Darkfall beta review @ "The Noob"

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Hey fucktards. Learn to fucking read you cockbites.

This isn't about WoW. This isn't about Darkfall. This isn't about fucking Shadowbane.

It's about PvP mechanics, period. That's it you god damned fucking morons.

It doesn't matter if the gorram devs created the game and allow you to kill anyone at any time. It's still griefing if you do that. Regardless of what fucking game it is. Regardless of what the devs say. If you corpse camp someone, if you kill someone and steal their shit, if you repeatedly hunt them down and they're no threat to you... you're griefing.

Again, it doesn't matter which fucking game you're playing. You're griefing. If you can open your eyes and fucking ignore the picture and text in my sig, maybe you'd find two brain cells to rub together and have that spark of comprehension.
I dub Ass-enka the new Superking!

Seriously, I'm more into, better at, and have been playing WoW longer than you and I dont' have Blizzard's dick as far up my ass as you apparantly do. Though, reading your posts are great for a laugh! :rofl:
"If the people who make the game design it so their players can kill each other all the time, whenever they want, it's a mistake and they should change it cause that's griefing and even though they designed like that on purpose they made a mistake."
Shegokigo said:
Seriously, I'm more into, better at, and have been playing WoW longer than you and I dont' have Blizzard's dick as far up my ass as you apparantly do. Though, reading your posts are great for a laugh! :rofl:
God damn you're really fucking ignorant and clueless. Where the hell do you see me praising Blizzard for PvP? No where you lackwit. I actually think Blizzards implementation of PvP in a PvE game to be completely and fucking retarded.

Once again, and this is the last time I'm going to repeat this: This isn't about WoW. This isn't about Darkfall. This isn't about Shadowbane or any other fucking game. I am only debating PvP period. No specific game. Just PvP. Either get that through your fucking thick skull, or shut the fuck up because if you think I'm talking about any game in particular... you're fucking stupid.
Asenka said:
God damn you're really fucking ignorant and clueless. Where the hell do you see me praising Blizzard? No where you lackwit. I actually think Blizzards implementation of PvP in a PvE game to be completely and fucking retarded.

Once again, and this is the last time I'm going to repeat this: This isn't about WoW. This isn't about Darkfall. This isn't about Shadowbane or any other fucking game. I am only debating PvP period. No specific game. Just PvP. Either get that through your fucking thick skull, or shut the fuck up because if you think I'm talking about any game in particular... you're fucking stupid.
:rofl: :lol:
Pure gold!

Le Quack

WoW Askenka, you must have some deep repressed memories of not getting your way as a child.
Le Quack said:
WoW Askenka, you must have some deep repressed memories of not getting your way as a child.
Shh! I had already defused him, we can continue rational conversation without interruption now! :tear:
Asenka said:
I am only debating PvP period. No specific game. Just PvP.
PvP -- "Player versus Player". Wherein players have the ability to fight and kill each other in the confines of their game world of choice. It's not "Player versus Player except sometimes they're a big meanie and it's griefing".

Definition #3 from Urban Dictionary (cited because no other ones would have a definition for PvP)

A player of a game fighting against another player.
Any number of people can participate in PvP, and it does not have to be a fair situation.

The other definitions are similar, and none mention people being big meanies.

How in God's great toenails did this turn into a flame war? It's about Darkfall! FFS! I may play a beta but I doubt I'm the type they are looking for. I think Askenka is also not their target audience. And Mav probably is. I fail to see what the issue is.
Edrondol said:
How in God's great toenails did this turn into a flame war? It's about Darkfall! FFS! I may play a beta but I doubt I'm the type they are looking for. I think Askenka is also not their target audience. And Mav probably is. I fail to see what the issue is.
Superking wanted to talk, so things got messy. But it's been handled. Nothing to see here but Darkfall conversation. ;)

Le Quack

I'm hella looking forward to sneaking around in tall grass and killing people.

My favorite part of PvP is stalking, and from what they say, stalking is going to be a skill learned by the player, not an actual button that you click and you go invisable.


