Taking the Destruction of the Death Star out of Star Wars IV

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this will be a long post please pack a lunch

An Idea I had for either fan fic or if Lucas were ever to reshoot the Original Trilogy was to move the ultimate destruction of the Death Star to Jedi rather then in Star Wars (I'll never call it A New Hope). I'm aware that this is a pretty massive change to the mythos but I wanted to ask your guys opinions on the change I would make to the three starting with Star Wars first I'll post my thoughts on the others later.

Star Wars-

Proceeds pretty much as we have seen it but the major change is that the Death Star has not been discovered by the Rebels yet so Leias ship is being attacked not because she has the plans but the Empire is killing or and imprisoning all the memebers of the Alderan Royal Family as they have just been discovered to be the head or at the very lest mostly in charge of the growing rebellion. Leia gets the message to Ben through r2 still but it's to plead with him to help and take charge of the rebellion or at the very least to save the rest of her family. Luke still runs into Ben, They still meet up with Han and set course for Alderan.

Leia is a prisoner on the Death Star which she still thinks is just a large military ship till Tarkin reveals the True size and scope of it too her just before he makes her watch as the Death Star blows up Alderan as it's first test of it's laser ( I should mention here that the DS looks more like it did in Jedi rather then completly built, yet all systems and sheilds work.) Tarkin informs leia that he had wanted her to see the true power of the Death Star before he had her excuted so in her final hours she would know that all is lost.

Falcon shows up. Asteroid field. Captured by Death Star. They still hide in the Falcon and then sneak onto the Death Star with a mad plan to blow it up or something. R2 Discovers that Leia is on board and while patching into the system this is where R2 discovers and downloads the schematics for the plans with the exhaust port vulnerability. They rescue Leia, Ben shuts down the tractor beam and also manages to overload the primary fire systems for the planet killing laser severally crippling it for the time being (the laser would be crippled till the start of Jedi, not able to blow up planets but still able to take out a capitol ship or star destroy sized ship with one shot, so not a planet killer till the laser is repaired but still a massive threat.) Ben confronts Vadar to cover the Falcons escape. Longer more involved fight than the original yet Ben still sacrifices himself to save the others (his death causes a tremor in the force which would be the begining of the balance coming back to the force and allows ben to make it harder for vadar to use the force to locate luke for a little while.)

Here is where some of the major changes begin to come into play.

As the Falcon is fleeing Ben appears to luke as a force ghost and informs him that he must go to yoda on Deigobah to complete his training, also I would have hinted earlier in the film that it was Bens intention from the start to take luke to Yoda so they could both train him (this would remove Luke from Hoth at the Start of Empire yes but the Hoth attack would still go down as it did although I think the time line will have to be speed up a bit so empire would start sooner after Star Wars Rather then 3 yrs later. also we could reveal that the hoth attack was less about attacking the rebels at their newest base but more that Vadar has finally discovered the identity of Luke and is attacking his friends to force luke to come to him)

Luke protests but ben insists, search your feelings, you must prepare to face Vadar, yours and vadars destinys are linked yada yada (This would be the first hint that Ben was always planning to reveal that vadar was lukes daddy just wanted to prepare him first and get him started on his journey as a balanced Jedi first. also here is where I would reveal that ben had intended to begin training luke as a baby on Tattoine but it was Yoda who spoke to ben through the force saying that Ben must wait it would be to dangerous to train luke at that time he would have been discovered and put to death by the emperor and if balance is to be returned to the force luke must not bear the burden of his fathers sins)

I'm still thinking about the ending and kinda rushing through this post but luke is with yoda by the end of the movie, Han has been redeemed and returned after leaving the rebels with his payment and the begining of his and Leias romance starts here.( also getting luke out of the picture so we can kinda side step the whole shes his sister issue)

So some of the ending details are fuzzy but I still want luke to have his big OMG I can use the force and here is a larger world for me moment so I was thinking that he has a big epic action scene where has he is trying to get to a ship he comes across 20-30 StormTroopers that any second know are going to burn through that giant door in front of them and capture and kill Leia and the rest of the rebellions leaders. Conflicted with fear and only a light saber with him he very nearly freaks out, yet Ben speaks to him Use the Force, stretch out with your feelings, allow the force to flow through you. Luke resolutely steps out to confront the Troopers, who are still to focused on the door to see him. Plants his feet firmly, big breath, closes his eyes and ignites the Light Saber. All hell breaks lose as the Troopers turn to fire on him, laser blasts everywhere, and like a blinding cyclone Storm Trooper killing machine. The force flowing through him he is unstoppable there is panic and chaos everywhere. Behind the door the rebel leaders have paused for a moment whatching in awe at the power this little farm boy seems to be wielding as he cuts through storm troppers left and right. As much as the Death Star in the sky is aportent of doom and hoplessness. Lukes actions that day, putting himself in the line of fire to save is friends and the cause they believe in gives A New Hope to the tired rebel leaders that they are not defeated yet.

