Weird things that have happened to you during the week

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I'm bored and at work...figured I'd kill time this way

Here's a list of odd things that have happened to me so far this week

1) Received 4 death threats from insane clown posse fans for saying their band sucks, along with one threat that they'd gang rape my sister (I don't have one)

2) I was asked at work if by dying my hair black I was trying to look Spanish. It's not, it's to hide the fact that I'm going grey early >_>

3) I was given an extra large pizza by my boss in thanks for covering the shifts of 4 people last week, pulling 17 hour days.

Anyone else have anything weird they'd like to list?


1) Some jackass walked up to me on the street and insulted my favorite band, so I told him I'd rape his sister
2) Same jackass is dying his hair to look Spanish, I hate those bleeding heart liberals who want to be European
3) Put laxatives on some poor schmucks pizza in the break room.

I'm sorry that I did the obvious joke

Learning the ASL sign for "Sundance" from Bryan Singer.

(Okay, so it's just SUN + DANCE but still.)


On a more serious note

I don't work during the summer and have only just started to prepare for classes starting this month so I went to a meeting of faculty. We just got a new principle and they started instituting new policies that aren't necessarily popular. We have a program called the International Baccalaureate and because of budget we had, until just recently, not renewed the contracts of several of its teachers. In order to fill the classrooms the choir and theatre teachers were pulled to teach them unless they could fill more theatre and choir classes, which had been on the decline. The good news is that the teachers were all brought back this year so the classes have their normal teachers. Oddly enough the new Principal is still demanding that the choir classes fill or the teachers take over some of the AIM history classes. Now I'm not one to argue with the administration but those two teachers have been here longer than any other educator on campus and one of them is not far from retiring. They should be shown a measure of respect and be allowed to keep their classes even if they're not as full as they were a few years ago. I confronted the guy about this and he told me in no kind terms that I could mind my own subject to which I reminded him I was involved as a History teacher. He didn't take this well and I got in one little fight and my mom got scared and said you're moving with your aunt and uncle in belair. I begged and pleaded with her day after day but she packed up suitcase and sent me on my way, she gave me a kiss and she gave me a ticket, I put my Walkman on and said might as well kick it. First class, yo dis is bad, drinking orange juice out of a champagne glass. Is this what the people of bel-air livin' like? Hey, this might be all right. But wait, I hear their prissy, Bourgeois and all that, is this the kind of place that they should send this cool cat? I don't think so I'll see when I get there, hope they're prepared for the prince of bel-air. The plane landed and when I got out there was a dude looked like a cop standing there with my name out, I ain't tryin' to get arrested yet I just got here so I sprang like a flash, like lightning disappeared. I whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said fresh and there were dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare, but nah, yo home to bel-air. I pulled up to the house about seven or eight and I yelled to the cabby "Yo homes, smell ya later." I looked at my kingdom I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the prince of bel-air.
Twitch said:
On a more serious note

I don't work during the summer and have only just started to prepare for classes starting this month so I went to a meeting of faculty. We just got a new principle and they started instituting new policies that aren't necessarily popular. We have a program called the International Baccalaureate and because of budget we had, until just recently, not renewed the contracts of several of its teachers. In order to fill the classrooms the choir and theatre teachers were pulled to teach them unless they could fill more theatre and choir classes, which had been on the decline. The good news is that the teachers were all brought back this year so the classes have their normal teachers. Oddly enough the new Principal is still demanding that the choir classes fill or the teachers take over some of the AIM history classes. Now I'm not one to argue with the administration but those two teachers have been here longer than any other educator on campus and one of them is not far from retiring. They should be shown a measure of respect and be allowed to keep their classes even if they're not as full as they were a few years ago. I confronted the guy about this and he told me in no kind terms that I could mind my own subject to which I reminded him I was involved as a History teacher. He didn't take this well and I got in one little fight and my mom got scared and said you're moving with your aunt and uncle in belair. I begged and pleaded with her day after day but she packed up suitcase and sent me on my way, she gave me a kiss and she gave me a ticket, I put my Walkman on and said might as well kick it. First class, yo dis is bad, drinking orange juice out of a champagne glass. Is this what the people of bel-air livin' like? Hey, this might be all right. But wait, I hear their prissy, Bourgeois and all that, is this the kind of place that they should send this cool cat? I don't think so I'll see when I get there, hope they're prepared for the prince of bel-air. The plane landed and when I got out there was a dude looked like a cop standing there with my name out, I ain't tryin' to get arrested yet I just got here so I sprang like a flash, like lightning disappeared. I whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said fresh and there were dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare, but nah, yo home to bel-air. I pulled up to the house about seven or eight and I yelled to the cabby "Yo homes, smell ya later." I looked at my kingdom I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the prince of bel-air.
I got tired head reading this. Enter and properly spaced paragraphs are your friend. Walls of text...not so much.


