Comments from +/- Rep Notifications

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Thread: Comments from +/- Rep...
123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345 678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890112345678901234 5678901234567890123456789

So, looks like the answer is 250 characters. Good to know.
And I would like to officially retire from wanting a 42 rep, people. It's gotten ridiculous, the amount of pos and neg rep comments I get has elevated to like 15 per hour, I can't even keep track of them. So let's just leave my rep to it's usual arbitrary-ness, aight?
What hath Cop wrought?


Staff member

---------- Post added at 05:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:29 PM ----------

I was referring to the serious business and not the RPG. I never ventured forth.
POSITIVE - You're a cop. Well... hmmm... does that automatically generate rep? I'd say "no", but then, who am I to judge? Next time I'll neg-rep you because you're a human being. :-P

Thread: Comments from +/- Rep... NEGATIVE
þēc eart āc wecg gelīc ār, heonan þis yfel lāstword (Hint, Old English)

Thread: Comments from +/- Rep... POSITIVE
You remind me of Dirk Benedict

I'll just take both as compliments.
So people neg rep just for disagreeing with what you're saying?

Oh I'm gonna rain down little red squares on ALL OF YOU
Seems like some people roll that way. I haven't neg repped anyone who wasn't going for a specific number and wanted help. I don't know, Cal. I just don't know.
Thread: Comments from +/- Rep...
If I remember correctly, you have a sweet custom arcade stick. If I remember incorrectly, free rep.

Thanks a lot! And atm, I have 2 custom sticks and two semi-custom sticks... (modded sticks). Thx for em's rep... Yeah, that's me... Transitioning from postcount-whore to rep-whore... maybe those 69 reppoints aren't that far fetched? *muahahaha* (Wondering how long till the first negrep...)
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