[Books] A Memory of Light release date announced!

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Once it's released I wonder if Universal will act on it's option to produce the films. Fantasy films are raking in mad money these days.
Huh, for some reason I thought book 13 was the last.
It's because Towers of Midnight and Memory of Light were supposed to be a single book, but it exploded out of control (and RJ's detoriating health did not help matters). I don't know if they split it before Brandon Sanderson took over, but that's why.


Staff member
Tomorrow is the day! I may have to go out at midnight.

I've been reading this series literally longer than I've been married. The first book came out in 1990. The series is older than both of my kids!
It's because Towers of Midnight and Memory of Light were supposed to be a single book, but it exploded out of control (and RJ's detoriating health did not help matters). I don't know if they split it before Brandon Sanderson took over, but that's why.
Gathering Storm, Towers of Midnight, and A Memory of Light were all originally meant to be one book. But when Brandon starting going over RJ's notes and doing a first draft, he and the publisher basically went "Yeah this is not happening in one book" and split it into 3. TGS and ToM happen at the same time, just focus on different characters. (TGS on Rand/Egwene, ToM on Perrin/Mat)

Also, up to part of chapter 3 is online if you want to start reading early while waiting for bookstores to open/UPS people to arrive.

The Prologue is something you have to buy (which is lame). Chapter 1 of the book is on tor.com, as is Chapter 2 I think, but it might be on NPR (in audio form), and the first part of chapter 3 is on NPR's website as well.


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The important part is, are there 3-page-long intricate descriptions of clothing including details on embroidery, lace, chasing, stitch, pattern and cut?
*Sigh* waiting for the ebook. I understand the rationale, it's just irritating.
Thank Harriet for that, Brandon tried to get her to change her mind but she wouldn't budge.

On the upside, the Audible version will be out on the same day.


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The important part is, are there 3-page-long intricate descriptions of clothing including details on embroidery, lace, chasing, stitch, pattern and cut?
Nope, not since Brandon took over. I've said it many times, but Jordan dying was the best thing to happen to that series in 5 years.


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Nope, not since Brandon took over. I've said it many times, but Jordan dying was the best thing to happen to that series in 5 years.
Well, it must be said the last one Jordan cranked out before keeling over was much better than previous (shut up Shannow).


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I took time out from reading to say that this book is epic. I'm on chapter 16 and just looked at the contents section. Chapter 37 - The Last Battle - is almost 200 pages! I'm not going to get much sleep tonight.


Staff member
Well, I just finished it. The ending was a bit too telegraphed - sort of - but that's okay.

This entire book, almost from the word go to the end, is a battle. By the time you are done with it, you feel like you fought with them. You are confused, overwhelmed and exhausted. You mourn the deaths and wonder at the living. It is a good ending and a fitting ending for the series.

I'll probably read it again in a week or two and take my time. But right now it's after midnight and I am tired. It is time to sleep.
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