Funny Pictures Thread. It begins again

Hah, I executed SO many DEVATATING combos in that game.

"SKIP you, DRAW two, REVERSE back to me, WILD CARD DRAW FOUR, the color is red, SKIP YOU, UNO, and I play my last card, red 3."
Which would take at least 3 episodes in an anime series, in between all the outright weird boasts and commentary and explaining to someone, who was watching what happened, what they just saw, but without being helpful in any way because most of the time they don't know what the fuck the protagonist is doing. Plus the odd fanservice, bizarre comedy relief, and occasionally implied quasi-incest.


Staff member
why do urinals have cak- you know what nevermind.
It's not really cake, it's a tablet of disinfectant/deodorant that dissolves slowly in liquid, so that as the urinal is.... used... it doesn't get icky/smelly as badly/quickly.[DOUBLEPOST=1437688245,1437687977][/DOUBLEPOST]
Gas, it's exactly that type of thing that we need a "WTF?" rating for. Funny yes, but still a HUGE wtf on that one.