I had a police car roll up on me and I was surrounded by three officers yesterday.

They asked me questions like, "Do you live around here?" and "Let me see ID?".

I was cool, calm and collected. I explained I do live around here. I had to ask twice what this was all about. I think when they figured I wasnt there guy, they started talking.

It would seem I met the description of someone from a domestic dispute that morning. I wished them luck on catching the guy and went off to work. On my way to work, I thought about it. I havent been stopped by the cops since I was a teenager. It was an odd way to start the day. And if there is someone out there who did a domestic dispute and looked like me....he must be a damn good looking guy. :heythere:
Week has been pretty uneventful, just working around the house and trying out the new WoW patch. I did have a panic attack this morning that made me feel tight in my chest and light in my head, almost passed out a few times. I feel a lot better now.


Staff member
Got a bad case of flu, starting two days back. I'm still under the weather, my voice not rising above whisper level and constant coughing and sneezing bugging me.

This lead to two things in my mind:
1.) Fear that I had caught the swine flu at the 'Con last weekend.
2.) Wondering why karma hates my efforts at losing weight. A friend gave me a week-long trial membership at his gym, starting last Sunday. And I only managed to go once before the flu kicked in =(


I got my hair cut for the first time in 5 years on Friday. I've gone from having hair just shy of my waist to no hair on my head at all. Best bit was I made sure no one knew I was planning it then went to my works pay day night out, was a fun night watching peoples faces as they go from trying to work out who this bald guy talking to them is to realising it's me.

Also my own mum failed to recognise me until I actually started talking too her.

Good times :D


Staff member
I've created a new game called "Guess what's stuck in my wisdom teeth holes."

My girlfriend doesn't like playing it.


I have a few minutes to myself.


I'll be in my bunk.
I got a call from the daughter of the international CEO of our company (5000 employees in Belgium, some...70,000 worldwide?), from Canada. She needed to get in touch with her father in an emergency. Apparently, if you're in Canada, and you need to contact your father, you don't need to have his home number or cell phone number, you just call the national department of whatever country your father's business is in, and ask them to relay you. That was....Odd.
In other news, you know, see the Rant thread. Exes with miscarriages who claim it was mine and all that.


Staff member
:confused: Dang.

I wish I had something to write here, but it's just been the same old same old. The paint fumes at my office are starting to make the place a little more "spinny" at times...
Went to North America's oldest annual sporting event today, the Royal St. John's Regatta. The weirdest part about it is that I've lived so close to it for the last 20 years, and I only just went for the first time today.

Spent the afternoon talking with my friend Zach. He's always a great guy to talk to.

Started to read Either/Or by Soren Kiergegaard again. Gave up last time about 1/5 of the way in. Man that book kicks my ass. But I can grasp it a bit better this time.
Almost got sprayed by a skunk. I was walking down the trail wondering why it was all tore up, when out of nowhere a skunk ran out onto the trail in front of me and started staring me down. I yelled at my dog and ran the other way. Thankfully my dog has gotten over the whole "Hey look it's a cat, I'm gonna go smell it's butt" phase.
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