[Other] The not so funny pic thread (some NSFL or gore)


Staff member
To me personally, that would be less scary than skydiving from a tiny plane, just because the earth is so removed from the ground conceptually, that it wouldn't seem as dangerous.


And this just seems an inappropriate headline.

"It's ok, since he was a bully."
I'm glad I didn't read this thread back-to-front. The beginning images are by far the worst. That, or I've been insensitized by them to the later ones.
Odd thing is the only ones I can see coming back in my nightmares are the maggots-in-foot and maggots-on-leg ones. And I'm glad no-one posted lotus boob - I know it's a photoshop, but it still makes me cringe every single time. Gah.
I will freely admit it: I do not have the testicular fortitude to do some crazy shit like that.
For me, the hardest part is the plane ride up. Oh and maybe jumping out. After that, it's pretty much like lying on the world's largest air mattress: ignoring the 6.6 sextillion tonnes of hard rock racing at you.


Staff member
I wonder how long it will be before suicide bombers realize as much havoc could be wrought by self-detonating in line at the TSA checkpoint as on a plane.

Quoted for image size
On a lighter note,

Airplanes. Flying movie theaters.

Also, many's the time I figured that 6 random, widely-spaced fanatics equipped with gas cans could do so much more damage to life and property in a dry summer than any meticulously planned event. And they wouldn't even have to die.

Exactly. Look at what happened to Greece, whatever summer it was where they had all of those massive wildfires and at least some of them were found to be arson.
And, possibly coincientally, Sosp disappeared off the face of the Earth immediately afterwards.

Yes yes, I know he said he's joining up with the Greek army, but still.
I wonder how long it will be before suicide bombers realize as much havoc could be wrought by self-detonating in line at the TSA checkpoint as on a plane.
Some "security" specialist told a school that I worked for that they should not open the school doors until the bell rang for the first class. Then have all the kids go through a metal detector, that would be run by unarmed teachers.

My reply to the principal was that would only serve to greatly increase casualties. Because you would have 1,400 students pushed up against locked doors. A gunman would just need to get in the back of the pack and start shooting. Thus causing the students to panic and trample and crush one another as they try to flee.

Or if the student comes to school late, all the metal detector would do is get two teachers killed when it alerts on the gun.


Staff member
I don't know how much of this I should say, but I worked for a company for a while that developed weapon scanning tech. At at least some airports, I know those security checkpoints are more about the xray than the metal detectors. There are very capable room-wide detectors out there that can find and even classify weapons on a person in a crowd, like something from scifi. You may be surprised how much of the visible infrastructure is about psychology more than actual weapon detection.
Well, that's nice.

And yes, working in security, I can confirm that by the time you get to those checkpoints where you have to take the laptop out of the bag and throw away bottles of water and whatever, in the larger airports, you've already been scanned, at least once, from behind a blind wall. People being chosen to be searched aren't as random as they may seem.

Mind you, I do still think most of those security measures - even the ones you don't see - are useless. Give me 5 people who are genuinely willing to die to take as many people as possible with them, and I can have them cause *easily* as much deaths as 9/11 with household supplies. Terrorists don't, for various reasons. Nutjobs might, someday, though. The important thing about terrorism isn't the amount of deaths - it's the amount of terror you cause. *shrug* We - security, police, armed services of various types - do our best, but you can't stop terrorism without stopping freedom. Living in an Orwellian world is thee only alternative, and I wouldn't count that as a "win" for the good guys.
Exactly, but try getting the mundanes to understand that.

The sheeple want to be wrapped in a "security blanket" so they feel like they don't have to do anything. They forget - or rather, fob off on someone else - the responsibilities indicated by Jefferson's immortal quote: "The price of Freedom is eternal vigilance."

Vigilance cannot be handed off to someone who's willing to put their ass on the line - it's the responsibility of anyone who wants to be afforded it's protection. I'll bust my hump to help someone else out, but you've got to be willing to help yourself, or else anything that we on the Line do is for nothing.