There are a lot of holes I left out and this post is a freaking novel but what do you guys think.

Also real quick I wanted to add that Lukes big moment does not mean he is and ass kicker from here on out but consider more like first time lucky but with the force backing him up, like if you have ever done a back flip or skate board trick before and did it perfectly once but still had to practice to consistently do it time after time.

The only question I would have is...why? Why would we even WANT a Star Wars remake?

If they did a remake and didn't blow up the death star you'd hear a million nerds screaming about their childhoods being raped.
Edrondol said:
If they did a remake and didn't blow up the death star you'd hear a million nerds screaming about their childhoods being raped.
Thus eliminating the virgin population once and for all!

I'm failing to see downsides here.


I was just what ifing here with my post I love Star Wars and was just thinking that the first 3 movies biggest weakness is that Lucas did not realize that Star Wars would be such a hit and he would have more than one chance to explore and tell stories in this universe. If they were to be remade it would be great to be able to know where the story was going and the be able to forshadow some future story elements and eliminate some of the more problem ones, like Ben being made to look like a lying liar in Star Wars because Vadar was not made to be lukes father until the very end of the writing process for Empire. Lucas even admits that another script writer came up with that and he liked it and ran with it


Hey all are child hood memories have been raped or going too so whats to stop star wars from getting a remake.

I wouldn't mind a retelling of the star wars universe the entire saga.

Like how Luke could begin his training earlier on Dagobah than later and Han paying off his debt to Jaba.


Edrondol said:
The only question I would have is...why? Why would we even WANT a Star Wars remake?

I have no idea whats with the non SW fans demanding a remake in the forums ecently, but theres no need for one. The SW Universe is huge, canon, with few continuity problems that havent been fixed, and with many great sagas, so why the hell remake it?



one, that is the creepiest avatar ever. And I'm not demanding a remake I was just thinking about what changes would be made if they did and this is how I would do it. My friends and I were talking and I thought we came up with some neat options but it all just talk and because it is fun. As a fan of sci fi we talk about stuff like this all the time and as a fan of Star Wars I think about stuff like this alot


curbstreet said:

one, that is the creepiest avatar ever. And I'm not demanding a remake I was just thinking about what changes would be made if they did and this is how I would do it. My friends and I were talking and I thought we came up with some neat options but it all just talk and because it is fun. As a fan of sci fi we talk about stuff like this all the time and as a fan of Star Wars I think about stuff like this alot
Hrm - not really seeing the benefits. Bit too close to the original without much in the way of cool deviations. Might work better if you explored the consequences of the continued existence of the Death Star a little further - what could the Empire do with a ridiculously overgunned battlestation on their side? The Rebels would be at a serious disadvantage - the Battle of Hoth, for instance, might well turn from a mere defeat to an outright disaster, crippling or even destroying the Rebellion and leaving them with just one rookie Jedi as their ace in the hole.

I'd anticipate the primary result being a long-running shadow war as Luke and the remaining survivors try to reform an organised, covert resistance whilst staying out of sight of the victorious Imps. It'd likely be a lower-key, more personal tale than the original continuity, as the sheer psychological drain of keeping the cause alive in such a hopeless situation takes its toll on the Rebels (especially Luke; we all know how messy psychological issues can get for Jedi). That said, one wouldn't need to wholly skip on the action by any means - indeed, the Rebs would practically be mandated to pull off even more spectacular and audacious stunts to pull themselves out of their hole. It has promise, in the right hands - all you need is a whole lot of imagination and just a little crazy.

Incidentally, if you have plans for writing fanfic, I would seriously recommend polishing up on your spelling and grammar. Just a tip.

... Yeah, I'm a fanficcer. Memo to the lynch mob - please form an orderly queue for your torches and pitchforks. No shoving.


Well, in the case of a "What if" scenario, go ahead, I suggest making a comic script and getting an artist, as Star Wars is a very visual Universe, and also reading these-



Sorry about my spelling and grammer. I get excited while thinking of ideas and it's harder to slow down and speed check for me on a computer then with pencil and paper.