Edrondol said:
How in God's great toenails did this turn into a flame war? It's about Darkfall! FFS! I may play a beta but I doubt I'm the type they are looking for. I think Askenka is also not their target audience. And Mav probably is. I fail to see what the issue is.

apparently i'm a griefer despite the fact a game is built specifically with the mechanics there to allow such things.

how a game can have griefing when the gods damn developers SPECIFICALLY MADE IT THAT WAY is beyond me.

i think Askenka has some bad experiences with open range pvp mmo's in the past where someone did something he considered griefing. it's a common thing, i see it in SB at times. new player starts out, eager to play, loves pvp, then finds out 90% of the world map isn't safe and gets killed at lvl 24 by a lvl 75 and QQ's. Maybe Askenka had a similar experience in some game and thats why he's so angry at us "griefers" (aka pvpers) and also why he loves WoW so much.

it really doesn't get much simpler than the fact that when a guy programming a game, decides "Hmmm I am going to put in some features that let people kill others in ways they might call "griefing", the pvp in the game is NOT griefing, it's normal pvp.

and the funny part? the hilarious part?

i play a fucking priest, who has no offensive capabilities :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Been playing WoW since beta, ~150 total days /played, currently playing on a pve server...
And this game looks fucking brilliant.

edit: and by looks, I mean premise /=/ outcome
Mav, you're a griefer. Doesn't matter what the game allows. Corpse camping someone, that's causing them grief. How many fucking times do I have to say that? Are you that fucking retarded? It does not matter if the rules allow it. You're still causing grief.

Seriously, are you that fucking dumb? It doesn't have anything to do with the rules of the game at all. Killing someone that poses no threat to you repeatedly? Griefing. Corpse camping someone? Griefing. Ganking someone over and over in a large group? Griefing.

Yes, the rules allow that to happen. So what? It still means you're a griefer and you'll gain a reputation as a griefer and you'll find your characters repeatedly ganked, corpse camped, and fucked around with because of it.


Asenka said:
you'll gain a reputation as a griefer and you'll find your characters repeatedly ganked, corpse camped, and fucked around with because of it.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

that is the entire point behind some of the pvp mmo's i play rofl

if people "griefed" me in Shadowbane and i went and cried about it like you're QQ'ing here? i'd be the laughing stock of the fucking game

you are supposed to play this way in some games, it is the entire purpose in some games, despite what you think. come log into SB sometime, you'll see ENTIRE SERVERS DOING THIS
Mav said:
if people "griefed" me in Shadowbane and i went and cried about it like you're QQ'ing here? i'd be the laughing stock of the fucking game
"Holycrapdoesitmatter?" to you too!


Shawnacy said:
Mav said:
if people "griefed" me in Shadowbane and i went and cried about it like you're QQ'ing here? i'd be the laughing stock of the fucking game
"Holycrapdoesitmatter?" to you too!
sorry shawn, i just cant stand carebears....theres games for them and games for people like me

Mav said:
Shawnacy said:
Mav said:
if people "griefed" me in Shadowbane and i went and cried about it like you're QQ'ing here? i'd be the laughing stock of the fucking game
"Holycrapdoesitmatter?" to you too!
sorry shawn, i just cant stand carebears....theres games for them and games for people like me
I was with ya right up until that post, Mav. Playing RP WoW does not make Ask better or less able than you, nor does your playing "OMFG Hardcore!" games make you any better. They are different game styles. I play more like Ask and would HATE to meet you in a game! But I'm not going to berate you for it.

And Ask...dial it down, dude! It's a game! Mav will play it his way and your complaining will only make him giggle more when he sticks a shiv into your pancreas. (In the game, of course.)

You say griefer, he says playing it the way it's meant to be played. You both know you'll never agree so why continue? Let them talk about their game!
I play Eve Online. I hunt down pirates and partake in corp wars. I am far from a carebear you dumbass. Open range pvp is fine, as long as there's a reason for hunting other players. Pointless killing for no reason, that's just shitty game design and why games like those fail to attract a larger playerbase than the maladjusted morons that get their jollies that way.

In fact, I'd say you're more of a carebear than I am, since in Eve... you lose your ship and modules and implants if you get blown up and podded. Hundreds of billions of isk (in game currency) lost in minutes if you screw up and go the wrong way or get caught where you shouldn't be. Not to mention, if you get podded and don't have a clone ready... you can lose hundreds of hours or tens of days of real life training time when you clone and lose millions of skill points.

So keep playing your carebear pvp game where dying doesn't matter so much.


Asenka said:
I play Eve Online. I hunt down pirates and partake in corp wars. I am far from a carebear you dumbass. Open range pvp is fine, as long as there's a reason for hunting other players. Pointless killing for no reason, that's just shitty game design and why games like those fail to attract a larger playerbase than the maladjusted morons that get their jollies that way.

