There's More Than One Way to Fail a Listen Check (OotS 9/09/09)

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OotS 676: There's more than 1 way to fail a listen check

It's still on the front page and EVERYTHING, Dave.


Staff member
OotS 676: There's more than 1 way to fail a listen check

God damn it. I looked twice, too. Time to merge like the little bitch I am.
I am surprised that you didn't merge my thread into yours to make it look like yours was here first


Staff member
Hee hee hee... Lizard mammaries were indeed a big topic when the dragonborn were presented. ^^

Also, I'm beginning to think there's something greater afoot with Shojo's cat. I mean seriously, would an ordinary housecat stick so long with a group of people who put themselves (and the property values of anything nearby) in mortal danger for fun and profit?
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