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Imagine if he actually joined HF.

No clue, the only experience I had with this was a forum that I frequented many years ago. We had started a "Women of Gaming" thread with all kinds of images of RL women who played video game characters. Alot of us began posting about Kerri Hoskins..... when she suddenly began posting. It was someone using the user title of Sonya Blade claiming to be the real Kerri. Noone believed it. The forum admin began immediately speaking to the person through PM and within hour we had a picture of Kerri, at her PC, at home, wearing the exact colors that was asked and making hand gestures/face. I was shocked, one because I couldn't believe it was really her, two because she actually submitted herself to the ridiculous "proof" test.

The following week was just hundreds of questions asking her the most insane things.She answered as many of them as she could before just disappearing from the forums all together. Other than a ton of "come-ons" (one from me of course) she handled it with a crazy awesome bit of humor and honesty. It was fantastic.
Eh, I'm open to some anime being good. But I don't really like the drawing style. I still want to watch Mizarchi? Miyaki? The Ponyo/Howl's Moving Castle guy. And I vaguely want to see Ghost in the Shell, that's one of the universally loved animes I haven't seen yet. I'm just not going out of my way to watch them.

Also, if I looked like James Franco, I could get so many fly bitches
You know, I'd really like to know Charlie's reaction to watching Perfect Blue. I'm really not sure how he'd react.

Charlie, one word of warning: Ghost in the Shell the movies are very different from Ghost in the Shell: Standalone Complex the TV series. Same source material, same-ish characters, but with radically different tones, interpretations on themes, and focus. The former are more slow-but-action-punctuated existential thought-pieces where the characters are more foils for ideas than actual characters, while the latter is more of an ensemble cyber-police procedural with heavy emphasis on social engineering.

Or to try and put it another way, the films are pre-millennial post-singularity movies, while the TV series is post-millennial post-singularity.
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