In fact, I'd say you're more of a carebear than I am, since in Eve... you lose your ship and modules and implants if you get blown up and podded. Hundreds of billions of isk (in game currency) lost in minutes if you screw up and go the wrong way or get caught where you shouldn't be. Not to mention, if you get podded and don't have a clone ready... you can lose hundreds of hours or tens of days of real life training time when you clone and lose millions of skill points.

So keep playing your carebear pvp game where dying doesn't matter so much.
oh you mean that game you pay, not to play? log in, set a skill to level up, then basically sit around and do nothing for days while you wait for that skill to level? often times a skill you need in order to fly your next level ship? rofl...yea they may have sped this up over the years but when i played Eve a few years ago not only did you pay to "play" it you paid to sit around and do jack shit all the time while you waited for shit to finish. And no, going to mine asteroids while I wait for my skills to level up is not what I'd consider fun. 6 months to a year to become pvp viable in a decent ship with proper upgrades? fuck, that.

the one offensive class i play in SB has risk of losing items. i have to take off my weapons on my scout to enchant them, which means putting them in my inventory while i buff them. at this point if i'm not paying attention a good theif can nab them right off me, or kill me quick enough that i don't double click'em fast enough. and they aren't cheap to replace.

the difference? i dont care if i lose them. it's part of the game. if someone jacks me randomly, kudos. ya got me. enjoy the gear, i'll see ya out somewheres again at some point. I don't QQ over it.

As for shitty games designed this way, uh no? You cannot use WoW as a comparison, as A) the 11 million is a WORLD wide number. I never play on international servers so I only follow American numbers for mmo population figures. And B) UO yet again. It wasn't the first MMORPG, so let's not use the EQ example to say "omg when EQ came out people flooded to it". UO was die hard pvp on steriods. It had great numbers and STILL has tons of people playing it so much that they completely revamped the client with more modern graphics. Yea, the franchise kinda went to shit after UO but still it proves a hardcore pvp mmo can succeed. As Darkfall will I believe.

If you can't handle your pixels being taken away from you or dying, stick to games that let you pixel protect.


I apologize if this was already said and answered, but I stopped reading when it turned into a flame war.

I would be all OVER this game if it has two things.

1: a really easy-to-get-to level/skill cap. I don't want to be slaughtered like a sheep while leveling for three months. I'll put up with it for two weeks, maybe more if PvE is all it's cracked up to be. If I get killed in a fair fight, that's totally different, but getting me and my leafblade jumped by a level 300,000 wizard with OMFGthegreatestmagicmissilespellever is simply not fun.

2: All weapons and equipment being pretty much the same. I would get a longsword you crafted yourself being a little better than something you buy at a vendor, but I don't want it going farther than that. I have limited time online, and I don't want to spend it doing a questline for that nice magic sword you get at the end (In WoW terms, a green or blue sword), and then have it taken away from me by one guy with a bow who got the jump on me. I put a few hours into that; I don't want it taken away in sixty seconds. Considering that you have to spend (according to the review) an hour and a half fishing to get spell components, I don't think this is likely.

IF these are the case, then I would love this game! I'd saddle up, grab some lances, a cavalry saber, and a shortbow, and ride off into enemy territory to see how deep I can get, killing as I go. When I die, no big deal, I'll just get back to town, buy me some more gear, and ride on back into the breach.
This conversation has taken a turn for the lulz of epic proportions.

Why is Superking *ahem* I mean Asenka even still posting in here? Why does he think anyone wants to converse with him about his subject? (Other than Mav irking him on). This thread is now (again) about Darkfall.

Is it still in NDA? Any screenies available yet? What about race choices?
Mav said:
oh you mean that game you pay, not to play? log in, set a skill to level up, then basically sit around and do nothing for days while you wait for that skill to level?
Wrong. You go out and fly the ship you have, running missions for reputation, isk, or do mining. Maybe try out a little can flipping piracy if you're bold enough.

yea they may have sped this up over the years but when i played Eve a few years ago not only did you pay to "play" it you paid to sit around and do jack shit all the time while you waited for shit to finish. And no, going to mine asteroids while I wait for my skills to level up is not what I'd consider fun. 6 months to a year to become pvp viable in a decent ship with proper upgrades? fuck, that.
You can be a pvp combat viable tackler in less than a month. You can be in a tech 1 battlecruiser in a couple months. You shouldn't fly ships you can't afford to lose anyway.

