What are you listening to II: Electric Bogaloo

Trying to upload a song by singer/songwriter duo Kenneth Pattengale & Joey Ryan. They also go by The Milk Carton Kids and you can get the album this song is on, Retrospect, as well as their latest album, Prologue, here for free. They're both pretty good.

Now if you'll excuse me.... I have something in my eye... :(


I have to disagree there P.B.

It sounds like he is forgetting what piece he is playing from time to time, or where he even is in the piece. or the play back is stuttering a lot.

This song seriously makes me love life, it is just so good. Also I am a bit tipsy drinking because fucking java assignment is due in like 4 hours and the instructor changed a bunch of requirements last night and I didn't see them... Fuuuuu!