Rant VII: Now With 25% Less Drama

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That's so true. I feel bad for those states attorneys that have to deal with those cases and watch videos of sexual abuse. It would probably kill me.


Staff member
My wife was SVU. First case she got was a woman who had taken her baby by the feet and slammed it against the side of the bathtub. Everyone basically wanted to do the same thing to this woman.
This is copy/pasted from the movie review thread, where I talked about seeing The Hunger Games tonight.

Something really pissed me off just before the movie started. I was in a row with a bunch of teenage boys. One of their friends arrived a little late. I was at the end, near the aisle, with the half dozen teens on the other end. And this fucking punk, without saying a single word to me, just starts pushing his way through my legs. By the time he'd pushed past, I was swearing at him with things like "Really? Really? Not even an 'excuse me'? You fucking asshole. Show some goddamn respect next time." One of his friends leaned out and said sorry. My response? "No, you don't understand. You're not the one that needs to apologize." After some chattering amongst them, the disrespectful punk looks over at me and says sorry, which didn't sound very legit. Probably bent to peer pressure from his friends to apologize.

But seriously? I mean, I expect that sort of behaviour from maybe a four year old who hasn't been taught manners yet, but someone who's twelve or thirteen? That's just unacceptable. Next time someone tries that on me, I'm putting a leg up and demand they say excuse me before shoving by me without saying boo.
There's few things that will fully set me off when I'm in a good mood (like I was tonight), but total disrespect or no showing of basic manners is one thing. All the kid had to do was say "Excuse me" and that's it. It's shit like that that grinds my gears.
I'm just sayin, based on what we've seen around lately, those gears seem to be wearing thing. Just commenting cause it's begun to be noticeable. I mean it's better than your deep deep depression days, but still not fully "great".
Oh, I'm aware of that and truly appreciate the concern. To be honest, I'm in really good spirits after yesterday and today. I went to a teacher conference with some classmates. Had a good, long drive and talk with a fellow nerd and really got to bond with a male classmate. Lots of social interaction and smiling. And LOTS of swag. :D

But someone who is rude, blatantly disrespectful, or showing no manners or respect? That's always been a major pet peeve of mine.
Theaters bring out the worst in everyone. Do you have bad manners? 2000 times worse in a theater. Are you obnoxious? 2000 times worse in a theater. Did you learn to eat by watching pigs snort and fight over their trough? You probably eat your popcorn by the handful 2000 times louder than the action sequences during the movie.
This is copy/pasted from the movie review thread, where I talked about seeing The Hunger Games tonight.

Something really pissed me off just before the movie started. I was in a row with a bunch of teenage boys. One of their friends arrived a little late. I was at the end, near the aisle, with the half dozen teens on the other end. And this fucking punk, without saying a single word to me, just starts pushing his way through my legs. By the time he'd pushed past, I was swearing at him with things like "Really? Really? Not even an 'excuse me'? You fucking asshole. Show some goddamn respect next time." One of his friends leaned out and said sorry. My response? "No, you don't understand. You're not the one that needs to apologize." After some chattering amongst them, the disrespectful punk looks over at me and says sorry, which didn't sound very legit. Probably bent to peer pressure from his friends to apologize.

But seriously? I mean, I expect that sort of behaviour from maybe a four year old who hasn't been taught manners yet, but someone who's twelve or thirteen? That's just unacceptable. Next time someone tries that on me, I'm putting a leg up and demand they say excuse me before shoving by me without saying boo.
*insert Gandalf image*
You SHALL NOT pass!!
Theaters bring out the worst in everyone. Do you have bad manners? 2000 times worse in a theater. Are you obnoxious? 2000 times worse in a theater. Did you learn to eat by watching pigs snort and fight over their trough? You probably eat your popcorn by the handful 2000 times louder than the action sequences during the movie.

I found some popcorn inside my jacket after watching John Carter...OF MARS on Friday. True storee
I get kind of upset when police officers joke (I hope) about hiring someone to torture and kill someone who is only accused of a heinous crime.
I know your life has been a happy existence of theater hopping and illegal gambling, but out in the rest of the world, there are real people with real problems. Women and children who aren't respected as human beings. People who are hated and attacked for their ethnicity. Men and women who are told they're wrong for loving the same gender. These might seem unimportant to a man like you, with your high class Texas living and your lack of need for CDs, but for the rest of us, this is life. Maybe you could try opening your eyes sometime and take notice of the suffering that goes on beyond your backyard. Try noticing the world, Charlie. Maybe even try to stand up for what's right instead of shoving steaks and capital punishment down our throats. Stop judging people by the color of their skin, or which gender they prefer to sleep with, or whether or not something dangles between their legs, and just see everyone as human.

I don't understand why the world only lives on TV for you, Charlie. I can only hope that someday it'll live instead in your heart.


Staff member
you do realize he's being an ass just to be an ass, right? You've just validated his posting by buying into it. The dude is well aware of what he's doing and why he's saying it.
you do realize he's being an ass just to be an ass, right? You've just validated his posting by buying into it. The dude is well aware of what he's doing and why he's saying it.
1. Stop failing, Juski!
2. I'm pretty sure he has me on Ignore after I made a big deal about getting 19 likes for one post trouncing him. And I'd do it again.
3. What I posted was taking his POV and making it out like he was being the insensitive one and now you made me explain the joke. How dare you make me fucking explain the joke, you fuck-eating fuck wubwubwubwubdon'tknowwhatwubmeanswubwubwubwub


Pfft whatevs the ignore function has actually made the forum enjoyable for me again. If choosing to not expose myself to idiocy is lame well then you can go ahead and watch some Jersey shore while I enjoy being lame.

I can't do anything at. all. to child molesters or people who abuse children, animals or the elderly so I placate myself by indulging in fantasies of a little ultra-violence. I fail to see what could possible be wrong with that. Some of us fantasize about violence to deal with bad things some of us turn into whiny little bitches who turn ever possible molehill issue into a mountain of whiny bitch.

I much prefer the violent fantasy.


Since I have to explain it, the wubwubwub is 1: making fun of shitty popular things and 2: when someone is droning on about the same thing. It works best when used for both though.
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