[Question] Books, Music, Podcasts, and Movies to improve your outlook

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A bunch of different events have brought me to this really pessimistic place that I do not enjoy. My comfort zone these days is hopeful realist.

I'm not looking to receive a mindless, optimism lobotomy via media, but what do you read/watch/listen to when you want to calmly nod an think "the world is not so bad"? I'm looking for new things to try.

Thanks very much. :)
For me, Tangled and How To Train Your Dragon are excellent pick-me-up movies. I actually got over a bad break-up because HTTYD came out the same day.
I listen to the Zen Parenting Radio podcast, which is about parenting, but as often as not is about how your own attitude affect things and working on how you approach everyday life, including parenting.

I also (probably not surprisingly) turn to humor when I'm down. I like to keep a Spotify or Pandora station built around Flight of the Conchords for such occasions.Lots of Da Vinci's Notebook, Garfunkle and Oats, and that sort of thing.
I usually turn to animation. Disney's Beauty and the Beast, The Iron Giant, the recently discussed Ratatouille, The Road to El Dorado, Kung Fu Panda, even animated kids'* fare such as "Word Girl," "Dexter's Laboratory," "Samurai Jack," or "Schoolhouse Rock." Seriously, "Word Girl" especially is an amazing show that effectively appeals to all ages, almost as if it was designed for adults and kids to watch it together or something.

Seriously, did you expect me to say something different?

But really, you can't help but laugh at wound-up ferrets. They are the dorkiest creatures on the face of the earth when they play.



Staff member
These are great suggestions. Thanks, everybody, and keep them coming! :) I haven't seen Tangled in a long time, and that one does really cheer me up...

Also, I don't watch nearly enough funny animal videos...


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Tress And other teachers (can't remember the others at the moment...): Any advice for when you feel a little jaded about your job? Specifically, I'm feeling down about my job for a couple of reasons.

First, organizing the kinds of events that are really good for my students stresses me out, because I'm not a great organizer. It's not that I can't, it's just way out of my comfort zone. Second, you just start to feel like a sucker after a while, I guess. I couldn't get a job in public schools (and the way things are down here right now, I'm kind of ok with that), I luck out and get into the most prestigious private school in the area, but that comes with other challenges. I give so much of myself and am so often left with nothing in return. How do you cope with feeling so drained?

I feel like I'm in a rough point in my career. The rush of my first real job has subsided, and the reality of just how demanding it is just slaps me in the face every day. It's like a relationship, I guess. The love's still there, but it's buried under all this crap I'm discovering and dealing with. Does that sound bad? :(
It's not a book or podcast, but helping out at a soup kitchen or maybe buying somebody's lunch in the line behind you can usually help you feel better. We have a regional food bank that allows individuals and/or groups of people come and pack boxes or fill bags with beans or rice. It's only a couple hrs a week, and it helps a bunch of folks.

Maybe it's time to work on some personal/professional goals.
I had a hard time with burnout in Grad school. It seemed to be a "Ok, now what?" -scenario. I had this dissertation check-list, and each time I checked one off I felt good for a while, but fell back into a slump.

You had a "become a teacher" goal, now what? Make a better lesson plan? Work on your organizational skills?

because I'm not a great organizer. It's not that I can't, it's just way out of my comfort zone.
Don't defeat yourself before you start. Find others who are good at this and ask them. Take a course or get a book.

Teaching is a tough gig, but I bet you are doing much better than you are letting yourself believe. Avoid reinforcing negative ideas about yourself. I bet you're not alone in feeling the way you do.

Good luck CG! You-can-do-eet!


Staff member
Thanks, DI. :) I've actually enlisted my mom to help get my classroom together. I need to learn to ask my colleagues for help. It's hard for me to ask, because I grew up never asking for help. But that's my #1 goal for this year--get support when I need it. The former science teacher is literally next door; there's no excuse not to.

Volunteering is a great idea, and one that I've been thinking about for a long time. It might feed that desire to help people that got me into teaching. It's hard to feel like you're making much of a difference when you're teaching kids who are probably on the road to success no matter what, just because of the success of their parents. Looking into it now actually...
So, I'm pretty juvenile and I'm a big believer in 'the little things'. I've printed these pictures out and I have them hanging around the house; on the fridge on my mirror, just about anywhere. I'll change them around too, so I can see a different picture often. It's really not much, but it often puts a smile on my face and maybe will for you too! =^^=

Also, if you like fantasy books at all, this is my favorite book of all time and always makes me happy:
So, I'm pretty juvenile and I'm a big believer in 'the little things'. I've printed these pictures out and I have them hanging around the house; on the fridge on my mirror, just about anywhere. I'll change them around too, so I can see a different picture often. It's really not much, but it often puts a smile on my face and maybe will for you too! =^^=

Those pictures are great but they need more doomweasels.[DOUBLEPOST=1374795609][/DOUBLEPOST]
By the whites of their eyes.

Not by the burning of my eyes?


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Checkin' in. I'm feeling better. I listened to Aisha Tyler's podcast last night--the episode with Maria Bamford. They talked about her mental condition and treatment and went on a lot of positive, life-affirming rants. It was fabulous. Thank y'all for the help. I'm still trying new things and am slowly regaining the bounce in my step. :)
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