[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More


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I'm alive. if anyone cares. not bad at all. Lots of hydrocodon!
Wow, you must've had a butcher. I didn't have any pain afterwards. Well, that's not true. No direct pain. Let's just say that after decades of, um relieving the tension, there's a certain, surprising amount of of tension and pressure that builds up. Removing that pressure after the recommended week is a little like that scene in the original Scary Movie.[DOUBLEPOST=1481064777,1481064715][/DOUBLEPOST]I really hope that I remember correctly that you got a vasectomy. Any other surgery, and that sentence will be really weird.
Wow, you must've had a butcher. I didn't have any pain afterwards. Well, that's not true. No direct pain. Let's just say that after decades of, um relieving the tension, there's a certain, surprising amount of of tension and pressure that builds up. Removing that pressure after the recommended week is a little like that scene in the original Scary Movie.[DOUBLEPOST=1481064777,1481064715][/DOUBLEPOST]I really hope that I remember correctly that you got a vasectomy. Any other surgery, and that sentence will be really weird.
My doc was pretty good. I went straight from the procedure to play Irish music. I didn't even stop by the house first.
We did a huge translation case for a client. It's over 200 pages long, full of really tough content. It's work we can be proud of.

Unfortunately, the client keeps coming back with last minute revisions that they've decided need to go into the translated text. So now I have to keep going back into the translated file to try to jam their weird revisions into our beautiful translation.

Funniest part is that every time they think it'll be the last revision, so their file name is changed accordingly. Right now it's something like "Final_draft(confirmed)_V2_ThomasRevision_newtrackedchanges_20161210_FINAL(clean)_REALLYFINALNOW.docx".
Undoubtedly this will become an eerily accurate prediction of the future, probably... oh... sometime around next Wednesday.
Guess which one is the 10 month old kitten?

I had no idea that they hadn't been fed lol...I woke up feeling super loved. Lulu did bite me pretty hard a few times. She's rude so I didn't think I was her meal. Last night I moved my leg and it didn't work for her, so she dug her claws into my calf and bit me super hard. Rude!
No, she's our oldest, Strider. Next to her is Lulu and then Pudding and then Cupcake. Pudding is our kitten. He's a brute :)
thats like my boy rusty, he is such a porkchop, 25 lb of cockapoo sadness, the last few were all around 20, except for shadow who was 40 lb @_@, that was one big ass dog.
So we all chipped in to get my father-in-law a computer. I got to be the one to pick it out ('cuz I'm good at that kind of thing) and settled on this model. For who's going to be using it, it's practically a steal at that price, especially since he might be toting it to AZ for the Winter.
But it's a fresh install of Win7, so off I go to set it up and get it updated.
-Try to go to Microsoft's website to grab critical downloads that have to be installed before I can start applying rollups.
-Microsoft's website blocks me; "Your browser is out of date. Please update it to access this content." (it's still running IE7).
Fine, there's a link on the page to take me to the browser update page. I click it, and the page starts to load, but...
"Your browser is out of date. Please update it to access this content."

This guy said it better than I could: Why are browsers so slow?

Basically, why aren't browsers loading from cache anymore? They take FOREVER to change tabs because they're ALWAYS reloading crap. I just want the page the SAME WAY it was the last time I was there. SAME deal when I hit the "back" and "forward" buttons.

He says more in his blog post, but I thought it was at least a good introduction to it.
We need a holiday rant thread!

So, my mum baffles me sometimes. A few years ago we went to have Christmas with her and she told me that we needed to bring beer. I said sure. She then specified exactly how much and then went out and bought it herself and sent me an invoice over email.

This year she recently inherited a huge amount of money. It wasn't stopped her from pestering my sister and I for money on a regular basis. She often makes expensive sewing projects for people then wants us to help pay for them after the fact. Or commits us to large group gifts without asking. She also told me that she planned on writing my dad a huge cheque for Christmas then told me that she wanted cash from me. I can't give her thousands of dollars for Christmas. Even if I weren't on disability.

