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This Sucks thread




So, I have to get something off my chest that's more than a rant or a whine. Feel free to use this thread in the future for any of life's "this sucks" moments.

My best friend of 20+ years and best man at my wedding went to the ER on Friday due to migraines that have steadily gotten worse since January. He'd been seeing a neurologist, but the Dr. never ordered a CT scan for God know's why.

The ER did a scan, found a mass on his brain, and scheduled emergency surgery for Monday.

He had a stroke on Sunday and they rushed him to emergency surgery. While he initially was looking good after it, he wouldn't wake up from his medically induced coma, and as of 2 hours ago, his wife has posted that he's taken a turn for the worse.

I'm not the kind of guy that believes in prayer or anything. He's 1500 miles away, so I can't even go visit him. It fucking sucks.




Oh my god, I'm so sorry Tinwhistler. :(




That's just awful. I don't know what to say. I'm so sorry.




That sucks. So does this: My 6 year old son's best friend from school last year moved three hours away but we stay in touch. His best friend's mom was just diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer. She starts chemo this week. Her kids are 5 and 2. Fuck cancer.




Fuck Cancer is right! My dad is having surgery tomorrow morning to remove cancer and some of his bowel :(




Shit. Sorry to hear the all-around bad news. Cancer is a bastard of a disease, and sadly our treatments are mostly barbaric at-best. I hope for speedy recoveries. Fuck cancer.




He passed away about an hour ago.




He passed away about an hour ago.
When I was younger, I thought becoming an adult would mean seeing your grandparents pass on and then your parents etc. I was not and still not prepared to see my peers and their kids go. It's so sobering to realize how fragile we all are. Thinking about you Tin.







Fuck cancer. Family friend, sister of my best friend, has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Surgery scheduled for Thursday.




Fuck cancer. Family friend, sister of my best friend, has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Surgery scheduled for Thursday.
Oh so THAT'S what the message was about.





Time to resurrect the thread.

One of my step-sons (ex, I guess..they're still my sons, regardless) wife/baby mama/whatever had a series of strokes a couple of weeks ago. She has been hospitalized ever since. She's under 30. They have a daughter that's only a few years old.

She was making some marginal improvements, but recently had a seizure and has taken a turn for the worst. I don't think anyone is expecting a good outcome at this point.


Celt Z

Celt Z

I'm so sorry to hear that, Tin. I lost 2 of my friends from high school in their late 20's/early 30's in similar situations. The only difference is, sadly, in both their cases, just one stroke took them in their sleep. There was no hope of recovery. On the other hand, while both were married, neither had had children at that point.




She evidently had a small one in her sleep, and didn't know it. She got up and started gathering laundry when the next one hit her and she fell out




she passed this morning.





This guy was the front man for The Flying Fish Sailors, a comedy Renaissance band I first saw in 1995--and the band that was the inspiration behind me taking up the tinwhistle.
