Experience Wrathgate while you can!

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Staff member
Glad I did it then.

Hey, who's gonna be on tonight? I want someone to run Boom through DM or something. I almost wish I multi-boxed.
I should be on. I have to get a few things done, but I'm hoping to be on by around 8 or 9. I might make it a late night.
Glad I did it then.

Hey, who's gonna be on tonight? I want someone to run Boom through DM or something. I almost wish I multi-boxed.
I can help, although it wouldn't be as quick as if a 70+ guy ran you through it. :)
Also, the Wrathgate cinematic will stay in, it's the following questline involving the Battle for Undercity that are going away. Which makes sense, because at least for the Horde version you have to do several things which are no longer possible with upcoming plot progression in Azeroth, as well as go through what is now a completely revamped Undercity. I guess they figured it wasn't worth revamping an entire area phase for the sake of a single quest, no matter how neat it is.
Yeah, I have no problem with them doing it. It kinda sucks though, it's a pretty cool quest. I wonder if they'll move the quest rewards back to the end of the Wrathgate cinematic so you can still get them.
I have a feeling every quest that will involve the old world in some form in the expansions will see themselves cut. So that means you might want to do the "Garrosh" quest chain in Nagrand if you play Horde, the one that involves saving the Naaru, learning about Oshu'gun, telling Thrall about his grandmother and finally showing Garrosh that his father died a hero. That questline involves going to Orgrimmar multiple times to speak with Thrall, who will no longer be there.
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