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Its the biohazard thong of Power.
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As a scientist, I would just like to say that although there have been grand leaps in the understanding of the universe there is absolutely 0 progress in answering the fundamental questions of philosophy: why we're here, where we're going, what's the point?

Personally, I'm somewhat agnostic with a twist of Buddhism/Taoism, but I respect religion and faith and their place in humanity. I just can't bring myself to fully embrace the truth as what's already known. Take matter for instance. It's well defined. It can be grasped and touched, smelled and manipulated by our senses. Yet who's to say that how our brains' register what a chair looks and feels like is the true form of the object? Yes, we can quantify and things based on how we see the universe, but to say that's how it truly exists is, well... ignorant and close-minded.

People who believe in higher plains of existence, God, Vishnu, Jesus, whatever... They're not crazy. They're not deluded or brainwashed either. The best way that I've had Christian friends prove their faith in God to me is by asking me to prove that I love my kids. You can't. You can't measure love. You can't quantify it, but it exists.

And think about our very consciousness. It exists as part of who we are, yet we're made of everything that's been part of the universe since the beginning of time itself. We're made of the same stuff as a rock, an ant, or the Sun. Could you collectively say as such that we are an extension of the overall consciousness of the universe? Sure. But then so is that rock, that ant, and the Sun.

The conditions and events that lead to the rise of life on Earth. Do you guys realize how ridiculously absurd the requirements for life on a planet are? Granted, given a timescale of forever, probability does favor pockets of entropy to reduce.

To say that nothing exists in a higher order in the universe as an absolute, as many of these "aggressive atheists" do is really just as much baloney as saying God absolutely exists. The overall conclusion I have is don't be a prick over what someone believes. We all have our quirky worldviews and truths that we cling to to make sense of it all.
I agree with most of what you said. I'll take the challenge on the love thing from any thumper, though. I can test it and devise a quantification for it.
I'm a staunch atheist and I am not fond of the aggressive or passive-aggressive atheists. It is a tricky line to walk, though, and I understand the urge. On the one hand, some theists appear to be a direct threat to lives, freedom, and progress. It is easy to get riled up against those people. On the other hand, it isn't true of all theists. On the final hand, atheists accomplish absolutely nothing through aggressive tactics. There is a science to persuasion, and if one truly wants to persuade people, it should be with a calm demeanor and an understanding of how to approach people about a sensitive topic.


My wife is Atheist and I'm kinda Taoist/Buddhist (not any particular school).

We talk about this stuff Friday cause someone on the radio (forgot what started) but it was interesting conversation.
(Warning: The following is our personal opinion and what we see. We ARE NOT making fun of any religion/belief. it is how we interpret what we see/hear/learn)

She personally don't care what people believe as long it doesn't hurt other people. I agree. I think the base of any religion meant to be good, but people warp it to their own agenda and kinda "divert" from the main purpose.

Of course the discussion move to why people believe in God in the first place and about souls.

Of course that is a LONG train of though which I may post another thread for discussion once I can get more time and maybe NOT at work posting.
My favorite arguments with religious people are asking them why their god is anymore valid than the Flying Spagetti Monster.

They have as much valid "proof" of existence either way.
I like you when you're angry!
Well then boy are you in luck! :awesome:
Added at: 09:55
My favorite arguments with religious people are asking them why their god is anymore valid than the Flying Spagetti Monster.

They have as much valid "proof" of existence either way.
Whats the point in arguing about being able to prove a thing that is based on faith? Seems like both sides lose there.


My favorite arguments with religious people are asking them why their god is anymore valid than the Flying Spagetti Monster.

They have as much valid "proof" of existence either way.
This is one of my weird hopes.

Maybe "Jesus" was actually an alien 2000 years ago that look like human and able to perform miracles via science (which we know that advance science can be indistinguishable from magic) and later came back (i.e. 2nd coming) are actual aliens ;) while all these religion shun aliens cause they believe we are the only living organism in this whole universe.
My favorite arguments with religious people are asking them why their god is anymore valid than the Flying Spagetti Monster.

They have as much valid "proof" of existence either way.
Faith isn't about proof. In fact, if God were a proven factor, religion as we know it would fall apart. God would be dissected, compartmentalized, defined into a rigorous science, scaring at all those who liked the comforting thought that He was a nebulous 'father-like' concept that they could lean on in times of hardship with no effort or ask favours from in times of impropriety. Their god isn't any more valid than FSM; but it's not the validity that drives people into religion. I hate to use this triteness but many people want to feel like they belong to something, a label to stand/hide behind and to have a literal or figurative cross to bear. That's what religion provides to people and that's why no amount of rationalism will kill it.
Exactly my point.

"My faith that C'thulu is the one true god and the old gods will one day cleanse this planet is just as valid as your belief that Jesus will save your soul and you will live in Heaven"
Some have to tear down the faith of others in order to reassert their own faith. Personally speaking, I have enough confidence in my own faith to not need church or a gathering of people to build me up. And I don't need to run others down either.


Exactly my point.

"My faith that C'thulu is the one true god and the old gods will one day cleanse this planet is just as valid as your belief that Jesus will save your soul and you will live in Heaven"
you know. I always wonder how "faith" come to being. I mean look at some of these religions. What if a man TODAY proclaim to be son of God? What if he did walk on water and cure the sick? would the people accept him today? What if the guy was a con artist way back when and use trick to fool people (like psychic today). It is interesting that people still believe in something that is long long time ago, but if someone were to do that today, they would be either lockup/studied or shun by society or with rare occurrence acceptance.

I think that some people need faith cause they think their own lives are not "up to stuff" why can't I be as "beautiful" "powerful" "rich" or "prosperous" as the next guy? maybe it is a God's test? but if I do good, I can have all that in heaven! Sometimes I think religion was created to control the masses in their mediocre lives and be happy with it for the promise of riches and happiness in the afterlife.
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