My thought was not to have these be totally remakes and to keep as much as possible while adding some things and making some characters more noble from the begining. I also would address the long term emotional drain on the Rebels of the Death STar being out there but also play up a bit more on why Luke has such an inspiring effect on those around him and is the New Hope.


Or, and just try to go with me on this for a moment, you can leave the characters as they were so we can see that personal growth in them. The financial drain of two Deathstars makes a larger impact on the Empire, giving the Rebels the advantage they needed at the end of Ep. 6.

Also, fuck yo Rebellion!


curbstreet said:

Sorry about my spelling and grammer. I get excited while thinking of ideas and it's harder to slow down and speed check for me on a computer then with pencil and paper.

My thought was not to have these be totally remakes and to keep as much as possible while adding some things and making some characters more noble from the begining. I also would address the long term emotional drain on the Rebels of the Death STar being out there but also play up a bit more on why Luke has such an inspiring effect on those around him and is the New Hope.
Maybe it's just personal preference, but the big draw of this sort of thing for me is what changes, not what stays the same. Again, what are you adding to the table that makes it a new and interesting experience? If you just want more of the original goodness, then... well, we already have the films for that.

I certainly don't deny that this alternate continuity would be more Luke-centric, both in-universe and otherwise. I'm just saying that as he exerts more influence on the universe (and rebuilding the Rebellion almost from scratch would most definitely coumnt), so would the universe exert more influence on him. Then again, I have a habit of making characters suffer, especially those who don't deserve it; for instance, in chapter twenty-three of my current, ongoing fanfic (which I should really upload more of to the relevant thread in the 'Share Your Stuff forum - my bad), I have one of the main characters, an expert in non-lethal combat with a thing about taking other people's lives, forced to mercy-kill (among others) her own adoptive son and daughter.

... Yeah, I'm a bastard like that. :twisted:
The changes in question strike me as kinda odd. The general story arc was fine. I can see the appeal of a more oppressive psychodrama atmosphere, but this seems like a lot of changes for the sake of change rather than to make the story actually better.

I actually AM heavily in favor of a star wars remake approximately 50 years from now, when everyone who has the original embedded as a childhood memory is dead, Lucas is gone, and CGI has progressed to the point where we can perfectly recreate everything that was good about the original movies while changing anything that was lame or didn't make sense.

There are certain things the new movies include that I actually like (R2D2 knowing everything the whole time, Ben knowing R2D2, Ben not liking flying) but never get addressed in the original movies because they were made up after the fact. There's also a lot of little things like Vader sending minions who kill his semi-step-father-and-step-step-mother on the planet he was raised on and not even noticing.

Most importantly, though, is that Vader gets set up in the prequel trilogy to be the ultimate badass of the universe, and then.... is a guy in a rubber suit flailing around.

So one major thing I'd like to fix is the intro scene in A New Hope. Instead of the stormtroopers showing up and slaughtering everyone and Vader just waltzing in afterwards, have the rebels initially seem to be holding off the imperials... until Vader shows up, sends everyone flying into the walls at skull-cracking speed, and then force grips the last guy (instead of picking him up with his hands... why would Vader even bother with that?) when he's interrogating him.

I'd also include a scene where the Stormtroopers are at Owen/Buru's house, having just killed everyone, and they report back to Vader "sir, we've tracked the droids to a farmstead. Owen residence... blah blah something about droids still gone." And then for a few seconds the camera just stares at Vader's inscrutable face back on the ship, letting the viewer decide whether he's completely callous or if some part of him still cares.


Vader had a step mother? (step-father having died off camera since he wasn't in A New Hope, I assume)


Staff member
I would take issue with Luke plowing through a whole platoon. I know--EU nuts will hate me for saying it again--but I like the movies' portrayal of the Force as an augmenter, not a god-like ability. Jedi are like human+, not supermen. Plus, you've got an issue then with power overload, because if Luke can do that, what can Vader or the Emperor do?
First off, Vader was immaculately conceived.

I wasn't sure what the proper terminology was for his mother's new husband's son and his wife (I realize step father is completely inaccurate. Brother in law might be closer). Uncle Owen and Aunt Buru, whatever their relationship to him was, they were his last connection to his mother and he should have briefly pondered the fact that he killed them.


Staff member
I could see Star Wars eventually be re-imagined, with its story elements tightened and focused. I don't see how it's much different as rebooting say, Batman. Eventually (I know, it already has) Star Wars will become so ingrained into the pop-cultural landscape that it's mythology will be able to be adjusted for a re-imagining. Star Wars is one of our contemporary mythologies...why not fuck around with it a little bit?
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