who has two thumbs and a brand new 360? (reccomendations thread)

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This guy!


Its about goddamn time! i need reccomendations people. i'm especially looking for rpgs. any stuff on the marketplace thing or arcade is welcome too.

so far i has Cod4, Mass effect and Forza 3.
RPGs other than Mass Effect? Oblivion & Fallout 3

Other cool games to take a look at: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, Portal (found either in the Orange Box w/ Half-Life 2 & episodes 1 & 2 or downloaded separately), Halo 3 & ODST (only if you've played & enjoyed the first 2 Halos)
Here are a few good games (that haven't been mentioned yet) off the top of my head.

Eternal Sonata



Soulcalibur IV


Miner Dig Deep

Fallout 3

Bomberman Live

The next two are technically for the original Xbox but they both are awesome games and they still play on the Xbox 360.

Knights of the Old Republic

Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords
I'm gonna second the Saints Row 2 recommendation. I got alot of gameplay out of that, especially since it played like ass on the PC

Kitty Sinatra

I'm gonna second the Saints Row 2 recommendation. I got alot of gameplay out of that, especially since it played like ass on the PC
The only flaw in the game I've found is the dearth of clothes I can buy for my character. I'd like to spend more time dressing him/her up but there's just not enough variety.


I'd recommend Force Unleashed GOTY edition, Fallout 3.

The bonus levels on the force unleashed goty edition are cool although temple and the hoth level are the best.

But you got a 360? You sad sad man. This is indeed a sad day.
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