Bootlegged Amazing Spider-Man Trailer

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What's disappointing about the re-origin is that I thought I had heard early reports that they were planning on doing the origin ala The Incredible Hulk: skip over it briefly, maybe in the credits, then get to the plot ASAP.
You know what movie did a great reboot?

The TMNT cgi movie a few years ago.

That movie had one of my favorite intros ever:

All within the first 5 minutes..
You know what comic (and then movie) did the best origin?

All Star frigging Superman (also known as All Star Superman).

Page 1, 4 panels:
Doomed planet.
Desperate scientists.
Last hope.
Kindly couple.

Boom. Origin out of the way, let's get to the story. Let's do it this time around, too.

Got bit.
Uncle died.
Great responsibility.
But it seems like so far it's just cranking up everything I didn't like about the previous installments, specifically the overly serious tone. Lighthearted, wise-ass spidey is where it's at.
This is a key thing. If they "twilight" him up into a brooding, self-obsessed imbecile, that will actually piss me off. One of the greatest things about the character is how he dealt with the sheer insanity of trying to balance his super-hero life with his crappy living situations using humor and self-deprecation.
Again, it's really hard to discern the films true tone from a little bootlegged teaser. I'm way less concerned with the perceived "tone" of the trailer and more with what others are commenting on, doing another origin story. Gah. Move on guys. It's been done. We get it.
Again, it's really hard to discern the films true tone from a little bootlegged teaser.
Here's a better quality trailer, but you're absolutely right. The movie could end up being completely different from what the trailer is portraying.

Just for comparison though, here's the original theatrical trailer for the 2002 movie.

Sweet, they're making Mirror's Edge: Spider-man Edition? I can't wait to play it.

Oh, what? That's the spider-man reboot? Oh... well then, that looks awful.

Soooo...does an official trailer make things look any more promising for anyone?

Not here. Though I'm not hating the costume design. It's just the way the trailer is portraying everything. Parker's this brooding guy who *CLICHE!!!* draws pictures during class. It's the whole dark, brooding emo crap that I'm not enjoying. We had enough of that to last a lifetime in Spider-Man 3.
Yeah, the official non-crappy version does not much assuage my ambivalence. The Mirror's Edge part actually looks worse now that I can see it better.

Peter may not be emo all the time, hopefully. And while I wish Emma Stone was MJ, she should be a perfectly good Gwen.
I guess to avoid being cliche they should write their characters doing things that people never actually do, then. Otherwise it's probably been done before, and who wants to see that, right?

I'm also not seeing a whole lot of brooding in there, and I'm not sure which part amounts to "emo crap". I guess I should dig deeper, maybe I can twist the stuff being shown to match some preconceived idea about how terrible it's obviously going to be.
Sorry, I guess when I think Peter Parker, I think "nerdy, paying attention science geek", unless he's...I don't know, sketching Spidey costumes? It's just the way it was presented in the trailer. If it's the latter, it sort of makes sense. But the portrayal they show in the trailer makes it look like he's one of those psychopathic dark kids you'd see in a horror movie or something.

It's just the overall presentation that he's this brooding, mysterious teenager. Yeah, he screwed up with Uncle Ben, but he didn't turn into a wishy-washy loner guy.

I guess my beef is that the trailer reminds me too much of Dark Knight. Not in the quality of that amazing movie, but in the darkness. And Spidey...just isn't a dark character. Yeah, he's torn sometimes between his dual lives and having to bail to be Spidey, but he's meant to be this really nice, easy going kid. Spidey's meant to be an escape for him. Sort of like someone goes for a walk to clear their head; he goes web-slinging. Most importantly...he's supposed to be flipping funny. There was nary a single funny thing in that trailer.

As I said, I'm still willing to hold out hope here, but it just doesn't look promising at all.

Also, instead of just attacking what we say, why not tell us what YOU thought?
I agree with TNG on the characterization. I don't dislike this because it's "emo crap." I dislike this version because Peter Parker should not be a quiet loner drawing in the corner. He should be the nerdy klutz who is socially awkward and enthusiastic about science class.
He should be the nerdy klutz who is socially awkward and enthusiastic about science class.
Amen. Whatever his exact characterization, if he's not a mega-science-geek whose intellectual brilliance and curiosity is overshadowed by his social awkwardness, whether it's overflowing nerditity or emo-loner-whatever, they can go straight to heck. To heck, I say!
Added at: 20:05
Also, cliche doesn't mean been seen before, it means overused to the point where whatever point was being made is lost.
I thought it looked about as good as the 2002 trailer posted a bit earlier - laughably bad at parts, but with the potential for a decent movie mixed in. I don't think there's nearly enough there to reach any conclusions about whether he's brooding, or emo, or a dark character in any way - he looks awkward at a couple of points, but that's about as far as it goes. A lot of the posts here read along the lines of "I'm worried/scared that this movie will go too far from the character I love and I'm reaching to match 5 second clips to those fears". I can't even imagine how you came to the conclusion that he looks like "he's one of those psychopathic dark kids you'd see in a horror movie".

