Crushing Anxiety

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I have ADD... It stinks...gaming is the ultimate cure
I dunno about this. My friend has ADHD so bad that he has trouble focusing even on games. Even the constant interaction in most games can't keep him from getting distracted by things outside the game.
I dunno about this. My friend has ADHD so bad that he has trouble focusing even on games. Even the constant interaction in most games can't keep him from getting distracted by things outside the game.
I'm the same way. The amount of times I alt+tab while playing computer games, or fidget around, or randomly wander off, or start playing with my phone.... yeah.


Staff member
did you go to a doctor and say, "I think I have anxiety?"

Because doing that usually works.
Added at: 21:26
at least it did for me.


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Exercise will make you feel so much better. It'll do more than just get your good cholesterol up. It'll funnel that extra energy into something, and help relieve anxiety. I fully agree with Jay on dropping caffeine consumption and forcing sleep. No monitors or tvs in bed. That light fools your brain into thinking it's morning. Hit yourself with a light in the morning instead of hitting snooze.

This is from someone who has been there. As recently as the last two weeks, I've been forcing a life turnaround on myself (hence my own ADHD post). The way I did it might not work for you, but I Just Did It. I got to the point where the status quo was so unattractive that I decided, "That's it, I'm doing it. Not just going to say I'm doing it." Right then and there, I put on running shoes and ran 5K (wouldn't suggest going this far unless you've run recently--I just left off at Christmas). Believe it or not, I found good advice that worked for me on Lifehacker from Seinfeld. Put a big red X on the calendar when you do something, and make it a point not to break the chain of Xs.

Since then, I haven't missed a 5K run, I've drawn every day, I've done scientific research in my spare time. I don't know how to express it to you other than I finally got to the point where I convinced myself that NOT doing it was not a viable alternative. I had to get it in my head that it was wrong to not do it, instead of convincing myself that procrastination was okay. It feels good, it feels right. It's okay to take a break, but I have to see it as exactly that. That's what killed my running back at Christmas. It was a few days of "Oh it's okay to take a break because it's a holiday".

I know. This sounds like it won't help because it sounds like the beating yourself up that you're already doing. But it's not the same. This isn't feeling guilty about what you've already missed out on. This is about making that missing out unacceptable in the first place, so it never gets to that smoldering, guilty place.


it's not even so much that i get distracted... i just have trouble getting my mind to grasp somethign that I don't LOVE.
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