She asked my sister to pay for their hotel room in Florida this spring before her cruise. My sister said no. Didn't sugar coat it or anything. She reminded mum that she just inherited a ton of money and even if she hadn't that if she can afford a two week cruise she can afford one night in a hotel. I heard about that from my mother for weeks.

Today she called me to ask what cereal the kids would like while we visit. After that she told me that she had bought me a case of Diet Coke. She then told me that it was all I was getting for free and that I'd have to pay for more. WTF??

When she stays with us she's our guest. I would never charge a guest for refreshments. I mean really. She drinks a ton of wine while she's here. Some nights that they stay over, they drink nearly a whole box of wine. I never invoice them.

I don't even know what to say. A case of Diet Coke can't be more than $6 maybe $10 if she got the giant Costco one.

I'm also going to have to fend off the requests for money. I recently emailed her $25 to help her pay for a sewing project to shut her up. For another project she spent over $500 making a quilt for a cousin and wants me to split it. FFS. It's super tacky behavior on a good day but when she's just inherited a huge sum of money and I'm on disability, it's just brutal. It's more than brutal but I can't think of a better word.

I'm sick this week and have been stuck in the house with sick, clingy kids. They are actually fighting over who gets to snuggle me.

I don't need this bullshit as well.
We need a holiday rant thread!

So, my mum baffles me sometimes. A few years ago we went to have Christmas with her and she told me that we needed to bring beer. I said sure. She then specified exactly how much and then went out and bought it herself and sent me an invoice over email.

This year she recently inherited a huge amount of money. It wasn't stopped her from pestering my sister and I for money on a regular basis. She often makes expensive sewing projects for people then wants us to help pay for them after the fact. Or commits us to large group gifts without asking. She also told me that she planned on writing my dad a huge cheque for Christmas then told me that she wanted cash from me. I can't give her thousands of dollars for Christmas. Even if I weren't on disability.

She asked my sister to pay for their hotel room in Florida this spring before her cruise. My sister said no. Didn't sugar coat it or anything. She reminded mum that she just inherited a ton of money and even if she hadn't that if she can afford a two week cruise she can afford one night in a hotel. I heard about that from my mother for weeks.

Today she called me to ask what cereal the kids would like while we visit. After that she told me that she had bought me a case of Diet Coke. She then told me that it was all I was getting for free and that I'd have to pay for more. WTF??

When she stays with us she's our guest. I would never charge a guest for refreshments. I mean really. She drinks a ton of wine while she's here. Some nights that they stay over, they drink nearly a whole box of wine. I never invoice them.

I don't even know what to say. A case of Diet Coke can't be more than $6 maybe $10 if she got the giant Costco one.

I'm also going to have to fend off the requests for money. I recently emailed her $25 to help her pay for a sewing project to shut her up. For another project she spent over $500 making a quilt for a cousin and wants me to split it. FFS. It's super tacky behavior on a good day but when she's just inherited a huge sum of money and I'm on disability, it's just brutal. It's more than brutal but I can't think of a better word.

I'm sick this week and have been stuck in the house with sick, clingy kids. They are actually fighting over who gets to snuggle me.

I don't need this bullshit as well.
I feel for you, I have some similar problems with members of my family. But I get around this problem by just being an asshole.
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You need to just follow in your sister's footsteps and tell her no. I know it's really hard to do because you don't want to alienate her and strain your relationship, but unless you are firm and say no and stick to it, it'll never change. It's like dealing with little kids.[DOUBLEPOST=1482362240,1482362088][/DOUBLEPOST]I have the opposite problem. Even though my husband makes more than both of my parents combined, they are convinced we are always short on money because I don't work, but I don't want to tell them how much my husband makes because he's cheap and never wants to pay for things.
Thanks guys!! I needed to vent. I have a way shorter fuse for this stuff when my nose is running all over me.

