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That sentiment always bothers me.
You're still writing off an entire medium based on limited exposure. I've seen lots of North American live action films that are crap, doesn't mean I hate live action movies.

And I say that as someone who dislikes MOST anime myself. On a technical note I can't stand many of the character designs, or the fact that most of it is on 3s or 4s, while western animation tends to be on 2s or 1s. Not to mention issues with the acting (And I don't mean the voice acting. That, I realize is the problem of the North American voice actors)

But I am not going to write off an entire medium based on that. Good animes exist, just like crap western animation exists, and if it seems like the overwhelming majority of it is rubbish, perhaps thats just because of the sheer volume of it produced.

(Equally annoying are the people who are batshit crazy over anything anime and seem to think its superior just because its anime. Don't get me started on that)
Its the number of drawings per one second of film. film runs at 24fps, but the human eye sees at around 11fps, that's what creates the illusion of movement. Being on 1s means that each drawing equates to 1 frame of film. ie: 24 drawings per second. Being on 2s, one drawing is two frames of film (12 drawings per second, close enough to the human eye's persistence of vision to work.) Being on 3s, one drawing is held for three frames. This means there are only 8 drawings per second, and the illusion of movement is not as convincing. 4s, well... you get it.
Added at: 23:48
All that being said, there is some solid stuff done on threes and fours, and of course some rubbish stuff on 2s and 1s.
Film anime tends to be on 3s, with some 2s and occasionally even 1s thrown in, and its almost always quite fluid. Plus stuff like Avatar and Cowboy Bebop is wonderfully fluid despite being on 3s. I've never seen Akira but I've seen some line tests and :Leyla:
There's good anime out there, but if you're a casual fan you're most likely going to run across garbage. I mean, Sturgeon's Law and all that. The weeaboos don't help.
I am an anime fan(obviously) 90% of what comes out IN NORTH AMERICA is crap and thats like 10% of what gets released in japan. I don't actually disagree that most of it is shit, just like I point out to people that 90% of what goes on TV is garbage. although I have been digging my little pony, although I also liked fosters home for imaginary friends, and some of the other stuff that Craig McCraken and Lauren Faust have done so it may be their stewardship of what cartoons should be.
Anime sucks balls.
The majority of anime is targeted at a youth audience, and has little to nothing to offer adult audiences. It would be similar to still enjoying He Man or Thunder Cats - which many people do.

A large audience doesn't indicate high quality - it just indicates that the creators of the shows know their audience and are writing specifically for them.

Some anime explores some interesting topics, but most still approach them from a youth perspective.
In my younger days I watched a lot of Anime and read quite a bit of Manga and personally feel that, like many mediums, the majority of it is, indeed, crap. That doesn't mean others won't like it's just my personal feelings. I liked quite a bit of it but got tired of trudging through all the turds to find the few gems. But thats just me. Everyone likes some stuff that someone else thinks is crap.
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