
I'm actually well aware of this and have been following it for quite some time (since 9th grade). =^^=

And...I'm not as excited as one would think. While I would thrilled, THRILLED, to have a pet fox, this makes me terrified. I, oddly, find the idea of domesticating them...unnerving. And it makes me nervous that if it ever got big enough, foxes would become the new 'pitbull' because they're domesticated, but not really domesticated. They take a lot of time and effort to keep as a pet and I don't see very many people giving them the time. I would be so afraid of people buying one just because it would be a unique pet. There are enough people that do that and end up with an animal that doesn't suit their lifestyle. And then there's the worry of people buying them for their fur.... These foxes have very interesting and rare colorations which makes their fur really really desirable.

I thought about this a lot...:S

But thank you for thinking of me! :D :heart: Any talk of foxes makes me happy. =^^=