The Beer Thread

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IPAs always seem to taste soapy to me... not my speed, I guess.

There's a bar in downtown Savannah called "World of Beer." It has (I was told) 165 different beers on tap.

I have yet to try this out. Halforums meet-up?
IPAs always seem to taste soapy to me... not my speed, I guess.

There's a bar in downtown Savannah called "World of Beer." It has (I was told) 165 different beers on tap.

I have yet to try this out. Halforums meet-up?
I'd ask them to mix them all together, convenience store fountain style.
IPAs always seem to taste soapy to me... not my speed, I guess.

There's a bar in downtown Savannah called "World of Beer." It has (I was told) 165 different beers on tap.

I have yet to try this out. Halforums meet-up?
Soapy? Never heard anyone refer to an IPA like that before. Meh, whatever boats your float I guess.

And 165 beers?! HELLZ YEAH CHECK IT OUT!
I don't care what this paints me as but my current favorite beer is a Kronenbourg 1664 Blanc.

I love white beers and thus far, this one has blown away all that I've had that are readily available (read; not microbrewed in some shithole town somewhere and only available twice a year for 10 bucks a bottle).
I've got no qualms with a good white beer. They're a little sweet so I don't normally have more than two, but they're delicious and perfect for a warm evening. Especially since I think Mexican beer (Corona, Landshark, Tecate, etc) tastes like ass.
Is a white ale the same as a pale ale?
Very different. White beers are usually unfiltered (usually very cloudy and sometimes have some sediment in them) wheat beer flavoured with orange peel and other things to give them a citrusy taste. They're delicious.
Blue Moon isn't bad either for being the most widespread and generic (It's marketed here as Rickard's White). It's quite good actually.
Drinking the Goose Island again. I think it's the bourbon which is making this so hard to get used to. Like drinking alcoholic molasses. Don't get me wrong, it's good, but it's not what I would call a casual beer. More the single-malt scotch of beer.


Staff member
I enjoy double chocolate stout, but I generally can't finish a beer. It makes me feel puffy and way too full. I like splitting a bottle with someone. Usually the calories end up being the same, but I feel better after a glass of wine.


This is another good one, but I've only ever seen it on sale at the Little Creatures Brewery....
Father in law offered me one of his beers, and far be it from me to refuse to try something new. Leinenkugel Vanilla Porter... dear god, this is blech. I could at least tolerate the previous beer it replaced, the Fireside Nut Brown.

Then again, I've never liked a vanilla porter. Something about it is just incredibly off.
You know what... I do believe tomorrow, before work, I'ma swing by the local booze store and snag a 6-pack of Sapporo.

To be consumed AFTER my shift. I shouldn't NEED to clarify, but one never knows...
Father in law offered me one of his beers, and far be it from me to refuse to try something new. Leinenkugel Vanilla Porter... dear god, this is blech. I could at least tolerate the previous beer it replaced, the Fireside Nut Brown.

Then again, I've never liked a vanilla porter. Something about it is just incredibly off.
You know... I'm pretty new to this whole beer thing; but vanilla and beer just doesn't seem to go together.
Vanilla is ok as long as something is there to offset it, like bourbon. Both of those flavors on their own will over power a beer easily, but they compliment a porter nicely when combined.
I had a beer shake at Red Robin yesterday. It was...okay. Truthfully if you want a beer, drink a beer, if you want a thick and creamy alcoholic beverage, drink eggnog.
Oh, and coconut also is a flavor that probably shouldn't be combined with beer. I do remember trying a coconut brown ale; it was atrocious.
Leinenkugel Berry Weiss. Never again.

Oooh... yeah, they gotta be very careful with berry flavors and beer, and if it's not just right, it's horrible. There's been one passable berry flavored beer that I've had, and that was 8 years ago, but pretty much I've just decided that if I'm really in the mood for light, fizzy, berry flavored booze, I'll just go for a lambic.
That was the beauty of the raspberry beer I had that one time, lo those many moons ago. It wasn't sweet. If anything, it was a little tart, and had a beautiful ruby color that was only slighter redder than a good red ale. It was like a really good Hefeweizen with just a slight hint of raspberry flavor almost as an after-aroma instead of the slight citrusiness that you sometimes get. Alas, when I went back to the same pub to get it a second time a few years ago, it sucked ass.
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