

Staff member
I want to take some pounds off, but I've dropped about 15 pounds just from coming off the steroids I was taking for my kidney condition. Bloated me up like a water balloon, made my appetite ravenous, and amplified my ADD considerably, leaving me with little self-control in terms of eating. I guess I need to see where I level off, because it's only been a few months now, and I'm still shedding weight.
I'm withdrawing from HalFitness for now as I have completely and utterly fallen off the wagon. Haven't worked out in a month, been sick for 3 weeks, sleep deprived, stressed, apathetic, whine whine whine, etc. I hope to get back into it at a later date but I've lost nearly everything I gained... and gained some extra I'm not pleased about.


Staff member
I'm not keeping strict track lately, but that's exactly how I've felt lately. Ah well, peaks and valleys.
I think I might play audio books instead of music when I go on the treadmill. It is sooooooooo boring and the tv's are almost directly overhead so I can't watch while I run. I'm hoping the books will help me stop watching the clock.

Also, before I even think about the treadmill again I need to get my leg checked out. I'm thinking I might have a stress fracture instead of a shin splint. Hopefully I don't have to wait for 2 weeks to be seen.
I refuse to let my health fall completely by the wayside in the wake (mostly passed, at any rate) of this crud that I've been suffering under. Next week, come Hell or High Water, I WILL be PTing. With any luck, the exercise will force the crap that's been settling in my lungs out.

I mean, if getting gassed with CS wasn't enough to purge the shit, I'm not sure what else will, but I'll try anything. My stamina has gone to SHIT whilst I've been sick, though... this is distressing both at work and at home. I WILL get past this...
I refuse to let my health fall completely by the wayside in the wake (mostly passed, at any rate) of this crud that I've been suffering under. Next week, come Hell or High Water, I WILL be PTing. With any luck, the exercise will force the crap that's been settling in my lungs out.

I mean, if getting gassed with CS wasn't enough to purge the shit, I'm not sure what else will, but I'll try anything. My stamina has gone to SHIT whilst I've been sick, though... this is distressing both at work and at home. I WILL get past this...
Bronchitis is the vampire of illnesses. I get it at least twice a year and that shit will suck the life out of you. Go slow when you start PTing again. You don't want to relapse.
I'm bouncing around 199 waiting for our new home gym to arrive. Also have been put on some pretty heavy antibiotics that have made my appetite kaput so I only see more weight loss from here.
Woohoo! It is just a shin splint. I'm doing my 5k tomorrow - though I'm going to walk most, if not all, of it so I don't get more hurt.
Previous Stats (08/22):
Weight: 174.7 lb
BMI: 30.1
Body Fat: 38.6%

Stats as of 09/01:
Weight: 173.5 lb (-1.2 lb)
29.6 (-.5, and moved from "obese" to "overweight")
Body Fat:
37.04% (-1.56%)

Stats as of 09/11:
Weight: 171.1lb (-3.6lb)
BMI: 29.2 (-.9)
Body Fat: 37.88% (-0.72%)

Stats as of 10/01:
Weight: 169.2lb (-5.5lb total)
BMI: 28.9 (-1.2 total)
Body Fat: 36.59% (-2.01% total)
Bummer that a lot of you are dropping out :(

I'm a few days late, but here's my progress for October:

Stats as of 11/01:
Weight: 162.5lb (-12.2lb total)
27.7 (-2.6 total)
Body Fat:
35.3% (-3.3% total)

Aaand progress pictures (I also found some pretty gross pictures from my highest weight, which was about a year and a half ago, so I included those for funsies as well):

All in all, I'm really quite satisfied with my progress this month. I'm still not happy when I see myself in the mirror, but everything is definitely looking much tighter than a few months ago. My fat rolls on my stomach/waist are pretty much gone, and I'm even starting to show some muscle definition in my arms (which you can really see in the last picture) and stomach. I'd like to officially declare myself halfway there -- I still have about another 20-25lb to lose, but I very much doubt I'll be able to lose much more than that. I've been building a lot of muscle with my strength training, especially in my quads from derby and squats (115lb on the barbell as of tonight, woo hoo!), and I don't think I'll be able to lose more than another 10-15% body fat tops without starving myself, which I'm not willing to do. In case you haven't figured it out by the top few pictures, I kind of like food a lot.

