity for empathy.
2. Gross and persistent attitude of irresponsibility and disregard for social norms, rules, and obligations.

3. Incapacity to maintain enduring relationships, though having no difficulty in establishing them.
4. Very low tolerance to frustration and a low threshold for discharge of aggression, including violence.
5. Incapacity to experience guilt and to profit from experience, particularly punishment.
6. Marked proneness to blame others or to offer plausible rationalizations for the behavior bringing the subject into conflict.
7. Persistent irritability.
Sound like about 90% of people before getting scared of growing old and getting married...
Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (SPOILERS AHOY!)

I had a dream last night that I stole a wind up boat (the kind you put in a bath tub) and used it as a boat to cross the ocean to go to England and I was best friends with Harry and the red headed kid (ron?)then had to steal another wind up boat to get back to America
Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (SPOILERS AHOY!)

CrimsonSoul said:
I had a dream last night that I stole a wind up boat (the kind you put in a bath tub) and used it as a boat to cross the ocean to go to England and I was best friends with Harry and the red headed kid (ron?)then had to steal another wind up boat to get back to America
It's obviously telling you that you wish to kill your father and sleep with your mother.



Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Cuyval Dar said:
@Espy Why would you throw the $6 movie theatre sodas at someone? Seems like a waste.
Fuck, I'd enjoy throwing it a HELL of a lot more than drinking it if some dickwad who got his jollies out of ruining other people's night ended up wearing it..... but maybe that's just me
Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

stienman said:
seriously, why are you guys fixated on tin's revenge?

Mob mentality. Happens here all the time.

My grandparents used to have a farm. Did you know, when chickens are cooped up closely, if you paint a red spot on one, the others will try to peck that chicken to death?

Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (SPOILERS AHOY!)

That explains why chickens hate my birthmark.


Steven Soderburgin

Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Tinwhistler said:
Mob mentality. Happens here all the time.
hahahahahah holy shit
Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Tinwhistler said:
stienman said:
seriously, why are you guys fixated on tin's revenge?

Mob mentality. Happens here all the time.

My grandparents used to have a farm. Did you know, when chickens are cooped up closely, if you paint a red spot on one, the others will try to peck that chicken to death?
Yep. If a chicken gets hurt you have to move it to another cage or otherwise separate them to prevent further damage.

Or, you know, eat it.


Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (SPOILERS AHOY!)

This one time when I was at the movies, this lady brought in her baby. The little fucker cried through the previews, so I sold it to the Taliban.

Don't mess with my movies, man!

I felt bad, though. I went to see that same movie again and this time I got to see the trailers. They sucked. Boy was my face red!
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