[Funny] Did any of you jerks buy/watch Louis CK's new standup special?

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I have to agree, Louis really blew me out of the water with the first Stand-Up of his I watched.

I'll be happy to get this one as well. Thanks for the heads up.
Which was the first you watched? He's done a really cool thing where every year he throws out his entire routine and makes a new set of jokes. They all kind of run together for me, but I love Hilarious, Shameless, Chewed Up, and now this one ("Beacon Theater?"). I might be leaving some out. At least a couple are on Netflix.


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I downloaded and watched the Beacon Theater (which I for some reason kept thinking was the "Bacon Theater") and I liked most of it. Some was too much for me and I thought was unnecessarily vulgar for the sake of being vulgar, but the part about him smoking weed in the parking lot was hysterically funny!
I've only watched a few of his stand up specials proper, but back in the day, I was a stand up comedy groupie. It was one of the careers I actually considered at one point.

Louis CK has always been one of my favorites.

Also, his show on FX is one of the best shows on TV.
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