Here's to November -- and hopefully being back in the 150s for the first time since my sophomore year of college.
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Maybe this is a thing I should start doing? I'm not overweight, in fact I need to put on some as I lost 10 pounds earlier in the summer thanks to some meds that destroyed my appetite and I haven't been able to get them back. But I haven't really been doing anything since I quit running with the onset of winter. I'm thinking about swimming a few mornings during the week. Hm.
Do it! Join us Chad!!

Sorry I was lazy with my check in...I haven't been doing much, I'm really struggling to get motivation now that it's cold. I can barely run outside before my lungs cry. On the front of the personal trainer, she's on vacation until the 11th, so I'll get together with her when she gets back. Eee, excite!
Regardless of my exercising, I am back on the wagon for healthy eating. I stocked up on fresh veggies and fruit.
Color Run 5k was today!! I did it in about 45 minutes. I don't have an exact time, but I know about when I started and when I stopped. I will post a pic of me later. Right now I am starving and sleepy.
That's kind of what it looked like when they did the color plumes, too! :rofl:

Though you should also see what's still coming out of my nose today. I think I need to do a sinus rinse.
Was it fun Wasabi?? We do a festival of colors near where I live and I've always wondered about it. I'm sure a run is different, but if it's any fun at all...I think I want to do it!!

So, since I've got an upcoming photoshoot in a couple of weeks, and I'm panicking, I'll be posting a work-out every day until then. If I have to be accountable to you guys, I think I have a better chance of staying on track. Woo-hoo! I'm back on track baby!
Was it fun Wasabi?? We do a festival of colors near where I live and I've always wondered about it. I'm sure a run is different, but if it's any fun at all...I think I want to do it!!
It was a load of fun. Since it was a "fun run" you could run, walk, skip, whatever to get to the finish. There were 4 color stations along the route, so you ran through people throwing colored powder at you. At the end, when you went back to the staging area, they had a dance party and every 10 minutes they did a color plume where everyone with a packet of powder would toss it in the air. If you do the festival of colors, my suggestion is to wear a bandana or dust mask because colored corn starch powder gets hard to breathe when there is a huge cloud of it all around you. During the color plumes I could barely see the person in front of me because the air was so thick with powder.[DOUBLEPOST=1352135307][/DOUBLEPOST]This is what the pink color station looked like as I was approaching it. I could see the clouds of powder hanging in the air from other color stations when I was across the street from them.
Ah, sounds fantastic! Thank you for the advice. =^^=

Also, 2 mile run today.

I know this is silly...I mean, I've never met any of you, but I just want to say how thankful I am for the support I get from you guys with this. I get support at home, but..there's only the 2 of us, so it's nice to have a network of like-minded people. So, thank you so very much guys! :heart:

With that same train of thought, I would like to throw out positive vibes out to everyone who wants to make a change for themselves, a change for the better. Even if you can't exercise every day, or report every day, it's often times the little things that start to make a difference. So, just do your best everyone! I support you!
I'm pretty sore from my run yesterday so I took it pretty easy today.

I danced for about 1 1/2 today. BUT, I did do something and said I would post, so there you go.
I am being good and following doctor's orders about resting my leg, but man it is killing me to not run or even go for a brisk walk. I can't even do jumping jacks without pain. This sucks.
Ran today for the first time in the better part of a month. 13 minutes for a (slightly-extended - stupid GPS was off on the distance calls) 1.5 mile. Chest felt tight, but not too bad, and I attribute that to losing conditioning rather than anything medical.

