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With all this Kurt talk I just want to add... The best character on the show so far is Kurt's dad. The way he's being played is just absolutely perfect and so not what I expected from the show.
Hell yeah, it is probably one of the most touching and well realistic moments in the shows, I really was amazed that the rights din't go to the common options "Super-homophobic parent" or "Super-accepting parent" that you usually see =p
With all this Kurt talk I just want to add... The best character on the show so far is Kurt's dad. The way he's being played is just absolutely perfect and so not what I expected from the show.
Hell yeah, it is probably one of the most touching and well realistic moments in the shows, I really was amazed that the rights din't go to the common options "Super-homophobic parent" or "Super-accepting parent" that you usually see =p[/QUOTE]

Seriously. Mike O'Malley. brilliant. Never thought I'd say that


As far as Kurt being the most three dimensional gay character on TV ... I have to point you to Calvin from Greek. Not a stereotype, and his love life is not a throw-away part of the show.
I admittedly haven't seen a minute of Greek :([/quote]

There was also a show on a while back called Queer as Folk who had many well fleshed out gay characters.[/QUOTE]

I think shows that are homosexually-centric don't count in that.


Staff member
Finally watched Wheels, it was GREAT! several characters developed at least one step, also "Dancing with myself" song and choreography was amazing. =)
I cannot wait to see the next episode. The babydrama is totally coming out soon, the shell of secrecy is breaking pretty damn hard as of last episode.

Also: That poor damn mailman.


Staff member
I cannot wait to see the next episode. The babydrama is totally coming out soon, the shell of secrecy is breaking pretty damn hard as of last episode.
When I saw Rachel in the Shue's Home I thought that she is likely to find out, but what she would do with that knowledge is a mistery, I could see she revealing for all the normal reasons and for her own selfish reasons, and could also see she is staying quiet for her own weird reasons as well (the shock could affect how Will is teaching the Glee Club, Quinn baby wouldn't have a place to go and Finn would have to marry her, she could even think that is actually better for the baby to be adopted by Will [hey is rachel]).


Staff member
So... No one watched last night???

my thoughs: Medium, the musics/dances are much simpler in this one, but it had several fun moments, to bad it din't had any Sue =|
I really loved the episode. It was cool how the conflicts were all tied to the whole ballad idea, and singing what you feel. Felt so bad for Quinn :( Was trying not to cry during the last number.


Staff member
I really loved the episode. It was cool how the conflicts were all tied to the whole ballad idea, and singing what you feel. Felt so bad for Quinn :( Was trying not to cry during the last number.
Dunno... the last number is too much of poor man version of the number "Keep Holding On" in episode 7
Easily one of the more dramatic episodes so far, but also another great one. Can't wait for next week, this show keeps getting better.


Staff member
what you guys though of Mercedez reaction to Puck revelation?

Also, the first song (combined with the inner voice of each character) was just hilarious.
what you guys though of Mercedez reaction to Puck revelation?

Also, the first song (combined with the inner voice of each character) was just hilarious.
Yeah, the inner monologues at the start of the episode had me rolling.

As for the revelation, I expected her to be angrier, but I won't be surprised if she tells Kurt in the next couple weeks.
I'm getting annoyed by this whole "only the mom decides the baby's future" bullshit. I love Mercedes, and Puck needed to hear that, I guess, but that is his baby too! If that causes him to grow up and be honest with Finn, then so be it.

Good episode :)


Staff member
I'm getting annoyed by this whole "only the mom decides the baby's future" bullshit. I love Mercedes, and Puck needed to hear that, I guess, but that is his baby too! If that causes him to grow up and be honest with Finn, then so be it.

Good episode :)
What I am annoyed is that it also overlook the impact in Finn's life, I mean, I can actually agree that Finn looks like a better father figure, but this still doesn't change that he would have his life changed forever because of a mistake THAT HE DIN'T MADE.

another thing that annoys me, is that the Glee Club is building too much around the supporting the two, and when the secret is reveled to Finn I feel the house is going down, and going down hard

Ok.. I'm caught up now.. I... I love this show. At first I thought it was gonna be the lamest thing ever, but wow... it cracks me the hell up. I love Glee, I do, I do, I doo-ooooo
Maybe it was kind of because the ep was squeezed in between Thanksgiving things for me, but it was kind of cold, and I didn't like much of it at all. Not the comedy really, the musical numbers, or any of the plot movement(or lack thereof). Everything about the other two glee club sponsors/leaders was not funny at best, and stupidly offensive at worst.
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