Minor victory thread


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My four year old daughter is reading everything (which is sometimes bad). She's also started writing everything and delivering letters over even the most mundane things. She's pretty good, and does it uncoached.


Staff member
This morning's.

Transcription, because the lighting is bad: "Mom I need some food just feed me some FOOD 5 4 3 2 1 FIRE"
Apparently that last part was her shooting my wife for not feeding her.


Staff member
Sweet. My stupid oil spill video has almost 1400 views on youtube. It's that's not fame, I don't know what is.
I bought my wedding dress today!! It's super gorgeous and BONUS on sale for $350! XD
After being engaged for oh, like 5 years? I lost count... it's finally time to get this done! Tentative date in mid-March. (Needing at least 6 months to put everything together, that gets into the holidays... and then comes unpredictable Washington winter. And then conventions at the start and end of March that we've already paid for, that leaves mid-March/April open.) So next... venue!
Got nearly 8 hours of sleep last night.

Also for some reason my between-dream state believed it was Sunday night and that I'd have to go to work this morning. Yesterday certainly felt like a Sunday. I am elated that today is Sunday, not Monday.
Girlfriend's dad (auto mechanic) figured out what was wrong with my bike: either the petcock or, maybe, the vapor canister are busted/clogged. Either of them is $10-$15, so it's a cheap replacement, if I can't just fix'em myself. For now I'm just bypassing them, and the bike's gone from a top speed of 20mph to its usual 60 :D

I am pleased.
Back when I was much younger and riding my bike regularly, I had a brief notion of riding in the Race Across America. Common sense dashed that dream rather quickly. So Saturday evening, I'm out on US 50 just east of Grafton, WV headed back west towards home, and what do I see approaching but no fewer than five RAAM riders going by one by one. The race winner had already reached Annapolis, but these guys wouldn't let that stop them from finishing.
Though I returned from my mom's house with a fever and stomach bug, I also returned with the Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, and Gamecube with a shit-ton of games. My stepdad said no one was using any of it and he was going to throw them out if I didn't take them. Some of it's going on eBay.


I've been playing through Paper Mario Thousand Year Door* if you haven't played it. I recommend it.

*for the 8th time.


Staff member
I wish they'd make it so you could buy like 10 checks instead of 200 for the maybe 3 things a year you still need a check for. Even the rent in my super crappy apartment away from home has electronic payments set up.
I wish they'd make it so you could buy like 10 checks instead of 200 for the maybe 3 things a year you still need a check for. Even the rent in my super crappy apartment away from home has electronic payments set up.
For everything else, there's MasterCard.

Last week was the first time that I can remember having some one whip out a check book in the express line at the grocery store... of course she waited till everything was rung up and placed in her basket before pulling the check out... dropped her pen and just generally fucked around getting the check filled out...

It is good to know that incompetence still pisses me off.


Staff member
I've thought about this before. Why does everyone suddenly get in a hurry in the checkout line? You just walked through a grocery store in a daze at a snail's pace, thinking about nothing for like 3 hours except ponies and farts, but the moment you're at that register, it's like CHECK ME OUT NOW, I'VE GOT A BOMB TO DISARM WITH THIS JAR OF CREAMED BORSCHT YOU ASSHOLES!