How to play Left 4 Dead (2).

Anyone else find it funny that this thread is still called "How to play" when there are full campaign videos now? As if, even with those full game recordings, it's still just instructional :p.
You should be, halfway through, they got a random ringer and destroyed us.
Basically. Not only was she doing amazing long range sniping, but she was aware of that stupid dock strategy (that I never do because it's not FUN). Once that happened, there wasn't much any of us could do.

Had a lot more fun doing the Double Feature (The Sacrifice/The Passing) with everyone though, even if we wiped the first time on the finale.


Staff member
Had a lot more fun doing the Double Feature (The Sacrifice/The Passing) with everyone though, even if we wiped the first time on the finale.
I'd have liked to come along for that, but you guys had 4, and I needed to hurry up and get this footage out the door so I can get back to working on HFA before Amy drives her jeep into my living room and claims it was hacked.
It seemed like H!TG!RL was getting headshots with a hunting rifle, while hopping backwards. That's just fucking impressive.


Staff member
why would you do this.
I get jumping out of planes, but jumping out of a jeep driven out of a plane? Why?
Because the jeep won't have a parachute, so it'd be best not to be inside it when it impacts the top of the Gas Bandit's skull.
but why bother with a jeep at all if its just going to get crushed?
Grandstanding mixed with plausible deniability.
When they interview you after discovering your Jeep in the smoking crater that used to be the Gasbandit hideout, and ask you how it ended up there, you casually reply, "It was hacked" while hoping they don't find your parachute hidden in the bushes down the road.
That way, @GasBandit's post comes true in a way that fits with your aerial photo.

I'm out for at least three more hours. Maybe less if the wind doesn't die down, but still not anytime soon.