The OLD Halforum XBL/PSN/Steam/Etc Username Thread

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Skrattybones said:
Up to date as of this post. Man, I hope the first post doesn't run out of space -- I didn't think to make some [Placeholder] posts in case that happens. :paranoid:
If that happens, you could just start a new thread, have that one stickied, and let this one die.


Halforum: EpicEpileptic
XBL: Coming soon (hopefully in Feb)


Halforum Username: Dusty668
Steam username (never on it tho): Dusty668
City of Heroes/Villains: @talivar & @Aloenia
Can you change mine?

Halforum: Escushion
Steam: Captain Esc

I changed it realizing no one on Team Fortress 2 and Left 4 Dead could pronounce my alias.

Skrattybones said:
Also, ZenMonkey, I notice you have Carcassonne. We totally need to have a match sometime.
Oh cool...after I play Neon in Uno, you're on!
hey we have one of these at my place now. My roommate got a 360 so I occasionally play TF2 on there.

If you are ever playing against someone with the username "DudeMasterSlam", that might be me. If he's doing well, its probably not.


Steam: The_Chakz
Guildwars: Chakz Daman

*sigh* I don't play many video games online as of late.
Wow, not many PSN people.

Forum: Bowielee
WoW: Poppit, Ashraa - Ghostlands server/ Halverise- Twisting Nether server
Steam: Creepshow
PSN: Darsiek
Games for Windows Live: Darsiek (looked it up and changed it)
Forum: tinwhistler
Xbox Live:Irish Whistler

Steam: gmahan
yahoo: malfean_slaanesh
wow: Stanis realm: SilverMoon, inactive about 2 years :)

Kitty Sinatra

Suppose I should add my name here, too.

Halforum name: Gruebeard
Steam name: Gruebeard
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