I wish that she would understand that not everyone wants or can truly appreciate these projects. I feel so badly for her when she gets all worked up about it or when her sisters never help her sew when they promise to.

My sister has the luxury of being on the other side of the country so she can say this without living through the reaction.
it would be one thing if she had money issues and a true need to be helped. She doesn't. It's greed or immaturity or cheapness or something else I can't think of at the moment. It's just awkward and I get so annoyed when I get email invoices from them for petty things.

I mean what happens when I drink the final Diet Coke? I'm out? No water even until I go to the store? What if she has one?? Or one gets too cold and explodes? Is there going to be a prorated power bill for the refrigeration??

Lol ok now I'm the one being brutal. Cold med time. With a Diet Coke :p


Staff member
2 liters of diet coke was on sale today at Dollar General. For a dollar.

I love my local Dollar General. It's like the concept of hopelessness became a human being, and that human being then became a hoarder, then opened a store. It feels like walking into some grandma's attic. Except stuff is inexpensive without having to use a membership card or any shit like that.
it would be one thing if she had money issues and a true need to be helped. She doesn't. It's greed or immaturity or cheapness or something else I can't think of at the moment. It's just awkward and I get so annoyed when I get email invoices from them for petty things.

I mean what happens when I drink the final Diet Coke? I'm out? No water even until I go to the store? What if she has one?? Or one gets too cold and explodes? Is there going to be a prorated power bill for the refrigeration??

Lol ok now I'm the one being brutal. Cold med time. With a Diet Coke :p
It's control. It's all a way for her to exert control.
Expectations are weird. Thank goodness the food thing is just once a year, but at that point I'd say, "Hey, every year you ask us to reimburse for food, but I was hoping that this year rather than paying you back for food, can husband and I take you all out to a nice dinner and we'll call it even?" Then plan on buying a few little things your family specifically enjoys. That way no one is trying to keep track, and the whole event should be a lot more laid back. If it continues to be a problem, though, I'd probably just start responding with requests for money with, "Oh, I didn't realize our visit was such a burden for you. Tell us what we owe you, and next time we'll shorten our trip, or stay at a hotel so it isn't such an imposition on you."

For the gift giving I'd suggest something along the lines of, "While we appreciate you letting us participate in your gifts it feels like we're making you do all the work and it's less personal for us, so we're going to stop going in on your gifts. We will instead send our own gifts when we feel its appropriate and as our finances permit." Then if she pesters you in the future, "Oh, thanks for reminding me of that! We will send a card, but I'm sure they'll love your gift."

Now I'm wondering what her love language is. :p
Expectations are weird. Thank goodness the food thing is just once a year, but at that point I'd say, "Hey, every year you ask us to reimburse for food, but I was hoping that this year rather than paying you back for food, can husband and I take you all out to a nice dinner and we'll call it even?" Then plan on buying a few little things your family specifically enjoys. That way no one is trying to keep track, and the whole event should be a lot more laid back. If it continues to be a problem, though, I'd probably just start responding with requests for money with, "Oh, I didn't realize our visit was such a burden for you. Tell us what we owe you, and next time we'll shorten our trip, or stay at a hotel so it isn't such an imposition on you."

For the gift giving I'd suggest something along the lines of, "While we appreciate you letting us participate in your gifts it feels like we're making you do all the work and it's less personal for us, so we're going to stop going in on your gifts. We will instead send our own gifts when we feel its appropriate and as our finances permit." Then if she pesters you in the future, "Oh, thanks for reminding me of that! We will send a card, but I'm sure they'll love your gift."

Now I'm wondering what her love language is. :p

While this is all great advice, I want to comment from personal experience that being perceived an asshole is much easier, because then all you have to say is "No"
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While this is all great advice, I want to comment from personal experience that being perceived an asshole is much easier, because then all you have to say is "No"
I don't doubt it, but that's merely one path.

"Two roads diverged in an empty wood..." and all that.