Feeling good. Let's see what tomorrow brings.
I did yoga. Then the 'Ab Workout from Hell'. And danced. (I'm dancing in a video in a few weeks and want to get the coreography down pat.)

Ab Workout from Hell: Stand on slippery paper in the plank position. 50 seconds max effort, 10 second "rest" holding plank.
Bring both legs to your chest: 18
Both legs to your sides, alternating: 15
The Frog (bring you knees to your chest, spread your legs out and back together into plank): 12
Sides, alternating: 13
I was so busy yesterday, I didn't get around to posting. And since I was busy, I didn't get a really good exercise in. I just went on a light job, which was nice since I'm still REALLY sore from my ab workout. My plan is to keep doing that ab routine every day, slowly working to higher reps as well as multiple times through. Yay!

Even if I don't work out the hardest everyday, I just want you guys to know that I'm not giving up in anyway! It may be hard to find the time to exercise, but it's worth it. So worth it.


Staff member
Wouldn't mind getting in on this, too. Every bit of motivation helps. I was in really good shape earlier this year, but I let myself slip during August and September when I got back together with my wife and kids finally (due to work). Since October, I've been working to get it back. I've been biking 20-25 miles every other day, and doing 1.5 hours of karate every opposite day. I dropped about 15 lbs back off doing that. Only problem is that my lower back is starting to get stiff and sore. It doesn't want to move, like it's self protecting.
Yay, I'm excited you guys are joining us! I really liked having you guys as a support group, I hope it works for you both as well.

This weekend has been..rough. I was sick Saturday, though I did manage to dance and Ab Workout From Hell. Nothing Sunday and barely squeaked in the Ab workout before bed yesterday. My husband has been quite sick so I've been taking care of him instead.

And can I just say...I'm so bummed about the snow....I want to go jogging, I really do, but I can't seem to get it together to go out in the cold. I just, no, I don't want it.
So I've taken time off since I did the Color Run. The pain was pretty bad - as far as a shin splint goes at least. One night I accidentally poked my leg really hard with my finger while trying to get the clip for my compression bandage to stay put. It was right in the place where the muscle was most sore. It immediately brought tears to my eyes. I would have yelled a few not-so-nice words if my children had not been sitting nearby. Ice, ibuprofen, compression, and rest. This week it is feeling better. So today I did some light yoga to get some weight-bearing exercise in as well as a good stretch. It felt great. I can't wait to get out on the road again.
I've really been beating myself up for not running most of the 5k. I'm so disappointed with myself. It's not like I slacked off or didn't make the effort. I know there are things I could have (and should have) done differently, but it was my first time so of course there will be room for improvement. I want to do another 5k, but I am dragging my heels about signing up for one because my performance does have me a bit gun shy.
I'm glad you're getting some yoga in - I was going to suggest it as a low-impact way to keep exercising. Definitely keep it up to get your shin feeling better. Do lots of stretches!!

It was your first 5K right? You can always look at it as a learning experience instead. As if you were just testing the waters of racing, and now that you know what it's you can plan better and improve upon what you did. I think you accomplished something awesome!! I mean, you got ready for a 5k and despite being injured, did it anyway. I know a lot of people who would've not even walked the race. So, I think it's a great learning experience for you. :)
Hell, you ran/walked/skipped a 5K and you weren't even being chased by an axe wielding maniac. You did fantastic!
Thanks you two. I tried telling myself all those things after the run, but I couldn't seem to get over not running it. Like I said in a previous post, last year at this time I would have laughed at anyone who suggested I sign up for a 5k. Now I've at least walked it without too much difficulty. I am going to try it again hopefully in the next few months. I have the itch for running now that I've made it a regular thing in my life.
Dammit, I HAD a (much-delayed) progress pic to post... and it appears that the Internet ate it.

Oh well... I will post one tonight, while I'm working at my hotel off-duty gig.