Will Smith's Daughter as Annie

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Staff member
I find it interesting that the same people getting riled up at the suggestion that a white character be played a white actor were recently oppositely getting riled up at the temerity of having Asian characters played by white kids.


I was actually excited when I heard this. I think that kid will do a fine job as Annie. I don't care if she had to audition or not. I have as of yet never cared how any actor in any movie I have ever seen got their part.* I don't see why I would start now with this kid.

I just hope they have the music.

*I just realized there is one. Keanu Reeves as Don John in Much Ado About Nothing. WTF?!


Small complaint, but I'd really rather see an older actor play the father.

I'm sure the film will meet expectations, I had no problem with choice of Annie but surprisngly not on board with the Daddy choice.
Wait.. the kid doesn't only get her daddy to BUY her a major movie role, she also gets to decide on the casting!?!?

Jesus titty-fucking christ
Wait.. the kid doesn't only get her daddy to BUY her a major movie role, she also gets to decide on the casting!?!?

Jesus titty-fucking christ
.....No, she doesn't. A reporter asked her who she'd want to play the role. Her father may take the suggestion, Pitt might get the role offered to him...or she might be ignored.
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