Zap’s Miscellaneous 2.0


Staff member
I haven’t had much additional art to post over the last couple years due to an intense workload, but now I have some opportunities to create standalone pieces again! I would have just used the original thread, but Photobucket ate half the pictures, so we start from scratch!

Where are they hosted? It's just blanks for me. I want to know who's getting blocked.

EDIT: Wait, never mind. It's just taking forever to load.



Staff member
Started playing around building a new EDH deck, and Vela the Nightclad caught my interest.

I feel like there’s better/more idiomatic ways to say it (that I can’t think of), but it’s close enough to get the point across.



Staff member
I’ve come up with perhaps my most ridiculous character ever, one that practically screams “Comicsgate parody”.



Staff member

I figured out how to get buttery-smooth lines in Procreate, and drew a character from one of the other comic projects I’ve had in the idea bank...and I’ve got the itch to realize that comic...