The Old Republic Documentary - Voices. (gameplay footage)

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This video is the one that has mercilessly pushed me into the hype machine. The sense I'm getting from the footage is that the game is aspiring to be KotOR, gameplay and story-wise, and just adds a MMO feature. It looks pretty impressive to me, especially if there are going to be big storylines shared between classes.

What has really made me excited is the coop nature that is being shown here. The Sith and the Bounty Hunter are both player characters, and the players are rolling for who gets to say the next dialogue, instead of all of it being tied to a single character. I really like the future, and am looking forward to playing a quest with friends, and all of them being involved in the story.

And player characters are voiced as well... heh, who'd have thought?
So....this is like a single player rpg but not? And Steve Blum, oh how you are the least versatile voice actor ever.
I never got the uncanny valley thing... they don't look "freaky", just stilted, which only bother me if the animation is really bad...


The VO (Voice Over) project looks pretty cool. While I think it is awesome that they will pre-record voice for everything, can you imagine how many files would that be? would this be "real time" load? changes? updates? Patches (with voices) would even be larger (I know a voice file is not that big but when compound with every single NPC or even adding a single NPC with all possible voices and such for different characters...... it adds up)
@Li3n said:
I never got the uncanny valley thing... they don't look "freaky", just stilted, which only bother me if the animation is really bad...
Uncanny valley doesn't necessarily mean "creepy," just "off," which has just as much to do with animation as it does with the modeling itself. Part of the reason for the Uncanny valley is that the more realistic the model, the more pieces there are to animate correctly and the harder it is to get it all right.
It just looks off and weird in a particular way. I think it is because it gets really near a realistic look, but because of the complexity needed it ends up feeling unnatural and, as you said, weird.
By "off" i meant "distracting"... as opposed to "bad = crappy"! I guess weird would count....

But as i said, i had no problem with the FF movie or plenty of other examples that are given for the uncanny valley... some where fine while others just had bad CGI... people just tend to overthink stuff i guess....
Oh! Sorry then, I didn't get you. But also then, there you got the difference between what you meant and the uncanny valley.

Was FF uncanny valley-esque? I had no problem with it either...
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