[News] Do not read this deer tongue story if you have a queasy stomach.


Staff member
Woman has a husband who hunts deer. He had one dead and dressing in his garage and she saw the tongue and thought, "This would make a great sex aid!" So she used it...and forgot that it was there. Until it started to decompose. So she went to her gynecologist because of the discharge and awful smell. And that's where they found the decaying deer tongue.

Now, I know this is the Daily Buzz, but there are things that you just can't make up.


Enjoy your breakfast.


Staff member
Calling shenanigans. Nobody "forgets" they shoved something that size up their hooha and forgets it there for days.

Though, I have heard a first hand account from my stepmother who had a patient who thought she "lost a tampon" up there and went after it with a pair of hot dog tongs. She thought she "saw it" in a little hand held mirror, so she used the tongs to grab what turned out to be her cervix. Ouch. Stepmom said it looked like something had been chewing on it.
Well there was that story I posted not too long ago about the woman who thought she could use a potato as barrier birth control. She forgot it was up there and it sprouted roots.