Basically, this is a teaser. There's little to no dialog or character interactions, so any conclusions made on those characters are premature at best. At least wait for a theatrical trailer to start decrying the terrible things they've done.
Exactly, you two. Taking it from the High School setting, his self-esteem is shot from being bullied by the likes of Flash Thompson all day. Spider-Man is his release. Like I said, web-slinging is his equivilent to oging out for a walk to clear your head.
Also, cliche doesn't mean been seen before, it means overused to the point where whatever point was being made is lost.
And which point is trying to be made by seeing a kid drawing in class, aside from the fact that he's a kid, he's in class, and he's either distracted or bored? And better yet, what's the better way to make that point than showing him drawing?
I can't even imagine how you came to the conclusion that he looks like "he's one of those psychopathic dark kids you'd see in a horror movie".
Dude, did you not see the same trailer I did? Stop it at the 45 second point, where he's got his hood up, all bent over like Quasimodo and wildly sketching. That's fucking creepy. Creepy is about the last thing Peter Parker should be portrayed as.
See, I interpret that as focus on what he's doing. I just don't see how drawing in class can be remotely creepy.
It's not just the drawing in class part that's making it creepy. LIke I said, he's haunched over with his hood up. I would seriously steer clear of a kid like that.

Anyway, at this point, we're arguing semantics when it's really a matter of opinion. You're seeing something other than what pretty much everyone else I've talked to or read have been saying. I'll be stepping away from the argument from here on. Have fun, folks.
Because Vrii, whether you feel that way or not, the way it's being portrayed is that he's that "creepy hooded kid" in the corner. That's just the way society labels that "look" and "action". You don't see it that way, but it's the general public that does.
Yep, that ~one second clip in the middle of a teaser trailer is defining of the character for the whole movie. How stupid of me not to make that leap.
Hence the crux of everything I've posted - this is a teaser trailer, and quite possibly isn't representative of the finished product.
True, but people are going to judge on what they see. It's the way humanity works.

So this thread is about bitching about the trailer, which in turn makes the movie seem to be horrible, which will be bitched about too.
Does that trailer tell me more about the movie, not really, but it does re-enforce that they are going for a darker Parker. Now the movie could come out and he could be the comic-book perfect nerdy Parker.... but that's not what this trailer is portraying.
And it's a teaser trailer, that could very well be intended to draw attention from a different audience than that one that expects the typical Peter Parker. The studio has to feel pretty confident in their ability to draw that audience, one second shots of a raised hood notwithstanding.
And it's a teaser trailer, that could very well be intended to draw attention from a different audience than that one that expects the typical Peter Parker.
Yes, that's kind of what TNG was saying in the first place. Hence the Twilight comment.
Added at: 21:34
Or do you think that TNG and most of the folks here are in the Twilight demo?
Just seeing and pointing out the massive overreaction to a couple (one?) very brief shots in what isn't even the theatrical trailer.
Okay, back in.

Brief or not, this is still the studio's first look at this movie. They spend millions on promoting a major movie like this, ensuring that everyone and their dog sees it. The purpose might not be to give you a hint of what the movie is going to be fully like, but it gives you an idea of the direction they're taking the franchise and the character. The company spent millions to show us that THIS is what we're to expect. This is a teaser, but it's a teaser created in a fashion to get us excited about this particular rendition of a major IP.

Going by that logic, then, initial reactions from the vast majority of people I've seen has either been "this looks like crap" and/or Twilight comparisons. Sure, people are going to get what they want from looking at this teaser, but this isn't just a bunch of random shots thrown together and put out there. This was carefully put together by a professional, paid money, after a lot more money was put into deciding just how to promote the movie.

In other words, our reactions are the result of the product that Sony has decided to put out for us to judge.
Just seeing and pointing out the massive overreaction to a couple (one?) very brief shots in what isn't even the theatrical trailer.
It's 2.5 minutes long, that's a theatrical trailer. It's not going to be the only trailer, imagine, but it's very much a theatrical one. The TV ones will be much, much shorter.

And I'm truly mystified about the "one brief shot" bit. Like I honestly don't know what to say about that. :confused:

The music, the color palette, the hair, his expression, the slo-mo walking in the halls as people look and pull away, the clothing (not just the hoodie), how it looks like it's raining for the entire clip, none of that triggers a thing for you?
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