the one offensive class i play in SB has risk of losing items. i have to take off my weapons on my scout to enchant them, which means putting them in my inventory while i buff them. at this point if i'm not paying attention a good theif can nab them right off me, or kill me quick enough that i don't double click'em fast enough. and they aren't cheap to replace.
Oh noes! You might lose your weapons... if a very specific set of circumstances happens. Wow, what a carebear game that is. Didn't shadowbane used to be full looting of all items, even equipped? Guess they made the game less hardcore for the whiners. In Eve... you lose everything. So yeah, Shadowbane is more carebear than Eve.

As for shitty games designed this way, uh no? You cannot use WoW as a comparison, as A) the 11 million is a WORLD wide number.
I'm not using WoW as a comparison. Only a fucking idiot uses WoW as a population comparison. Eve is a niche pvp/scifi genre game and it's very successful in it's chosen market. That makes it a good game with good design. There's reasons for hunting people down, other than griefing.

If you can't handle your pixels being taken away from you or dying, stick to games that let you pixel protect.
Uh... hello you fucking moron. I play Eve Online where my pixels are in danger of being blown to fucking stardust. Stop trying to act like I'm some carebear. God damned dumbass.
I have a question that might have been asked when Captain Hilarity started his flame war. I haven't really been paying attention since then.

What's the recovery time between getting killed and having all your items stolen and being able to get back into the game? What I mean is, you get up and are naked. Assuming no corpse camping, how much time would it take to be able to get some gold and items and go right back into pvp?


I love how when you're losing the arguement you shift from using WoW as your comparison, to Eve.

Can't you just simply buy clone insurance in Eve, so that even if your pod dies, your toon isn't 100% fucked, just like 90%? And even if you're in danger, you can eject your pod from your ship and try to make a last ditch getaway? Yea, that's not carebear at all "you're fucked, lets give you one more chance to run forrest run!"

If you want a better lootable comparison than SB since you wanna hate on my mmo as well, how about Necron 2? Little known cyberpunk mmo, FPS combat, you have one single protection "slot" for stuff you can't drop. Past that, anything is game. What's that, your caster has several high end crafted spells you don't wanna lose? You can only protect one from never dropping, the rest are fair game when you die. Oh and that grave you also left behind? It can be "hacked" (an actual ingame skill, not real hacking) so anything else in the grave, can be taken if the player is specced in high enough hacking. You know how many times I dropped a high end weapon or spell in that game? A fuck ton. Did I bitch? NO. It made me mad a few times, but ya know I grinded up the cash, bought the ingredients and crafted a new one. So don't bitch at me about carebear bullshit full lootablility in shadowbane cause Darkfall is gonna be 100% lootable, and i'll be jacking as much free shit as i can.

ROFL @ the "you can be pvp viable in 1 month" I can be pvp viable in other games inside a DAY. cap level, top end gear, etc of course being in a good guild helps but even so solo leveling with no one gearing me, i can reach a much farther level in a day in some pvp mmos than I can in Eve, or WoW.

As for that one situation, take that and multiply it x10. Oh look, that rare mob spawned with a great item? There's probably 20 guys running to go kill it, you grab it and suddenly gotta fight off people, make an escape, something, to get away with that item. Or how about attempting some good old fashioned farming for leet items, which is still needed time to time though rarely, all that loot you picked up is open to be jacked. Yea anything you're wearing isn't lootable unless it's in your inventory but guess what, this isn't Darkfall I'm talking about, it's SB. Darkfall is just the next natural progression of ful looting.

You wanna jack Eve off like it's got the biggest dick amongst MMO's? Sure it's got the hardcore element there, with a few carebear elements tossed in. Make Eve take a FUCK LOAD less time to hit level cap and get gear, it'd be the perfect space based pvp mmo. Until it takes as long as it does in UO/SB/DF to reach cap with good gear, it's not worth the time in my opinion.

Oh and if you really wanna talk hardcore, here's the ace to trump your spades; Diablo 2 Hardcore PvP. Death = character is gone forever, all gear, every last piece. Those of us with level 99 HC characters who ever got bit by a piece of lag during combat can attest to how fucking insanely tough and literally, hardcore, this pvp was. I'm sure you'll be the type QQ'ing if Diablo 3 includes a similar setup.
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